Pink Mink

Pink mink (Protea neriifolia), also known as oleanderleaf protea, blue sugarbush, oleander-leaved sugarbush, or narrow-leaf sugarbush, is a flowering plant in the Protea genus that is native to Africa.

Pink Mink

The Protea genus includes over 92 varieties[1], subspecies, and species. It is a tall, upright shrub or tree that grows to about 3 to 5 meters tall.

Blue Sugarbush

The stems become hairless (glabrous) when ripe. The leaves are “sessile“, which means that they do not have a petiole. These leaves curl upward diagnostically. They are elliptical in shape, green or blue-gray in color, and their edges are parallel.

Oleanderleaf Protea

Pink Mink has lots of beautiful, flattened bud flowers with shell pink undertones and pink centers at the tips of the stems. They bloom from late spring to mid-fall. The flower colors range from silvery pink through creamy green to a deep carmine.

Protea Neriifolia

Suggested Reading: Classes of Flowers

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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, January 15). Pink mink. Bio Explorer. "Pink mink" Bio Explorer, 15 January 2025, "Pink mink" Bio Explorer, January 15 2025.
Key References
  • [1]“Protea neriifolia | PlantZAfrica”. Accessed December 02, 2021. Link.


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