
Dodder (Cuscuta cephalanthi) belongs to a genus of over 200 species[1] of obligate air-parasitic plants in the Convolvulaceae family. The genus is found in all tropical to temperate regions, with the most incredible biodiversity of species in the tropics and subtropics.

Dodder Flowers

Dodder’s unique appearance comprises primarily bare, orange, or yellow, leafless stems and tendrils with tiny scales instead of leaves. Dodder has been given many familiar names to indicate its slim appearance: witch’s hair, strangle weed, lady’s laces, hairweed, goldthread, devil’s ringlet, devil’s hair, angel hair, and many more.

Dodder Flower Clusters

Usually, the tangled stems are orange in hue. Still, they can also be greenish, whitish, or yellowish, or even purple or red in color.

Dodder Flowers

A dodder plant looks like a thick yellow thread tangled in undergrowth. Many of them crawl through the bushes to form blankets that look like tons of wet Excelsiors.

The slender, scale-like leaves are nearly invisible, while the numerous small, waxy, creamy petal clusters of 5 flowers followed by 1/8-inch pods are more noticeable. Dodder flowers appear in greenish-yellow or white clusters.

Suggested Reading: All flowers list
Bell-shaped Flowers

Bell-Shaped Flowers

The bell-shaped flowers are trendy because they are known for their beauty, colors, and variations. Featuring green, blue, purple, white, pink, and many colors, these bell-resembling flowers are used for many purposes such as decoration, using it in weddings, making wreaths, and lovely gifts.

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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, March 07). Dodder. Bio Explorer. "Dodder" Bio Explorer, 07 March 2025, "Dodder" Bio Explorer, March 07 2025.
Key References
  • [1]“Dodder – Bugwoodwiki”. Accessed November 02, 2021. Link.


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