Bee Balm

Bee Balm is the ideal plant for pollinators. It is sometimes grown in medicinal and edible gardens for its ability to attract butterflies and bees.

Bee Balm Flower

Also known as monarda, Oswego tea, and bergamot, this flowering plant has long been utilized in households across North America. The Monarda genus contains about 21 species[1] of flowering herbs.

Bee Balm

Native to North and South America, the Bee Balm played a vital role in indigenous ceremonies before the arrival of European settlers. Now it’s a pretty cosmopolitan plant.

Bergamot Flower

This powerfully scented plant has a strong mint flavor that is said to be closer to oregano. The flowers typically grow on upright shrubs that look like herbs.

Monarda Flower

The flowers are fuchsia to red, pink to purple, with spikes making them look like fireworks explosions.

Oswego Tea Flower

Traditionally, Bee balm is available in red, the color of love. However, it can also be found in white, pink, and purple. Bee balm makes an excellent filler for bouquets. Its flowers in the form of fireworks give the arrangements great depth.

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APA7MLA8Chicago (2024, December 22). Bee Balm. Bio Explorer. "Bee Balm" Bio Explorer, 22 December 2024, "Bee Balm" Bio Explorer, December 22 2024.
Key References
  • [1]“Bee Balms: Plant Care and Collection of Varieties –”. Accessed October 25, 2021. Link.


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