How To Become A Dermatologist?

How to become a dermatologist?

How To Become A Dermatologist? A dermatologist is a physician who deals with the diseases of the skin, as well as problems with hair and nails.

Dermatology is a specialty that borders with other fields; most notable oncology, as a dermatologist, has to be able to diagnose skin cancers.

Suggested Reading: Types of Skin Cells

How To Become A Dermatologist?

In order to have a career as a dermatologist, a prospective student should:

  • Complete a Bachelor degree that includes Biology, Organic Chemistry, and Physics courses;
  • Pass the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) exam for medical school.
  • Complete 4 years of training at a medical school or osteopathic school;
  • The medical school training would include rotations through several hospital departments;
  • Obtain a license that gives one the right to practice medicine;
  • Complete one year of general residency and 2 or 3 years of a specialized accredited residency in dermatology that involves 12,000-16,000 hours of caring for patients;

Join a fellowship in order to specialize in general dermatology or dermatological sub-specialty, for instance:

  • Blistering diseases;
  • Cutaneous lymphomas;
  • Dermatologic surgery;
  • Dermatopathology;
  • Esthetic dermatology;
  • Pediatric dermatology;
  • Autoimmune skin diseases such as Psoriasis;
  • Nail disorders;

Obtain certification from one of the two boards:

  • American Board of Dermatology;
  • American Osteopathic Board of Dermatology;

Become a fellow of the American Board of Dermatology (FAAD). Sit for a specialized dermatology exam every 10 years.

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Top 25 Integumentary System Facts (Skin Fun Facts)

The skin is the human body’s first line of defense against microorganisms, parasites, and the environment. Here are the top 25 integumentary system facts.

Average Salary Range in the USA

In 2019, the reported salary range for dermatologists in the United States was $293,900 and $399,300.

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APA7MLA8Chicago (2024, December 26). How To Become A Dermatologist?. Bio Explorer. "How To Become A Dermatologist?" Bio Explorer, 26 December 2024, "How To Become A Dermatologist?" Bio Explorer, December 26 2024.

Key References

  • “What is a dermatologist?”. Accessed November 16, 2019. Link.
  • “Subspecialties | Dermatology | Stanford Medicine”. Accessed November 16, 2019. Link.
  • “Dermatologist Salary |”. Accessed November 16, 2019. Link.


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