How to Become an Anesthesiologist?

How to become an anesthesiologist?

How to Become an Anesthesiologist? An anesthesiologist is a medical professional that specializes in sedation and pain reduction. Anesthesiologists work at surgery wards, pain clinics, intensive care units (ICUs), and oncology wards.

Among different kinds of doctors, Anesthesiologists play a significant role in pain management and also to put the patients under sedative sleep before major operations.

How to Become An Anesthesiologist?

In order to become an Anesthesiologist in the United States, the person needs to have a Bachelor’s degree and complete 8 years of postgraduate education and work.

  • A Bachelor’s degree in natural science or a degree that includes courses in physics, organic and inorganic chemistry, as well as biology, are preferable for admission to medical school.
  • In order to gain admission to medical school, one needs to pass the Medical College Admission Test or MCAT.
  • The person who wants to become an Anesthesiologist has to graduate from the Doctor of Medicine (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathy (OD) program.
  • In order to have the right to practice medicine, one needs to take the US Medical and Licensing Examination (USMLE) .
  • After graduation with the medical school diploma, the person needs to complete a 4-year residency in anesthesiology.
  • The residency can be followed by a specialized fellowship in obstetrics anaesthesiology, pain management, or pediatric anesthesiology or other anaesthesiology sub-specialties.
  • In order to officially practice anaesthesiology, it is necessary to be certified by the American Board of Anesthesiology (ABA).

To earn the ABA certification, the prospective Anesthesiologists must complete 3 exams :

  • Basic exam: It is taken in the 2nd year of residency and covers the scientific theory of anaesthesiology.
  • Advanced exam: This part covers both theoretical and clinical aspects of anaesthesiology. It is taken after residency completion.
  • Applied exam: It can be taken in 7 years after completion of the residency. Covers both oral examinations and clinical examinations.

There can also be additional exams for acquiring licensing in anesthesiology subspecialties.

How much do Anesthesiologists make annually?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary of Anesthesiologists was in the range between $133,080 to $267,020.

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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, March 07). How to Become an Anesthesiologist?. Bio Explorer. "How to Become an Anesthesiologist?" Bio Explorer, 07 March 2025, "How to Become an Anesthesiologist?" Bio Explorer, March 07 2025.

Key References

  • “Anesthesiologist: Education Requirements and Career Information”. Accessed November 14, 2019. Link.
  • “Anesthesiologist: Salary, Job Description and Education Requirements |”. Accessed November 14, 2019. Link.
  • “How to Become an Anesthesiologist”. Accessed November 14, 2019. Link.
  • “Anesthesiologists”. Accessed November 14, 2019. Link.


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