Common Chimpanzee

Kingdom Order Family Genus Species
Animalia Primates Hominidae Pan Pan troglodytes
IUCN Status: Endangered
  • Common Names: Chimp, Chimpanzee
  • Taxonomy Classification Year: 1799
  • Monkey Size: 63.5 to 92.5 cm (25.00 to 36.42 in)
  • Skin Color(s): Brown or black
  • Habitat: Forest, rainforest, scrub forest
  • Diet: Omnivorous
  • Native Countries: Sierra Leone, Angola, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of Congo

Chimpanzee Distribution

Common Chimpanzee Characteristics

Common Chimpanzee

The chimpanzee[1], also known simply as the chimp, is a species of great ape native to the forests and savannas of tropical Africa.

  • Chimpanzees share over 98% of the same DNA as us. As a result, they are more closely related to humans than to orangutans or gorillas.
  • As infants, chimpanzees’ expressive, human-like faces are hairless and pink, as are their palms and soles.
  • However, as they grow older, that pink skin tone turns black. White beards adorn the lower part of the chin in females and males. The large ears framing the face of these primates give them an excellent hearing.
  • Chimpanzees’ forward-facing eyes are endowed with good visual and color vision, allowing them to focus on objects clearly.
  • A pronounced brow arch above the eyes suggests a thoughtful appearance. Their long, slender fingers, big toes, and opposable thumbs allow chimpanzees to grasp objects quickly.
  • A pelage of long, thin strands of black hair drapes their bodies, helping to keep chimpanzees warm at higher altitudes and to protect their skin from the sun.

What Do Chimpanzees Eat?

What Do Common Chimpanzees Eat?

The Chimpanzee nourishes on several animals and plants including[¶]:

  • Olive Baboon (Papio anubis).
  • Olive Colobus (Procolobus verus).
  • African Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis).
  • African Nutmeg (Pycnanthus angolensis).
  • Butter Tree (Pentadesma butyracea).
  • African Teak (Milicia excelsa).
  • Boleko Nut (Ongokea gore).
  • Velvet Tamarind (Dialium guineense).
  • Fig (Ficus)
  • Horsewood (Clausena anisata)
  • Pokeweed (Phytolacca)
  • Chinese Banyan (Ficus thonningii).
  • Calabash Nutmeg (Monodora myristica).
  • Broom Cluster Fig (Ficus sur).
  • Treebind (Cissus)
  • Raffia Palm (Raphia)
  • Red-Fruited Stinkwood (Celtis mildbraedii).
  • Olon Tendre (Zanthoxylum heitzii).
  • Djave (Baillonella toxisperma)
  • Tallow Tree (Allanblackia floribunda).
  • Trichilia (Trichilia)
  • Rattan Palm (Eremospatha macrocarpa).
  • Boarwood (Symphonia globulifera)
  • Emien (Alstonia boonei)
  • Tropical Almond (Terminalia)
  • Moambé Jaune (Annickia chlorantha).
  • Aframomum (Aframomum)
  • Umbrella-Tree (Maesopsis)
  • African Mammee-Apple (Mammea africana).
  • Inoi Nut (Poga oleosa).
  • Sasswood (Erythrophleum)
  • Paper Mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera).
  • White Star Apple (Chrysophyllum albidum).
  • Persimmons (Diospyros)
  • Insects Ailés (Pterygota)
  • Black Plum (Vitex doniana).
  • Hackberry (Celtis)
  • Milkwood (Tabernaemontana)
  • Nyasaland Mahogany (Khaya anthotheca).
  • Woodvine (Sabicea)
  • Bokso (Pennisetum purpureum)
  • Ohia (Celtis zenkeri)
  • Bread And Cheese (Paullinia pinnata).
  • Urera (Urera)
  • Wild Custard-Apple (Annona senegalensis).
  • Chinalaurel (Antidesma)
  • Mango (Mangifera indica)
  • Leaf Flower (Phyllanthus)
  • Mulberry (Morus)
  • Umbrella Tree (Musanga cecropioides).
  • Ivory Coast Raphia Palm (Raphia hookeri).
  • African Breadfruit (Treculia africana).
  • Sudan Raphia Palm (Raphia sudanica).
  • Rattan (Eremospatha cabrae)

Common Chimpanzee Facts

Common Chimpanzee F

  • Chimpanzees and humans are thought to have a common ancestor that lived about eight million years ago.
  • Chimpanzees feed for six to eight hours daily, with peak activity in the early morning and late afternoon.
  • They follow a network of familiar trails and traverse most of this territory by walking on their knuckles.
  • Grooming is a favorite pastime for chimpanzees as it helps rid them of parasites and strengthen social bonds.
  • The innovative mastery of tool use and problem-solving skills of chimpanzees highlights the dimensions of their intelligence and draws comparisons to human intelligence.

Common Chimpanzees

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APA7MLA8Chicago (2024, December 22). Common Chimpanzee. Bio Explorer. "Common Chimpanzee" Bio Explorer, 22 December 2024, "Common Chimpanzee" Bio Explorer, December 22 2024.
Key References
  • [1]“Chimpanzee – Wisconsin National Primate Research Center – UW-Madison”. Accessed October 18, 2022. Link.
  • [¶] – Fricke, E.C., Svenning, J. Accelerating homogenization of the global plant-frugivore meta-network. Nature 585, 74-78 (2020).
  • [¶] – Seltzer, Carrie; Wysocki, William; Palacios, Melissa; Eickhoff, Anna; Pilla, Hannah; Aungst, Jordan; Mercer, Aaron; Quicho, Jamie; Voss, Neil; Xu, Man; J. Ndangalasi, Henry; C. Lovett, Jon; J. Cordeiro, Norbert (2015): Plant-animal interactions from Africa. figshare. De Boer, W.F. and Ntumi, C.P. and Correia, A.U. and Mafuca, J.M., 2000. Diet and distribution of elephant in the Maputo Elephant Reserve; Mozambique. African Journal of Ecology, 38(3), pp.188-201.
  • [¶] – fgabriel1891/Palm-Frugivore_Interactions_Neo-AfrotropicsCarvalho, Joana S.; Vicente, Luis; Marques, Tiago A.. 2015. Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus) Diet Composition and Food Availability in a Human-Modified Landscape at Lagoas de Cufada Natural Park, Guinea-Bissau. International Journal of Primatology. 802-822


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