Top 5 Colleges For Zoology Graduate Programs

Zoology Degree Programs

Zoology Graduate Programs: Do you love animals? Do you want a career where you can work with them on their natural habitat? Or do you love monitoring wildlife health in general? Well, if you answered mostly yes, perhaps zoology might be the perfect career for you!

Scroll down below and find out more on educational qualifications, zoology graduate programs, top 5 zoology colleges in the USA, job opportunities and much more. Let’s explore them:

What is Zoology?

Zoology is a branch of biology that deals with the study of animals. In this field, the physical attributes, behavior, adaptations, interactions, and evolution of animals are being investigated. Aside from that, you may also get to study animals in molecular level and discover how complex they are as single organisms. So if you are interested in animals generally, sure you would find this degree into good use.

Major Branches of Zoology

Because of the wide scope of Zoology that typically ranges from the wide variety of animals in the Animal kingdom, physiological processes that occur within them, and their existence in the environment. The following are just some of the major courses that you will likely to encounter when you take up zoology.

1. Taxonomy

taxonomyTaxonomy is the science[1] that deals with the description, identification, naming, and classification of living organisms. In this field, you will get to know how to group animals based on various parameters such as physical characteristics, and developmental and evolutionary histories.

2. Anatomy

anatomyAnatomy[2] is the branch of zoology that deals with the physical structures visible to the naked eye. This field is very helpful in the integration of the promotion of health and practice of medicine. Traditionally, this field requires the practice of dissection but the development of technology had paved the way to the development of less invasive methods.

3. Physiology

physiologyAnimal physiology[3] is a branch of biology that deals with the various physical and chemical processes that occur within animal biological systems. Such processes include digestion, respiration, circulation, signal transduction, and others.

4. Wildlife Management and Ecology

wild-lifeIn this field, zoologists study how animals interact with each other as well as their external environment. Such discoveries serve as the keys to unlocking mysteries in the biosphere. Aside from that, as zoologists, you will learn to effectively manage the slowly decreasing number of animals in our planet.

Aside from the fields mentioned above, zoologists can get involved in certain techniques and processes that are associated with their field of specialization. Examples of this are vertebrate zoologists who focus on vertebrates (animals with backbone) and invertebrate zoologists who study otherwise.

What are the Educational Requirements?

Zoology alone is a very wide field with many sub-branches for research and specialization. The following are the educational requirements you need to meet when you wish to pursue a career in zoology:

1. Bachelor’s Degree in Zoology

Depending on the country, most Bachelor’s degree in Zoology are four years long[4] and basically, you can choose what specialization to take later on.

  • Most of the time, programs in zoology require students to take general science subjects like biology, mathematics, physics, and chemistry. Usually, no specializations are required during a bachelor’s degree.

2. Master’s Degree in Zoology

While a graduate degree (and a doctorate degree) in Zoology is generally not a prerequisite to becoming a zoologist, having them could give you greater experiences and eventually higher salary.

  • A master’s degree in zoology is basically almost similar to the subjects of an undergraduate degree. However, students are already required to choose their field of specialization and carry out more advance research in this chosen field.
  • Students are expected to come up with their original research and project.

3. Doctorate Degree in Zoology

A doctorate degree in Zoology is relatively optional but like what was mentioned above, having one could greatly increase your chances of getting hired as an expert in the field. Certainly, the requirements are relatively harder as compared to the previous degrees mentioned above.

  • Students are required to have their specialization and produce their own dissertation and successfully defend it to their peers.
  • Field research in doctorate degrees are already geared toward the development of plans for the conservation of some species of animals.

It is important to note that when majoring in zoology, it is highly advised that you get involved in internships and volunteer works[5] . Not only does it enhances your skills and helps you gain real-life experiences but also increases future work opportunities.

Top 5 Universities offer Zoology Degree Programs

If you are already serious about obtaining that Zoology degree, we listed below the top 5 universities in the United States that are known to excel in this field:

1. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio)

Miami UniversityThe first school to be included in this list is the Miami University, Oxford which boasts its 235 degree earners (140 undergraduate degrees, 88 graduate degrees, and 7 doctorate degrees)of Zoology in 2015. One of the strengths of this school is that it offers a 4 Zoology degree programs with main focus not only on curriculum work but also of research. This school offers a wide diversity of courses that range from animal behavior to physiology to molecular biology.

More Info: Miami University Zoology Degree Programs

2. Cornell University (Ithaca, New York)

Cornell UniversityCornell University is a private university in Ithaca, New York that a degree in Animal Science. A degree program in Zoology in this institution offers various opportunities for students to apply their knowledge on animal biology and other life sciences to practical studies on breeding and genetics, nutrition, and behavior. Aside from that, this school also will require you to have your minor subjects so as to broaden your knowledge in the field.

More Info: Cornell University Zoology Degree Programs

3. Duke University (Durham, North Carolina)

Duke UniversityLocated in Durham, North Carolina, Duke University is a large private university that is known to specialize in various scientific fields, one of which is Zoology. Although no specific degree in Zoology is offered, you can opt to take their undergraduate degree in Biology and have your major in animal studies. This school prides that their advance curriculum will help their students be prepared not only in the fields of sciences but also in other area like health and law.

More Info: Duke University Zoology Degree Programs

4. University of Wisconsin (Madison, Wisconsin)

Wisconsin UniversityWith their tagline “Excellence in Biology Research and Education“, University of Wisconsin, Madison is very much known to be one of the best schools that offer a Zoology degree. A degree in Zoology in this school offers courses that range from ecology to molecular biology to evolution to animal physiology. The Department of Zoology also encourages its students to dwell on research as they offer summer research scholarships for students with good performance.

More Info: University of Wisconsin Zoology Degree Programs

5. Ohio State University (Columbus, Ohio)

Ohio State UniversityLast but definitely not the list is the zoology degree offered by the Ohio State University. With a minimum requirement of 30 semesters specializing on the four core zoology courses (animal diversity, genetics, ecology, and evolution), and other electives, the zoology degree in this school is definitely good to prepare you on your chosen career. In addition to these, you will also be required to take other courses like mathematics, chemistry, and statistics in order to keep you well-rounded.

More Info: Ohio State University Zoology Degree Programs

What Can You Do With A Zoology Degree?

The employment opportunities for zoology graduates are generally dependent upon one’s field of specialization. Zoologists typically work inside offices, conduct experiments in the laboratories, or go out in field works to gather data and observe animals in their natural habitats.

  • Most of the time, graduates of zoology pursue careers in the academe and work as teachers and professors.
  • Careers in animal health and behavior are also a good field for zoology graduates. Some also choose to work in zoos and rehabilitation as wildlife and conservation experts.

How Much Zoologist Make?

As alluded to earlier, the branch of zoology is a very broad field and the monthly salary one can receive depends upon his/her specialization. However, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics[6], the annual salary of a zoologist ranges from $61,880 up to $94,070.

  • The bureau also claimed that the employment rate in this field is assumed to grow by seven percent in 2020.
  • Furthermore, statistics revealed that the states Maryland, Connecticut, Hawaii, Massachusetts, and New Jersey are the top five highest paying states for wildlife biologists and zoologists in general.
  • Basically, the amount of salary that you might be able to get is largely dependent on your educational attainment. The more knowledge and experience you gain, the more likely that your wage might increase.

Indeed, working as a zoologist can be a dream job for those who love animals. While of course, passion alone is not enough. You still need to have the proper knowledge and considerable skills to be able to become one. But now after knowing the basics, are you ready to become one?

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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 03). Top 5 Colleges For Zoology Graduate Programs. Bio Explorer. "Top 5 Colleges For Zoology Graduate Programs" Bio Explorer, 03 February 2025, "Top 5 Colleges For Zoology Graduate Programs" Bio Explorer, February 03 2025.


  • [1]“What is Taxonomy?”. Accessed July 11, 2017. Link.
  • [2]“Anatomy | MedlinePlus”. Accessed July 11, 2017. Link.
  • [3] – “Animal Physiology Research.” Animal Physiology – Research – Biological Sciences – University of Canterbury – New Zealand. Accessed July 11, 2017. Link.
  • [4]“Zoology Degrees | Top Universities”. Accessed July 11, 2017. Link.
  • [5]“Zoologist Career Information: Becoming a Zoologist”. Accessed July 11, 2017. Link.
  • [6]“What Is the Standard Beginning Wage As a Zoologist? |”. Accessed July 11, 2017. Link.


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