Senegal Monkeys

Patas Monkey

Species Name: Erythrocebus patas
The Patas Monkey (Erythrocebus patas), also called the Hussar Monkey or Wadi Monkey is a terrestrial monkey distributed in semi-arid areas of West and East Africa. The patas monkey lives in multi-female groups of about 60 individuals (although much larger aggregations have been reported).

Western Red Colobus

Species Name: Piliocolobus badius
The western red colobus (Piliocolobus badius), also called the Upper Guinean red colobus, rust red colobus, or bay red colobus is a species of Old-World monkey found in the forests of West Africa, from Senegal to Ghana.

Lesser Spotted-Nosed Monkey

Species Name: Cercopithecus petaurista
The lesser spotted-nosed monkey, lesser spotted monkey, or lesser white-nosed monkey (Cercopithecus petaurista) is a primate species in the Cercopithecidae family. The lesser spotted-nosed monkey is diurnal, arboreal, and cryptic.

King Colobus

Species Name: Colobus polykomos
The king colobus (Colobus polykomos), also called the western black and white colobus is a species of Old World monkey found in lowland and montane rainforests.

Guinea Baboon

Species Name: Papio papio
The Guinea baboon (Papio papio) is a baboon of the Old World monkey family. When walking, these baboons support their weight on the bottom of their toes in front and on the entire sole of their feet.

Green Monkey

Species Name: Chlorocebus sabaeus
The green monkey (Chlorocebus sabaeus), also called the sabaeus monkey, is an Old World monkey with golden-green fur, pale feet, and hands. Green monkeys' locomotion varies little, regardless of substrate or habitat. In nearly all circumstances, they move quadrupedally in the treetops or on the ground.
Yellow Monkeys

Campbell’s Mona Monkey

Species Name: Cercopithecus campbelli
Campbell's Mona monkey, also called the Campbell's monkey or Campbell's guenon is a primate species in the Cercopithecidae family. The species was named after Henry Dundas Campbell in 1838.

Sooty Mangabey

Species Name: Cercocebus atys
The sooty mangabey, also called the white-collared or white-crowned mangabey is a predominantly terrestrial Old-World monkey. Sooty mangabeys remember the location of the fallen fruit and can tell whether or not a tree is bearing fruit.