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Biological Educational Resources
Science Authority The SA is a society of free thinking scholars, publishing new research and science literature on a very broad...
What is Mitosis?
In a cell cycle, mitosis is a procedure by which the chromosomes in a cell nucleus divide into two sets of chromosomes. These sets are identical and are safeguarded in individual nucleus.
What is Biotechnology?
Biotechnology is the technology used on living systems and organisms to study and discover products that facilitate a better life. Biotechnology successfully develops products and technologies to combat issues like environmental hazards, overuse of energy resources, spread of infectious diseases, hunger, industrial difficulties and other, this subject is booming today.
Anatomy is a branch of science concerned with the study of structure in animals, human beings, and living organisms. Here's a list of resources on anatomy.
Biological Societies
Learn more about biological societies here. The American Society for Microbiology is the oldest & largest single life science organization in the world.
History of Biology
Biology is the study of life on Earth. The History of Biology, however, focuses on the advent of life on Earth, right from ancient times.