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Top 6 Major Threats To Biodiversity
Biodiversity refers to the variety of life forms on Earth. Here, we explore 6 of the biggest threats to biodiversity and how do each of them contribute to its loss.
Differences Between Mitosis and Meiosis
In Eukaryotes, two types of cell divisions exist: mitosis and meiosis. While these processes are similar in principles, they also have distinct characteristics. Explore 16 major differences between mitosis and meiosis in all aspects, from their alternate names, duration phases, functions & much more.
Why Homeostasis Is Important In Living Organisms?
Among the most important attributes of life is the concept of internal balance or homeostasis, Explore what it is with examples & find out why homeostasis is important in living organisms.
Uncovering the Fathers of Biology: The Geniuses Who Unveiled Life’s Secrets
In this post are the names of the so-called “Fathers of Biology” and the scientific contributions they’ve made that will all be remembered forever.
What Do Bears Eat?
Bears are mammals classified under the family Ursidae. This page sheds light on what do bears eat by different species, what eats bears & more.
Difference Between Diffusion and Osmosis
Difference between diffusion and osmosis: Explore the 2 types of transport mechanisms in biological membranes that seem almost interchangeable.
Is E.Coli Infection Contagious?
Infections, esp. that of E. coli is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Sure enough, it can be life threatening but is it also contagious? Find out here!
What Are The Building Blocks of Proteins?
Known to be the building blocks of proteins, amino acids come in various structure, & configurations. Learn about their structures, properties, examples. and functions.
What Do Otters Eat?
Otters are mammals classified under the family Mustelidae. Otters are carnivorous. Explore what do otters eat, otters diet by types, what eats otters & more.
Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl is one of the largest owls and they are found in the Arctic tundra of North America and Eurasia. Find its anatomy, diet, lifespan & more here.
What Do Turtles Eat?
Turtles are unique reptiles notable for their hard shells. Explore what do turtles eat, the types of turtles and their diet list, what eats turtles & more here.
Top 5 Colleges For Zoology Graduate Programs
Zoology is a branch of biology that deals with the study of animals. Here are the top 5 zoology degree offering universities in US, qualifications, & salary.
What Do Octopuses Eat?
Scientists have discovered over 300 species of octopus. Learn what do octopuses eat & diets include birds, shrimp, lobsters, sharks, clam, and fish.
What Do Hedgehogs Eat?
Hedgehogs are small mammals with a unique morphology (sharp spines on the back). Learn what do hedgehogs eat, their diet by hedgehog types & more here.
What Do Polar Bears Eat?
Polar bears are magnificent creatures of the far north and are often termed as sea bears. Explore what do polar bears eat and hunting patterns & more.
What Do Dolphins Eat?
Dolphins are smart aquatic mammals. What do dolphins eat? Dolphins are mostly carnivorous with a diet of crustaceans, squids, crabs, clams, & fish species.
Carbon Cycle Steps: Overview & Importance in Biosphere
In this article, gain a deeper understanding of how carbon is cycled through the living & nonliving components of the biosphere - carbon cycle steps & more.
What Do Possums Eat?
Learn what do possums eat and their diet by different types of possums. Possums are omnivorous, meaning they eat plant materials, insects, and small birds.
What Do Snails Eat?
Snails are diverse feeders & what they eat depends on their classification as herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, or detritivores. Learn what snails eat in detail here by their types.
10 Most Famous Herbivore Dinosaurs
Believe it or not, not all dinosaurs are ferocious meat eaters; in fact, some of them are vegetarians! Discover the top 10 famous herbivore dinosaurs here.
Cell Specialization: Mechanisms, Examples, & Significance
Cell specialization is the process by which cells evolve to cells with specific functions. Let's explore its mechanisms, examples and significance here.
Top 36 Extinct Birds From Millions To Zero!
Discover the 35 most famous extinct birds and learn about their stories on what caused their decline and eventually mass extinction from this planet earth.
Autosomal Recessive Inheritance: Principles, Patterns, & Associated Disorders
Autosomal recessive inheritance is a condition when carrier parents have a 25% chance of having a child affected with a particular genetic condition.
Explore Ecological Pyramid: 3 Major Types and Limitations
Ecological pyramids serve as the representation of the relationship among organisms in an ecosystem. Learn their overview, 3 major types & limitations here.
What Do Llamas Eat?
Llamas are camelids with notable long necks and legs, with incisors protruding and split upper lips. Explore what do llamas eat, types and what eats llamas.
25 Most Known Exotic Flowers
Exotic plants, when introduced to a foreign place, have the tendency to overgrow and dominate. Listed are the 25 most known exotic flowering plant species.
The Science Behind Dehydration Synthesis and Hydrolysis
Here is the science behind how water facilitates the building and breaking down of biomolecules in processes called dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis in living organisms.
Plant Life Cycle: Alternation Of Generations & Life Cycle of All Plant Types
Plants use Haplodiplontic life cycle to alternate generations. Explore plant life cycle of Bryophytes (Moss), Pteridophytes (Fern), & Angiosperms (Flower).
Flying Dinosaurs – Fake or Fact?
Were there really flying dinosaurs? Well, the answer might surprise you! Check this article and learn more about these amazing extinct flying creatures.
Amphibians Vs. Reptiles : Similarities and Differences
In the animal kingdom, amphibians and reptiles are the most frequently interchanged; Here are the similarities & difference between amphibians and reptiles.
Cellular Organization: Exploring The Cell
By definition, the cellular organization is the components that make up the cell and how they are arranged inside it. Each component, called an organelle, performs a specific vital function for the cell. In this article, we will explore the basic functional components of the cell and cell shape and size.
Differences Between Plant and Animal Cells – A Complete Overview
Although both animal and plant cells bear similarities, there are differences between plant and animal cells in shape, size, Organelles & functions. Explore plant cells vs animal cells from 17 cellular perspectives, such as shape, size, plasticity, vacuole, chloroplast, lysosome, centriole, food storage, and more.
Top 11 Famous Hawaiian Birds
Hawaii is a home to a tremendous diversity of a wide array of birds. Here are 11 of the most famous Hawaiian Birds with their biological names and facts.
Difference Between Prokaryotic And Eukaryotic Cells
Explore the difference between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells, considered one of the most important variations among groups of organisms.
Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs)
Blood Cells are usually short-lived. Hematopoietic Stem Cells in the body are present to restore them continuously. See its origin, properties & functions.
Difference Between Anatomy and Physiology
See the difference between anatomy and physiology from technical & academic/career perspectives though they make a good pair of related branches of knowledge.
Domain Eukarya Overview – History, Characteristics & Kingdoms
Living organisms are classified into 3 biological groups Prokarya, Archaea, & Eukarya. Learn domain Eukarya kingdoms & characteristics here.
Overview Of Cellular Respiration Equation, Types, Stages & Products
Cellular Respiration is the process by which living organisms produce energy. Learn Cellular Respiration Equations, Types, Stages & Products via illustrations.
About BioExplorer.Net
Being a Biology enthusiast I created this website BioExplorer.net to share my passion towards the subject as I was fascinated by this wonderful thing called "life".
Biological Weathering 101
Biological Weathering is a natural phenomenon that occurs on rocks due to living organisms. Learn the definition, its process, types, and real-life examples. In the environment, 3 types of weathering occur namely Physical Weathering, Chemical Weathering, and Biological Weathering.
History of Immunology
The History of Immunology goes as far back as 430 BCE. The words Immunity and Vaccine come from Latin. See the complete immunology timeline classified by year.
15 World’s Most Famous Paleontologists
The field of paleontology has greatly flourished due to the discoveries of various scientists. To give credit, here are just some of the few amazing paleontologists who made the field of paleontology blossom the way it is today. These famous paleontologists include William Buckland, John Ostrom, Henry Osborn, & more.
10 Levels of Biological Organization
Living organisms are hierarchically classified into 10 levels of biological organization that range from a simple cell to a massive sphere of all life forms. Explore the levels of organization in detail here.
History of Ecology
The term 'Ecology' comes from the Greek word 'Oikos' meaning “Household” & 'logos' meaning “Study of”. Here is a brief history of ecology and its timeline.
Types of Doctors
Dive into the world of medicine and explore different types of doctors and physicians and their specializations, including medical and non-medical or holistic doctor types.
13 Important Genetic Engineering Pros And Cons
Though the field of Genetics & Biotechnology has helped us in the better understanding of genes, here are 13 comprehensive Genetic Engineering Pros & Cons.
6 Major Disadvantages of Genetically Modified Foods
In the continuing battle for hunger, food production has really gotten more technologically improved through the years. Hence the production of food that are said to be “genetically modified”, like the ones previously mentioned. Here are 6 major disadvantages of genetically modified foods.
Complete History of Evolution
In the broadest sense, evolution is a process that results in heritable changes in a population spread over many generations. The Latin word “evolutio” initially meant “unrolling the scroll”. In its metaphorical sense, it suggests that studying evolution is like unraveling a recitation of a story.
History of Botany
Botany is the systematic and scientific study of plants. The history of botany goes as far as to 4th century B.C.E. Check out a timeline of botany history.
History of Biotechnology
Biotechnology is a mixture of the knowledge obtained in biology with scientific methods & practices in technology. See the history of biotechnology here.
History of Anatomy
Anatomy is one of the oldest branches in medicine. The term anatomy comes from the Greek word anatome. See the complete history of anatomy timeline here.
What Do Walruses Eat?
Walruses are Arctic Circle’s creatures, considered to be one of the largest fin-footed sea mammals. Explore what do walruses eat, how walruses hunt & more.
The term Evolution can be defined as the study of living organisms, the stages of development and also all nuances about the natural history of Earth.
Genetics is a branch of science that deals with the study of heredity, DNA control functions, biological functions of cells, and expression patterns of genes.
Marine Biology 101: Ocean Life Explained
Dive into the basics of marine biology and discover the incredible diversity of ocean life. From microscopic organisms to giant whales, explore the fascinating world beneath the waves in this comprehensive guide to Marine Biology 101.
Molecular Biology
Molecular Biology is a branch of science that encompasses the study of biological activities occurring in the molecular levels.
Branches of Ecology
Ecology is the branch of science involves the scientific analysis of organisms in the environment. Ecology covers the topic of biodiversity as well. Since our Ecosystem is unexpectedly vast, you as a student will be asked to gain insight on a variety of topics.
Other Resources
!MBS - Molecular Biology Shortcuts The entry door to the web for the molecular biologist.
12th International Symposium on Insect-Plant Relationships August 7-12, 2004, in...
Acta Zoologica Published regularly since 1920, Acta Zoologica has retained its position as one of the world's leading journals in the field of animal...
Acta Oecologica Acta Oecologica is venue for the publication of original research articles and review in ecology. We encourage studies in behavioural ecology, community...