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De Brazza’s Monkey
De Brazza's monkey is an Old-World primate native to central Africa's swamp and riverine forests. It is the largest species of the guenon family and one of the most widespread African arboreal primates.
Ecuadorian Monkeys
Ecuador is home to 21 species of New-World monkeys, though none are endemic to the country. Some examples of these monkey species include the red titi monkey (Plecturocebus discolor), the Colombian white-throated capuchin (Cebus capucinus), and the saddleback tamarin (Leontocebus fuscicollis). Explore all monkeys of Ecuador.
Crested Mona Monkey
The crested mona monkey, also called the golden-bellied monkey, golden-bellied guenon, or crowned guenon, is a species of African primate in the Cercopithecidae family in west-central Africa. Like many species of Cercopithecus, the crested mona monkey has large cheek pouches that it fills with seeds and fruit while foraging for food.
Coppery Titi
The coppery titi, or the red titi, is a species of titi, a type of New-World monkey native to South America. Coppery titi monkeys have dense fur that covers most of the body except for the face.
Common Marmoset
The common marmoset, also known as white-tufted-ear marmoset or white-tufted marmoset, is a type of New World monkey. As they have adapted to life at the forest edge of southeastern Brazil, common marmosets have also learned to take advantage of the region's plantations.
Red Howler Monkey
The Colombian red howler or Venezuelan red howler is a South American species of howler monkey, a New World species of monkey found in the western Amazon basin. Colombian red howler monkeys live in relatively large social groups composed of around 10 individuals, with just one or possibly two of the individuals being male.
Kashmir Gray Langur
The Kashmir gray langur is an Old-World monkey, one of the species of langurs. The Kashmiri gray langur derives its scientific name, Semnopithecus ajax, from a character in the ancient Greek poem - The Iliad - set during the Trojan War.
Yucatan Black Howler
The Yucatan black howler, also called the Guatemalan black howler or Central American black howler, is a New-World monkey native to Central America. The Yucatan black howler monkey is the largest species of howler monkey and among the largest monkeys in the New-World.
Crested Black Macaque
The Crested Black Macaque, also called the Sulawesi Crested Macaque or Celebes Crested Macaque is an Old World monkey native to the Tangkoko Game Reserve in the extreme northeast of the Indonesian island of Celebes (Sulawesi) and neighboring islets.
Brown Howler Monkey
The brown howler monkey, also called the brown howler monkey, is a species of New World monkey that lives in the forests of southeastern Brazil and northeastern Argentina. Despite the common name "brown howler", its color is remarkably variable, with some individuals mainly appearing black or reddish-orange.
White-bellied Spider Monkey
The white-bellied spider monkey (Ateles belzebuth), also called the long-haired or white-fronted spider monkey, is an endangered species of spider monkey, a species of New-World monkey. These arboreal monkeys spend most of their time in the canopy. They rarely go down. When they do, they drink water, eat dirt, traverse a treeless area, or run away from an aggressive opponent.
Silvery Marmoset
The Silvery marmoset (Mico argentatus) is a New-World monkey living in the eastern Amazon rainforest of Brazil. True to its name, the silvery marmoset's body is a striking silver-grey color. Silvery marmosets are primarily arboreal species and can spend their entire lives in trees without descending to the ground.
Nepal Gray Langur
The Nepal gray langur (Semnopithecus schistaceus) is a gray langur native to the Himalayas of Nepal, extreme southwestern Tibet, northern Pakistan, northern India, Bhutan, and possibly Afghanistan. The Nepal gray langur is both terrestrial and arboreal.
Mantled Howler Monkey
The Mantled howler monkey (Alouatta palliata) is a species of howler monkey, a New World monkey native to South and Central America. The species gets its name "mantled" from the long, protective hairs on its sides.
White-Throated Capuchin
White-throated capuchins, also called the white-headed capuchins, Colombian white-throated capuchins, and white-faced capuchins, are New World monkeys native to the tropical rainforests of western Colombia, Ecuador, and Panama.
Geoffroy’s Spider Monkey
Geoffroy's spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi) also called the Central American spider monkey or black-handed spider monkey, is a species of spider monkey. The species name geoffroyi is honored by Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, a French naturalist. The Geoffroy's spider monkey consists of five recognized subspecies residing in various parts of Central America and Mexico. These include the Hooded spider monkey (A. g. grisescens) in southern Mexico, the ornately-patterned Ornate spider monkey (A. g. ornatus) in Costa Rica and Panama, the Yucatan spider monkey (A. g. yucatanensis) in the Yucatan Peninsula, the Mexican spider monkey (A. g. vellerosus) in Veracruz, and the nominate Nicaraguan spider monkey subspecies (A. g. geoffroyi) found in Nicaragua, Honduras and northern Costa Rica.
Blue Monkey
The blue monkey is a species of Old-World monkey endemic to east and central Africa, ranging from the upper Congo Basin east to the East African Rift Valley and south to Zambia and northern Angola.
Black-Tufted Marmoset
The black-tufted marmoset, also called the Black-pencilled marmosets or Mico-estrela in Portuguese is a type of New-World monkey. They live mainly in the neotropical gallery forests of the central Brazilian plateau.
Black-Headed Spider Monkey
The black-headed spider monkey (Ateles fusciceps) is a species of New-World monkey native to Central and South America. The species name "Ateles" is derived from the Greek word "ateleia" meaning imperfect or incomplete. It was likely chosen because these monkeys do not have a thumb. There are 2 additional sub-species of black-headed spider monkey namely Brown-headed spider monkey (Ateles fusciceps fusciceps) and Colombian spider monkey (Ateles fusciceps rufiventris).
Moustached Tamarin
Moustached tamarins, also known as black-chested moustached tamarins and Spyx's moustached tamarins, are native to Peru and Brazil. These monkeys are found in all strata of the lowland Amazon rainforest. The moustached tamarin gets its name from the lack of coloration in the facial hair around the mouth, which resembles a mustache.
Peruvian Spider Monkey
Peruvian spider monkeys, like other Ateles species, have a prehensile tail that can be used to facilitate brachiation. Typically, Peruvian spider monkeys have completely black fur and complexions, unlike the lighter red-faced black spider monkey.
Black Lion Tamarin
The black lion tamarin, also called the golden-rumped lion tamarin, is a lion tamarin native to the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo, almost exclusively in Morro do Diabo State Park. Its limited geographic range makes it the rarest of the New-World monkeys.
Black Howler monkey
Alouatta caraya is found in the tropical rain forests of central South America, extending through eastern Bolivia, Paraguay, southern Brazil, and northern Argentina. Alouatta Caraya monkeys are sexually dimorphic, with males weighing an average of 6.7 kg and females an average of 4.4 kg.
Black-crested mangabey
Black-crested mangabeys, also known as black mangabeys, are endemic to central Africa, occupying the Democratic Republic of the Congo, south of the Congo River (formerly known as the Zaire River), and likely extinct in Angola. They are mainly found in primary and secondary tropical forests, gallery forests, and swamps. Locals nicknamed these primates "baboon mangabeys" due to their resemblance to the baboon species.
Bearded Capuchin
The bearded capuchin, also called the black-striped capuchin, is a New World monkey in the Cebidae family. They are found in central and northern Brazil. Until recently, the bearded capuchins were considered a subspecies of Tufted Capuchins.
Bare-eared Squirrel Monkey
The bare-eared squirrel monkey also called the golden-backed squirrel monkey, is a subspecies of the Saimiri sciureus group native to the tropical forests and jungles of South and Central America. The bare-eared squirrel monkey differs from other species because it does not have ear tufts.
Bald Uakari
The obscure Bald Uakari (Cacajao Calvus) is an acrobatic Amazonian monkey with a flaming red face uniquely adapted to periodically flooded forests. Surprising insights on its taxonomy, specialized seed-based diet, unusual social life, habitat flexibility, and urgent need to conserve diminishing flooded forest habitat across the Amazon Basin.
Top 15 Anatomy News of 2021
These 2021 noteworthy advancements and discoveries in Anatomy also speak to scientists' increased interest in the brain's structure, function, and disorders. Explore the top 15 anatomy and physiology news of 2021.
Arunachal Macaque
The Arunachal macaque is a comparatively sizeable brown primate with a relatively short tail. Arunachal macaques were first classified into Cercopithecidae's taxonomy in 2005 by primatologists Madhusudan and Mishra.
Andean Saddle-back Tamarin
The Andean saddle tamarin, also known as the saddleback tamarin (formerly known as the brown-mantled tamarin), is a New World monkey species. Andean saddleback monkeys are considered "phyletic dwarfs," meaning their small size is related to their evolutionary development.
Prosimians are a grouping of primates currently made up of the species (both living and extinct) of two main taxonomic categories. Explore all types of prosimians here.
Allen’s Galago
Allen's Galago, also known as Allen's Bush Baby, is one of more than 20 species of small and attractive arboreal primates are endemic to sub-Saharan Africa. Allen's Galago has enormous eyes that help this species adapt to a nocturnal lifestyle.
Agile Gibbon
Agile gibbons, also known as dark-handed or black-handed gibbons, are arboreal monkeys; they are always in the trees. Agile gibbons belong to the great ape family. However, they are categorized as lesser apes because they are smaller than great apes.
334 Types of Monkeys
Monkeys are classified into two main groups: Old-world monkeys and New-world monkeys. Explore all 334 different types of monkeys and their facts here.
Top 15 Biochemistry News of 2021
This top 15 Biochemistry News of 2021 series emphasizes various biochemistry research and developments such as the relationship between enzyme and substrate concentration, the mechanism for RNA-protein interaction and more.
Order Vitales / Grapes & Boston Ivy Flowers
Members of Vitales have small flowers and simple, pinnate, or palmate leaves. The tendrils and the inflorescences are opposite to the leaves. The grapes, Boston ivy, and Chinese Virginia creeper are the example species of the order Vitales.
Top 10 Microbiology News of 2020
Microbiology News 2020: 2020 was the year of the horrific pandemic that influenced all aspects of our lives. Unfortunately, the scientific community was impacted too. Still, though the whole world scrambled to study the new virus, many scientific teams have made breakthroughs in other areas of microbiology and virology.
Order Crossosomatales / Rockflowers
Crossosomatales is a small order of flowering plants consisting of woody shrubs and trees. It is distributed in various regions across the northern and southern hemispheres. Crossosomatales or the Rockflower order is placed under Rosid eudicots and consists of 7 families and 12 genera.
Top 15 Evolutionary Biology News of 2021
This 2021 series of top 15 evolutionary biology news gives us a detailed overview of the recent development in this field. Commencing the evolution of coccolithophores, the adaptability of crocodiles, the creation of new therapeutic targets for treating age-related disorders in people, the epigenetic evolution of the cerebellum, and more.
Order Poales / Grass, Bamboo and Pineapple
Poales species are monocots with two-ranked leaves, much reduced flowers, dry and small stigma, and well-developed style. The Poales flowers are unisexual, bisexual, or sterile and pollination of the members is via anemophily or entomophily. The famous bamboo, pineapple, Yellow-eyed grass, Stream Bogmoss, and Palmiet are found under Poales order.
Order Pandanales / Pandan & Screw-Pine Plants
Panama hat palm or screw-pines order of flowers is called Pandanales, which range from arborescent plants of tropical coastal areas and rainforests to the forest floor’s twining herbs, lianas, and saprophytic herbs. Hala tree, Rainforest Screw Pine, Paca, Purple Vellozia, Creeping vellozia, and Wild Asparagus are examples of Pandanales order flowers.
Order Buxales / Boxwood Flowers
The whole range of boxwood flowers belong to order Buxales. Order Buxales is the eudicot flowering plant consisting of evergreen shrubs or trees. Members of Buxales are usually monoecious with simple, non-sheathing, and estipulate leaves. Balearic box, Korean boxwood, Japanese Pachysandra, and Allegheny spurge are excellent garden flowers from this order.
Order Sapindales / Lychee and Lemon Flowers
Order Sapindales belongs to the dicotyledonous flowering species which are distributed in the tropics and the temperate regions. Most plants of Sapindales are woody with resin ducts in their bark or wood, compound or lobed leaves, and polypetalous flowers. They are polygamous, with most bisexual flowers functionally unisexual. Among the critical species involve cashew, mahogany, lemon, and lychee.
Order Santalales / Sandalwood & Mistletoe Flowers
Santalales is one of the most prominent groups of parasitic flowering plants, with species distributed worldwide. Santalales involve plants that form haustorium to penetrate the host's barks and roots, plants that undergo photosynthesizing activities in the stem, and members with usually simple and exstipulate leaves. Sandalwood and mistletoes are just two of the known plants under Santalales.
Order Escalloniales / Redclaws & Laurel Flowers
Escalloniales is an order of eudicotyledonous flowers placed under the clade of campanulidas. Being predominantly distributed in the southern hemisphere, Escalloniaceae plants possess simple, petiolate, exstipulate leaves, regular flowers mostly in racemose, and pentamerous floral parts. Redclaws, Chachacoma, Native laurel, Polyosmo leratii and white alder are among the beneficial Escalloniacea species.
Order Berberidopsidales / Coral Plant Flowers
Berberidopsidales is a small order of flowering species under the clade of the core eudicots. The species of Berberidopsidales possess crystals, usually have 5-merous floral parts and usually small flowers. Coral plant and Olivilla flowers are among the only 4 species of Berberidopsidales.
Top 100 BEST Fragrant Flowers
Most fragrant flowers release their scents via Methyl benzoate and Benzaldehyde. These chemical aromatic volatile compounds give off a sweet odor. Explore the top 100 best-scented flower collections here.
Top 10 Immunology News of 2020
The immune system is one of the most complex and multi-layered systems of our body. Explore the top 10 discoveries in immunology for 2020 here.
Types of Plants: The Four Major Classifications of Plants
Types of Plants: Botanists classify plants into several groups that have similar & distinguishing characteristics. Plants are all unique regarding physical appearance, structure, and physiological behavior. There are two major classifications of plants are non-vascular & vascular. Explore all 4 major phyla of the plants here.
Types of Crocodiles
Crocodilia is one of the reptile orders dedicated to large, lizard-shaped, and predatory reptiles. Explore 23 types of crocodiles by water bodies, regions, and taxonomy classification year.
4 Different Types of Reptiles
Reptiles are cold-blooded vertebrates of the class Reptilia. Explore the top 8 reptile characteristics and four different types of reptiles here.
Top 10 Genetics News of 2020
Genetics in 2020 also came to the forefront of science because tracing the virus variants was crucial. Here are the top 10 genetics news of 2020 reviewed.
Top 10 Evolutionary Biology News of 2020
Despite the isolation enforced by the pandemic, research in evolutionary biology thrived in 2020. Here are the top 10 evolutionary biology news of 2020.
Marvellous Birds of Massachusetts
BioExplorer highlights some of the top 10 resident birds of Massachusetts out of 300+ bird species from the commonwealth along with their locations in MA.
Top 10 Biochemistry News of 2020 – A Round-Up
Biochemistry is one of the major contenders for the prize "Science of the year 2020" with new discoveries. Explore top 10 Biochemistry News in 2020 here.
Wonderful Birds of West Virginia
West Virginia has majestic mountains situated in the Appalachian region with 78% covered with forests. Explore top 10 birds of West Virginia here.
Top 10 Ecology News of 2020
BioExplorer team presents the newest 2020 discoveries that showcase what is becoming of the ecosystems on our planet. Find top 10 ecology news of 2020.
Top 10 Poisonous Birds
Among the different strategies deployed by birds to escape predation is the use of toxic chemicals (poison). Here are the top 10 poisonous birds in Aves family.
Top Cell Biology News of 2020 – A Round Up
The year 2020 was the time of an unprecedented health crisis. Understanding the inner body workings has become even more crucial than ever. Here are top 10 cell biology of 2020.
Best Indoor Plant Lighting For Growing
Produce and seedlings grown indoors need a lot of bright light to grow and bear fruit. Here are 6 best indoor plant lighting for growing reviews.