uakaris - search results

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Red Monkeys

Red monkeys include over 50 species of primates from Asia, Africa and the Americas that exhibit signature red coloration on their fur, skin or body parts adapted for forest camouflage and heat regulation while also communicating social moods.

Neblina Uakari

The Neblina uakari (Cacajao hosomi), black-headed uakari, is a recently described monkey species from the extreme northwest of the Brazilian Amazon and adjacent southern Venezuela. Neblina uakari's English name refers to the Pico da Neblina, which marks its known distribution approximate center.

Old World Monkeys Vs. New World Monkeys

Old-world and New-world monkeys are two types of monkeys within Primates. Explore all differences between them from all aspects here.
Bald Uakari

Bald Uakari

The obscure Bald Uakari (Cacajao Calvus) is an acrobatic Amazonian monkey with a flaming red face uniquely adapted to periodically flooded forests. Surprising insights on its taxonomy, specialized seed-based diet, unusual social life, habitat flexibility, and urgent need to conserve diminishing flooded forest habitat across the Amazon Basin.

Aracá Uakari

The Aracá uakari, also called the Ayres black uakari, is a newly described monkey species endemic to the northwestern Brazilian Amazon. The species was found by Jean-Philippe Boubli of the University of Auckland after following local Yanomamo Indians on their hunts along the Aracá River, a northern tributary of the Negro River.