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Top 15 Genetics News of 2021

This Genetics news highlights the discoveries and innovations in Genetics in 2021. It emphasizes the genetic basis of various diseases and illnesses, including schizophrenia, aortic aneurysms, liver cancer, and other lifestyle diseases, the genetic basis of embryonic stem cell development and more. Explore top 15 Genetics news of 2021.

Albino Ferrets

Explore the intriguing world of Albino Ferrets - their unique genetics, characteristics, care needs, and challenges in the wild. Uncover the joy of owning one!

Albino Monkeys

Albino monkeys, also known as monkeys with albinism, lack pigmentation in their skin, hair, and eyes. Discover more about these unique creatures and their genetic condition.

Cassin’s Finch

Learn about the Cassin's Finch, a unique songbird of western North American mountain forests. This adaptable finch has complex songs, nomadic habits, and thrives across diverse coniferous habitats. Gain insights into this little-known species' ecology and importance.

Dame’s Rocket

The Dame's Rocket (Hesperis matronalis) is worth growing just for its delightful aroma. This herbaceous plant also offers striking sturdy flowers. It has loose terminal clusters of 4-petalled white, pink, or lavender flowers bloom in early summer and late spring.

Order Myrtales / Myrtle Flowers

Myrtales, the myrtle order, are trees, shrubs, herbs, and lianas primarily distributed in the tropics and warmer regions worldwide. Myrtales members have phloem tissue on each xylem side, 4 or 5 sepals, 4 or 5 petals, mostly bisexual flowers, and often non-endospermic seeds. Known species of Myrtales are myrtles, evening primroses, Fuschia, and Eucalyptus.

Japanese Primrose

Japanese Primrose is called sakurasou in Japan because it resembles Sakura, the flowering cherry tree. The leaves of the Japanese Primrose possess a rosette arrangement. The hairy petiole measures 1.4-4.7 inches in length. It signifies first Love, youthful Love, and longing in Japan.

The 25 Most Captivating Narcissus Flowers You Need to Know!

Explore the mesmerizing world of Narcissus Flowers with our detailed guide. Dive into the top 25 daffodil varieties, from the classic Trumpet to the exotic Pheasant's Eye.

Wild Narcissus

Narcissus poeticus is a flowering plant of the order Asparagales. This species is native to Central and Southern Europe. The Wild Narcissus plant is toxic. The most poisonous parts are the bulbs.

Shasta Daisy

The cheery Shasta daisy (Leucanthemum x superbum) is a perennial classic. It resembles the well-known roadside daisies but has larger, sturdier flowers. These daisies return like clockwork every spring or early summer and bloom until early fall.


Daisies exude innocence, joy, and freshness. They are among the most famous flowers in the world, where they embellish cultivated landscapes and wild fields. They are available in many colors, including blue, red, pink, and white. Daisies are perennials that grow to a height of about 6 inches.


Symphoricarpos, commonly called snowberry, ghost berry, or waxberry is a genus of around 15 species of deciduous shrubs in the Caprifoliaceae (honeysuckle) family. The flowers are small, pink to greenish-white, in most species in small clusters of 5 to 15 together, in some individually or in pairs.


Teasel (Dipsacus spp.) is a genus of plants from the Caprifoliaceae (honeysuckle) family. Members of this genus are typically known as teazle or teazle. The flowers are white, purple, lavender, or dark pink. Dipsacus species are endemic to North Africa, Asia, and Europe. The genus name Dipsacus is a Greek word meaning thirst.

Dog Rose

Dog rose (Rosa canina) is a species of wild rose that belongs to the Rosaceae family. The Dog rose name is not intended to reduce its size or compare it to standard garden roses. The flowers range from white-pink to deep pink and pale pink. It has mainly five petals, and the stem is dotted with small pointed thorns.

Order Rosales / Garden Roses, Apples, Strawberries

Rosales is commonly called the rose order that contains dicotyledonous flowering plants. Explore their characteristics, families, distribution, and example species. Apart from a wide variety of roses, other products of Rosales include apples, cherries, peaches, plums, pears, raspberries, strawberries, and figs.

Desert Rose

The Desert rose plant is an evergreen, deciduous shrub of the Gentianales order. Desert roses can grow from 3.3 to 9.8 ft. It is a trendy ornamental plant with plumeria-like flowers.


Loved by many, the rose (Rosa spp.) is a popular garden flower. Its features, including its precious fragrance and shape, make it easy to recognize. Roses have been grown for millennia and have a long history that goes back thousands of years.

Order Nymphaeales / Water Lilies

Order Nymphaeales is composed of water lily flowers. It contains 3 families (Hydatellaceae, Cabombaceae, and Nymphaceae). The example flower species include Europian white water lily, Dotleaf water lily, Blue lotus, Amazon water lily, Fanwort, Green Cobomba, and more.

Pua Kala

Anyone with a sunny and dry spot on their property could consider planting the native Hawaiian plant known as Pua Kala (Argemone glauca). The genus has about 30 members and belongs to the plant family Papaveraceae (poppy family).

Shirley Poppy

The Shirley poppy is the name of a group of annual ornamental varieties from the Papaver rhoeas (European wild poppy). There are more than 120 species of poppies in the genus Papaver of the Papaveraceae family. The Shirley Poppy was first produced in 1880 by Reverend William Wilks, pastor of the Shirley parish in England.


Gladiolus (plural Gladioli) belongs to a genus of around 260 bulbous plants primarily native to South Africa but found in East Africa, Northwest Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, and the Mediterranean. There is a wide variety of floral colors, including green, lavender, pink, red, orange, yellow, cream, and white.

Order Solanales / Potatoes & Nightshade Flowers

Solanales or the potato/nightshade order of the flowers belong to the core asterid clade, manifesting a global distribution. The plants of Solanales possess root stalks or tubers, simple, alternate, and exstipulate leaves, showy flowers, and typically 5-merous floral parts. The Solanales plants are monoecious, andromonoecious, or dioecious. Example species under Solanales order involve the highly cultivated flora of morning glory, potato, eggplant, and tomato.

Japanese Morning Glory

Japanese morning glory is a climber plant with 5 meters. It has been a widely cultivated ornamental garden plant. In addition, growing Ipomoea nil is part of the curriculum of Japanese elementary students.

China Aster

Callistephus chinensis, commonly known as the China aster and annual aster, is a popular annual plant that produces conspicuous, 3 to 5 inches diameter flowers from early summer through fall. The colors of the cultivars include shades ranging from white to pink, yellow, purple, red, and blue.


Marigold (Calendula officinalis) is used as an herbal remedy for skin conditions or to treat wounds. But as an ornamental plant today, it is cultivated in numerous gardens. They rest on the hairy, almost square, felted stems that alternately bear the leaves. Especially characteristic is the yellow to orange daisy flowers, which can reach a height of up to 2 inches (5 cm) in diameter.
Thread-shaped Flowers

Thread-Shaped Flowers

Thread-like flowers are a relatively new trend, and they're coming in droves. From thread-like chrysanthemums to thread-like lavender, the variety is endless. Thread-shaped flowers are a fantastic way to add flair to your everyday florals without going overboard with color and design.

November Birth Flowers

Delve into the world of November birth flowers – chrysanthemums and peonies. From symbolism to stunning arrangements, find inspiration today!

October Birth Flowers

Discover the meaning behind October birth flowers, Marigold and Cosmos. Explore their symbolism and find the perfect gift for autumn birthdays!

August Birth Flowers

Delve into the rich history and symbolism of August birth flowers - Gladiolus and Poppy. Find out why they're perfect for birthdays this month!

Top 15 Genetics News of 2022

Explore 2022's top genetics breakthroughs: AI in gut gene research, zebrafish atlas, NAFLD insights, longevity studies, and more in this comprehensive Genetics News of 2022 overview.

Black Vulture

The Black Vulture, scientifically known as Coragyps atratus, is an intriguing bird renowned for its resilience and adaptability. Belonging to the New World vulture family, this blackbird is commonly observed soaring through the skies across the Americas.
White Cockatoo

White Cockatoo

Discover the breathtaking beauty of the White Cockatoo (Cacatua Alba), their characteristics, diet and several interesting fun facts about them here.
Flowers Start with V

Flowers That Start with V

Explore the enchanting world of 'V' flowers: from Venus Flytrap to Vanda Orchid. Uncover their unique beauty, aromas, and ecological significance.
Flowers Start with W

Flowers That Start with W

Dive into the world of 'W' flowers: from Water Lily to Wisteria and more. Discover their beauty, fragrances, and significance in gardens and ecosystems.
what do marine biologists do?

What Do Marine Biologists Do?

Discover how marine biologists unlock the mysteries of aquatic life and protect our oceans' delicate ecosystems. Immerse yourself in this captivating field today!
Order Fabales

Order Fabales / Legume Flowering Plants

Fabales is an order of dicotyledonous flowering plants belonging to the Rosid I group of the core eudicots. The order is divided into 4 families called Fabaceae, Polygalaceae, Quillajaceae, and Surianaceae. Soybeans (Glycine max), Garden peas (Pisum sativum), Peanuts (Arachis hypogaea), and Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) are some of the plants classified under this order.

Order Lamiales / Acanthus & Mint Flowers

Lamiales is an ordering of flowering plants with most members found worldwide. The species of the Lamiales usually have opposite leaves, bilaterally symmetrical and often bilabiate corolla, five petals fused into a tube, four or fewer fertile stamens, and a superior ovary with fused carpels. The mints, olive, bladderworts, and plantain are plants under the Lamiales order.

Hibiscus Varieties

Dive into the vibrant world of hibiscus! Explore 25+ stunning varieties, from rare native species to popular garden favorites. Learn about their unique characteristics, care tips, and fascinating facts. Perfect for gardeners and flower enthusiasts alike. Discover the beauty and diversity of these tropical treasures!


Hepatica is a genus of the Ranunculaceae family indigenous to regions in the Northern Hemisphere. This genus comprises around 7 species of herbaceous plants. This spring-flowering perennial is also known as liverwort or liverleaf. The ½-1-inch-wide flowers have numerous elongated blue, purple, lavender, pink, or white sepals (no petals) surrounding many central stamens with yellowish anther tips.


Forget-Me-Not (Myosotis sylvatica - State Flower of Alaska) is a perennial plant native to the provinces and northwestern states of Canada and the United States. The radially symmetrical blooms are light blue with vibrant yellow centers. They are usually arranged in rounded and divergent racemes along the branch.
star shaped flowers

Star-Shaped Flowers

Star-shaped flowers are bilaterally symmetrical flowers. Being exotic and funky, they can be an excellent addition to any garden. The starry flowers come in many colors, including red, yellow, pink, white, and orange. Here is a collection of all star-shaped flowers.
Bell-shaped Flowers

Bell-Shaped Flowers

The bell-shaped flowers are trendy because they are known for their beauty, colors, and variations. Featuring green, blue, purple, white, pink, and many colors, these bell-resembling flowers are used for many purposes such as decoration, using it in weddings, making wreaths, and lovely gifts.

December Birth Flowers

Are you wondering about the special flower for those born in December? Look no further. This article reveals that December has two birth flowers: Holly and Narcissus (Paperwhite), each with unique symbolism.
Birth Flowers

Birth Flowers

Explore birth flowers for each month from January to December. Learn their symbolism, meanings, and cultural connections in this comprehensive guide.

Top 15 Evolutionary Biology News of 2022

This series of evolutionary biology news of 2022 gives us a detailed overview of the recent development in this field. Commencing with the evolution of plant colonization on land, the new approach of Neo Darwinism gained importance and more.
Shapes of Bacteria

Explore 13 Different Shapes of Bacteria

The prokaryotic kingdom consists of unicellular microscopic microorganisms called bacteria. Bacteria are simple single-celled organisms that lack chlorophyll pigments. The rigidity of its cell wall determines the shape of a bacterium. Explore 13 different shapes of bacteria here.

Top 15 Botany News of 2022

Botany News of 2022: Explore the latest advancements in plant science, including methane emissions by trees, epigenetic changes, wearable sensors for transpiration detection, and more.

Top 15 Biotechnology News of 2022

The 2022 biotechnological innovations paved the way for stem cell therapies, cannabinoid trichomes' roles in plant defense mechanisms, inventory methods to utilize human waste, the role of quick mRNA vaccines and more.

Top 15 Biochemistry News of 2022

Biochemistry News of 2022: This series of biochemistry news gives us a detailed account of the recent development in this field, including two proteins (Elastase and histone H2A) in defense against COVID-19 and more.

Top 15 Anatomy And Physiology News of 2022

Anatomy/Physiology News of 2022: Discover breakthroughs in organ transplant technology, multi-organ chips, Alzheimer's research, X-ray immunotherapy, astronauts' brain studies, and more.

Top 15 Microbiology News of 2022

Microbiology News of 2022: Plant-based organic acid kills food-poisoning bacteria, bacteria turned into renewable energy, plastic waste creates antibiotic-producing bacteria, microbes as biofertilizers, antibiotics repurposed, and more.

Top 15 Cell Biology News of 2022

This cell biology news of 2022 series gives a detailed overview of the recent advancements (chromosomal segregation machinery, tiny chemical PROTAC targets cMyc and EZH2 in cancer cells and more).

Yellow-billed Magpie

The Yellow-billed Magpie (Pica nuttalli) is a vibrant and lively bird species endemic to California, making it a unique and special part of the state's avian diversity. Explore these sociable black birds unique characteristics, distribution, and fun facts here.

Northwestern Crow

The northwest crow (Corvus caurinus) solely inhabits the northeastern Pacific Ocean coast between southern Alaska and the northern tip of Washington. Explore their characteristics, habitats, diet and fun facts here.

Hooded Crow

The hooded crow (Corvus cornix) is a bird species belonging to the Corvus genus. It is widely distributed across Northern, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe and parts of the Middle East. Explore characteristics, diet and fun facts about hooded crows here.

Fish Crow

The Fish Crow (Corvus ossifragus) is a common bird in some parts of the Southeast, resembling a smaller version of the American Crow but with a more nasal voice and a preference for areas near water. All black fish crows have black feathers, dark brown eyes almost black, black legs, and black beaks. Explore their characteristics and fun facts here.

Sooty Tern

The next black and white bird, Sooty Terns, is one of the most widespread tern species. Explore their unique physical attributes, social behavior, and intriguing adaptations, such as unihemispheric sleep that allows them to fly for months. Discover their significant cultural role on Easter Island and more.

Carrion Crow

Carrion Crows (Corvus corone) are common throughout England, Wales, and most of Scotland. Carrion Crows are only found on the eastern edges of the island of Ireland, whereas Hooded Crows are present everywhere. Explore their characteristics, diet, and fun facts here.

Black Scoter

Black Scoters are a species of duck that form sizable winter flocks along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. These blackbirds have 4 species: Black Scoter, Surf Scoter, Common Scoter, and White-winged Scoter. Explore Black Scoter characteristics, diet, and facts about them here.


Only a head that resembles a snake may be seen above the water, while a dark body swims covertly through the lake. The creature that sounds like the Loch Ness monster is actually an anhinga. This black waterbird stabs fish with its dagger-like beak while swimming underwater.