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Exploring the Top 50+ Most Exquisite Purple Flowers in the World
Are you looking for cute purple flowers to plant in your garden, or want to learn about them from a botany perspective? Here are the 50+ top pretty purple flowers and their names.
The Allure of Black Flowers: Unveiling the Top 21 Darkest Blooms
This article explores the top 21 black flowers, delving into their unique characteristics, growing requirements, and fascinating facts. Each of these varieties, from the classic Black Dahlia to the exotic Black Bat Flower, has a story to tell.
Order Ranunculales / Buttercup, Barberry & Poppy Flowers
Ranunculales is the order of angiosperms with a worldwide distribution, which are peripheral eudicots with spiral leaves, three openings (colpi) in the pollen, and spectacular floral diversity. The buttercup, Barberry, Moonseed, Chocolate vine and poppy flowers are the famous example species of Ranunculales.
Order Laurales / Aromatic Oil Flowers
Laurales is an order of flowering plants composing trees, shrubs, herbs, and vines. This order comprises seven families. Laurales species are used for lumber, medicinal extracts, essential oils, and ornamentals. Examples include Avocado, Bay Laurel, Limoncillo, Negramina, Grease Nut, Carolina Allspice & more.
Order Arecales / Palm Tree Flowers
Arecales, the palm order, is one of the most recognizable and significant orders of flowering plants in the tropics and subtropics. A few include the coconut palm (Cocos nucifera), African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis), sago palm (Metroxylon sagu), and date palm (Phoenix dactylifera).
Order Amborellales / Amborella Flower
Amborellales plant order is represented by 1 species, in 1 genus and 1 family. Amborella trichopoda is the only flower species under the family Amborellaceae. Explore distribution, characteristics, flower structure, and species details here.
Order Asterales / Daisy and Sunflower
Asterales is a dicotyledonous order of flowering plants that holds ten percent of the angiosperm species diversity. Common sunflower, common daisy, Toropapa, Hydrangea, Bogbean, Water snowflake, and Cobalt mound are some of the beautiful flowers in Asterales.
Solidago, commonly known as goldenrod, is a genus of approximately 100 to 120 species of flowering plants in the Asteraceae family. They are mainly native to North America, including Mexico; some species are native to Eurasia and South America.
Potentilla anserine, also known as silverweed, goosegrass, or silverweed cinquefoil, is a prostrate perennial herb in the Rosaceae (rose) family. Silverweed is the only plant in the Potentilla genus with pinnate compound leaves and individual flowers on separate stems.
The Salix genus's trees, shrubs, and willows in the Salicaceae family are mainly native to northern temperate zones. The Salix genus includes about 400 species of deciduous shrubs and trees.
Ranunculus japonicas is a perennial herb of the family Ranunculaceae. It is a wild grass native to Japan. Ranunculus flowers add beauty and vibrancy to any garden. These perennial herbaceous plants, best known for their fragile rose-shaped petals, produce long-lasting cut flowers.
Nemesia is delicate subshrubs, annuals, and perennials primarily native to South Africa. This charming plant has been gaining popularity lately for a good reason. The flower colors include blue, brown, red, pink, cream, orange, yellow, and sometimes two-tone (different colored lower and upper lips).
A mistletoe is a large group of plants that parasitize the above-ground parts of shrubs and trees. Mistletoe is a perennial flowering plant with specialized roots that can penetrate the host plant, from where it receives nutrients and water. The oak mistletoe revered by the Germans and Celts is the Viscum album (European Mistletoe), which produces yellow flowers and sticky white berries.
Maple is the common name for all members of the Acer flower genus, a group of around 132 primarily deciduous tree and shrub species. Most maples originate from Asia, but some species are also found in Europe, North Africa, and North America. Typically, Maple flowers are red, orange, green, or yellow.
Lady’s Bedstraw
Lady's Bedstraw (Galium verum), also known as the yellow bedstraw and cheese rennet, is a somewhat herbaceous rhizomatous perennial in the Rubiaceae family. In summer (July to September), four-petaled, bright yellow, fragrant flowers bloom in clustered, dense panicles.
Japanese Chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum indicum is a perennial Japanese herb that can grow to 1-3 feet at maturity. Indian Chrysanthemum has over 10,000 varieties. The flowers are single and intensely fragrant. Chrysanthemum indicum is approved by NASA as a houseplant that can reduce air pollution.
Japan Rose
Kerria japonica, also known as Japan rose or Japanese kerria, is a small ornamental shrub in the Rosaceae family native to Korea, Japan, and China. The flowers are a brilliant golden yellow with 5 petals, similar to the old-fashioned rose.
Hypericum Berry
Hypericum Berries are very variable and occur as shrubs, trees, perennials, and annuals. Hypericum is a genus of plants in the Hypericaceae family. Hypericum berries are available in various colors, including red, pink, green, and white. It has bright yellow five-petalled flowers with prominent stamens that bloom in midsummer.
Helianthus annuus
Sunflower is the common name of one of the plants in the Helianthus genus in the flowering Asteraceae family (known as the asters, daisies, or sunflower family). The inflorescence is a large disc with a 10 to 30 cm diameter and consists of 16 to 30 golden yellow florets.
Hazelnut (Corylus avellana), commonly referred to as cobnut or European filbert, is a deciduous, multi-stem, brush-like sucker shrub that usually reaches a height of 12 to 20 feet. The pale gray-yellow, somewhat conspicuous male flowers appear on hanging, stalk-less catkins (2 to 3 cm long). The inconspicuous female blooms with red stigmas flower above the male catkins.
Fernleaf Yarrow
Fernleaf Yarrow is an especially richly decorated, tiny, bright, long-lived golden flowering plant which is a representative of the yarrow genus (Achillea). This particular species of the genus Achillea is among the tallest and is related to Achillea millefolium (Common Yarrow).
Elastic Momordica
Elastic Momordica is an annual, climbing, or extensive perennial, monoecious herbaceous plant, 2 to 3 meters tall. It can be slightly hairy or hairless. The golden-yellow flowers are erect individually in the axils of the upper leaves on stems 2-10 cm long.
Dusty Miller
Dusty Miller (Jacobaea maritima) is a garden staple and will possibly never go outdated. With its lacy texture and showy silver leaves, this plant looks gorgeous during the growing season. The flowers are yellow and reach full bloom in midsummer, the flowering time. Once the flowers are fully grown, they are very noticeable.
Dock is a perennial herb with a hard, reddish, unbranched stem that reaches 1 to 3 feet in height. The leaves of the Dock plant are alternate, ovate to lanceolate, and 30 centimeters long. The flowers are small, greenish, and 5mm wide and bloom from June to October.
Daffodils herald spring and the awakening of nature with their trumpet-shaped blooms. They are among the few plant species that can successfully grow in snow. Daffodils are typically golden in color. However, there are new varieties of daffodils in pink, green, orange, yellow, and white.
Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara) is a perennial herb in the Asteraceae (sunflower) family native to North Africa, Europe, and parts of Asia. Coltsfoot is the only recognized species in the Tussilago genus. The bright yellow flowers appear in early spring before the leaves appear.
The great diversity of Celosia in tropical Africa indicates an origin in this region. Celosia includes around 50 species. Few flowers are as showy as Celosia.Celosia is characterized by its purpleor bright redflowers.
Carex is a large genus of over 2,000 species of herbaceous plants in the Cyperaceae family. All Carex species have cool seasons and grow most actively in spring and fall. Carex flowers bloom in yellow, red, brown, and green.
Calibrachoa is sometimes seen adorning cascading planters or hanging baskets and other containers, a hardy, and delicate flower. It's not the most popular choice in terms of formal arrangements and bouquets. Still, when presented as a potted plant, Calibrachoa is a flower with deep symbolism for its recipient.
California Poppy
The California Poppy (Eschscholtzia californica) became California's official state flower on March 2, 1903. The four-petal desert flowers, borne on stems 8 to 12 inches (20 to 30 cm) long, are typically cream, orange, or pale yellow. Still, cultivars are white and in a variety of pinks and reds.
Brittlebush is a common desert shrub under the family Asteraceae. The plant can grow up to 1-5 feet tall and 4 feet wide. Research showed that the Encelia farinosa intrinsic water-use efficiency manifested strong responses to climate change.
Bighead Knapweed
Bighead Knapweed flower features a beautiful, showy yellow thread-like bloom, but make no mistake - the Bighead Knapweed is very invasive. It also features a large taproot that becomes more resilient with age. The leaves are lanceolate and 10 to 30 inches long with slightly pointed ends.
Artemisia is a large and diverse genus of aromatic, mostly perennial shrubs and herbs of the Asteraceae (daisy) family, characterized by alternating leaves and small inflorescence. All have alternate leaves, tubular yellow flowers, and small flower heads, which appear as hanging, racemose, paniculate, or capitate inflorescences, rarely individually.
Ambrosia flowers were well-known in both Victorian floral language and ancient Greek myth. Most species of Ambrosia are native to North America, including the most common ones. Ambrosia is an entire genus of related plants, also commonly referred to as ragweeds.
Adder’s Tongue
Erythronium americanum is a perennial herb that belongs to the family Liliaceae. This species is a native range of Eastern North America. The common name of Adder's Tongue is given because of the shape of the flowering shoot.
Dutchman’s Breeches
Dutchman's Breeches (Dicentra cucullaria) is a graceful and easily recognizable wildflower in spring often found on gorges, valleys, ledges, slopes, rock forests, forest floors, and streams throughout most of the United States. It features deeply incised grayish-green fern foliage and clusters of waxy white flowers (rarely pink).
As a plant that symbolizes high mountains, the edelweiss has many admirers. We appreciate its tender beauty and the myths that surround it. The alpine edelweiss is the sole representative of the 40 known species of edelweiss found in the mountains of Asia and Central Europe. The delicate, vivid white flowers of this plant are legendary.
Hedera helix, commonly known as English ivy, is an aggressive, vigorous, fast-growing enduring perennial primarily cultivated as a trailing ground cover or climbing plant. On the contrary, they form round - greenish umbrella-like clumps - white flowers in early autumn.
Order Magnoliales / Magnolia & Other Aromatic Flowers
Magnoliales is the oldest flowering order that existed before bees were evolved. Angiosperms in this order comprise 6 families, 128 genera, and approximately 3,140 species. Nutmeg, Lancewood, Magnolia grandiflora, charismatic Michelia champaca, and Degeneria roseiflora (endemic to Fiji) are some of the examples of Magnoliales order.
Coral bells
Coral bells (Heuchera Americana) are the world's perennial coleus. First, these plants came in soft colors with small, insignificant flowers. Now they are available in a wide range of colors, with some varieties explicitly cultivated for their flower masses. The small, greenish-white flowers in airy, open panicles are borne on slender, thread-like stems extending well above the mound of leaves, typically 18-24 inches high in late spring and early summer.
Trientalis borealis is a star-shaped perennial wild-flowering plant native to the North American forests that bloom from May to June. Each stem has a whorl of 5 to 9 lance-shaped leaves at its end, with 1 or 2 white, green, or brown flowers on smaller stems extending from the center of the whorl.
Order Malvales / Hibiscus & Mallow Flowers
Malvales is a medium-sized order, commonly called the Hibiscus or mallow order, mainly consisting of woody plants that feature showy five-petaled flowers with an epicalyx. The order comprises 10 families, 338 genera, and around 6,000 species. Gossypium, Edgeworthia, Daphne, Gnidia, and Chinese Hibiscus are flowers in Malvales.
Mallow belongs to the large family of Malvaceae plants, which includes hibiscus, okra, and cotton. The flowers are single or in clusters in the leaf axils, which bloom from early summer to late autumn. They have five petals and are lilac, pinkish, or white flowers with an average width of 1 to 1.5 cm.
April Birth Flowers
Discover the hidden symbolism behind April's birth flowers - daisies and sweet peas. Explore their significance (symbolism & meaning) in this captivating read.
May Birth Flowers
Unveil the significance of May birth flowers! Discover the hidden meanings and symbolism behind Lily of the Valley and Hawthorn in this insightful blog post.
July Birth Flowers
Dive into the captivating meanings behind July birth flowers: Larkspur and Water Lily. Learn how to honor July-borns with these vibrant blossoms.
The Matsumoto aster (aka Japanese Aster), part of the Chinese aster series, is native to East Asia and is a much sought-after and admired flower. The Matsumoto aster flaunts its always yellow inner flowers by surrounding them with red, purple, lavender, pink, or white flowers, to name a few.
Marine Iguana
A comprehensive guide to the Galápagos marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) - the world's only seagoing lizard. Learn all about their taxonomy, adaptations for life in coastal habitats, feeding behaviors, social dynamics, threats to survival, and conservation status of this iconic species endemic to the Galápagos Islands of Ecuador.
Top 34 Flightless Birds of All Times!
Flightless Birds: Insight into how birds adapted over time to live grounded lives. This article explores major flightless species - from giant moas to tiny kiwis and curious penguins - examining how isolation and lack of predators drove anatomical changes forfeiting skies for land locomotion mastery.
Albino Bats
Albino Bats - Discover the genetic causes, physical traits, geographic hot-spots, and conservation efforts surrounding these rare pigment-less morphs that persist in tropical caves and forests through 60 global cases across 11 families.
Birds of Africa
Birds of Africa: Home to over 2,000 bird species, the African continent boasts some of the most spectacular avian diversity on Earth. From tiny sunbirds to massive ostrich, dazzling birds occupy every habitat across Africa's vast landscapes. Explore the top African birds here.
Greater Antillean Grackle
The Quiscalus niger, or Greater Antillean grackle, is a unique Caribbean songbird thriving in human habitats across Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola and Puerto Rico. Learn about this gregarious bird's classification, physical appearance, vocalizations, range, nesting habits, behavior, and relationship to humans.
Puerto Rican Emerald
Follow a tiny metallic-hued hovercraft nimbly navigating the maze of mangroves, forests, and gardens spanning Puerto Rico. Well-adapted to myriad nesting sites, this Emerald hummingbird flits freely, relying on a diverse nectar supply to counter any migration need. Learn how keeping multiple doors open through habitat connectivity sustains this abundantly welcome wildcard across the island.
Green Mango
Marvel at Puerto Rico's smallest avian pollinator, the iridescent emerald Green Mango hummingbird, fueled by nectar, sustaining its mobility through lush mountain rainforests and coffee plantations. Trace its role in carrying pollen through unbroken floral corridors rich in fruiting trees. Understand this diminutive species' undisrupted pathway reliance on habitat connectivity to counter migration needs.
Birds of Puerto Rico
Birds of Puerto Rico: Explore Puerto Rico's 18 uniquely evolved rainforest birds, from the Amazon parrot to the tiny Elfin Woods Warbler, facing threats from climate change and habitat loss while struggling to adapt niches vanishing through deforestation and development.
Top Immunology News of 2022
Discover 2022's key immunology breakthroughs: novel asthma treatments, HIV 'memory' cells, mRNA vaccine insights, and allergy research advancements.
Crowned Lemur
Learn about the endangered crowned lemur (Eulemur coronatus) - this medium-sized rainforest-dwelling primate from N. Madagascar has dense black & white fur and a distinctive orange arrowhead crown marking on its forehead.
Mongoose Lemur
Learn about the endangered mongoose lemur (Eulemur mongoz), a small Madagascar primate with red beards and bushy tails. Get fascinating facts on their rainforest habits, unique behaviors, seed dispersal ecology, and major threats driving their worrying decline.
Marmoset Monkeys
From the lush Amazon rainforests to the arid caatinga scrubs of northeastern Brazil, miniature marmoset monkeys swing through diverse New World landscapes. Explore all 24 species of marmoset monkeys here.
Yellow Monkeys
Yellow Monkeys: Monkeys exhibit a dazzling array of fur colors and patterns, but a select group stands out for their unique yellowish hues blending into tropical forest backdrops. Yellow monkeys include both New World primates like spider monkeys and capuchins and Old World species such as macaques, langurs and gibbons.