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Order Piperales / Paleoherb Spicy Fragrant Flowers

The Piperales are paleoherbs, which are plants that are similar or closely related to the monocots. Piperales order is divided into 3 families. Piper nigrums, birthworts, Lizard-tail, and Aristolochia are some of the good species in Piperales.
Order Canellales

Order Canellales / Cinnamon & Shrub Flowers

Canellales is the Order of flowering plants that belong to the magnoliids clade, an angiosperm tree early branch. Canellales include flowering species such as Wild Cinnamon, Chupacallos, Saro plant, Mountain Cinnamon, African Greenheart, Pepper Tree, Northland Horopito & many more.


Honeyflower (Melianthus major) is a strikingly large subshrub in the Melianthaceae family. Its leaves are alternately arranged and are made up of several leaflets with strongly serrated edges. Its flowers have a claw-like appearance with 4 dark brown to rust-red petals of various sizes.

Flowering Reed

Reed (Phragmites australis) is a cosmopolitan herb found on every continent except Antarctica and is considered the most common angiosperm. The inflorescence is a pinnate and drooping panicle 15 to 50 cm long, often yellowish-brown to purple in color.
Flowering Fern

Flowering Fern

The term flowering fern refers to the hardy gloxinia fern (Incarvillea delavayi), which is actually not a fern, but earned the nickname because of its fern-like, deeply divided leaves. In contrast to real ferns, flowering ferns glow with trumpet-shaped, pink flowers from the beginning of spring to late summer.

Fan Flower

The fan flower (Scaevola aemula) is an excellent annual summer plant that can be grown as a bedding plant or in containers, window boxes, hanging baskets. The delicate fan-shaped blooms have 5 petals that vary from white, pink, purple, or blue.
Flowers Starting with E

Flowers Starting with E

In spring, as the snow melts and the trees bud, you can smell flowers blooming from a mile away. You can even see flowers poking their heads out from our neighbors’ gardens. Here is a list of flowers starting with E.
Order Chloranthales

Order Chloranthales / Soft-wooded Herbal Flowers

Order Chloranthales belongs to core angiosperms which have soft-wooded aromatic shrubs and trees with swollen nodes and leaves with opposite saw-toothed. Many species of Chloranthales are used as herbal medicines. Sarcandra glabra, Sarcandra chloranthoides, Hedyosmum mexicanum, Hedyosmum brasiliensis, Chloranthus officinalis, Chloranthus japonicus, and Chloranthus monander are some of the examples in this flowering order.

Order Austrobaileyales / Woody Aromatic Flowers

Austrobaileyales order is composed of woody aromatic flowers in three different families. Example flowering plants include Wu Wei Zi, Magnolia vine, Star anise, Bay starvine, Kadsura vine, Bitter vine, and more.
Flowers Start with D

Flowers Starting with D

The flowering plants that we know today are the result of an evolutionary process spanning 100s of millions of years. Here is a collection of all flowers starting with D.


The Elderflower (also known as an elderberry tree and an elderflower tree) is a slightly arid and messy tree that rarely has a central trunk. Instead, numerous trunks tend to stick out of the ground and branch out regularly, giving it a shrub-like, bushy appearance. Each tiny flower is cream/white colored in full bloom and has five rounded petals, cream/white colored stalks, and yellow anthers.
Flowers Start with C

Flowers Starting with C

Flowers are a significant part of human life. They're pretty, they decorate our homes, and they make our lives more beautiful. Here is a collection of flowers starting with C.
Flowers Start with B

Flowers Starting with B

Here is a list of flowers that start with B to make things easier for you the next time you head out into your backyard to plant your first flower garden.
Flowers start with A

Flowers That Start with A

There are so many gorgeous flowers in the world it's hard to know where to begin. But here are some of the most popular flowers that start with A.
Types of Flowers

Types of Flowers

Types of Flowers: Explore the beauty & diversity of colorful flowers and intriguing botanical properties for all orders of flowering plants.
Exotic Flowers

25 Most Known Exotic Flowers

Exotic plants, when introduced to a foreign place, have the tendency to overgrow and dominate. Listed are the 25 most known exotic flowering plant species.
Types of Lilies

Types of Lilies

Discover the stunning beauty of different types of lilies. From oriental hybrids to unique lily species, learn about the diverse world of lily varieties.


Ranunculus japonicas is a perennial herb of the family Ranunculaceae. It is a wild grass native to Japan. Ranunculus flowers add beauty and vibrancy to any garden. These perennial herbaceous plants, best known for their fragile rose-shaped petals, produce long-lasting cut flowers.


Genista spp., also known as Cape broom, Montpellier broom, or French broom, is a perennial woody shrub. The yellow-flowered shrub is native to the Mediterranean. The small yellow flowers (less than half an inch) resemble peas and are grouped in 4 to 10.

Dog Rose

Dog rose (Rosa canina) is a species of wild rose that belongs to the Rosaceae family. The Dog rose name is not intended to reduce its size or compare it to standard garden roses. The flowers range from white-pink to deep pink and pale pink. It has mainly five petals, and the stem is dotted with small pointed thorns.

Queens Cup

Queen's Cup (Clintonia uniflora) is a perennial plant of the liliaceae (lily) family native to western North America's mountainous regions. There are 5 species of Clintonia, 1 in Asia and 4 in North America.


Nierembergia's adorable cup-shaped flowers and neat growing habits make them a valuable annual bloom for borders and containers. Nierembergia has pretty, slender, narrow leaves covered with purple or bluish flowers at the tips. This flowering plant grows up to 6 inches tall and up to a foot wide.


Lady's-eardrop (Fuchsia magellanica) is an eye-catching hedge in milder regions where it remains semi-evergreen. Lady's-eardrop is an erect, deciduous shrub with lanceolate leaves. It grows up to 3.6 meters (11 feet) by 2 meters (6 feet) tall at medium speed and produces numerous small, tubular pendulous flowers in shades of pink, red, and often white.


The beautiful and tall iris, named after the Greek goddess who rode the rainbow, is available in several magical colors. Notwithstanding its divine origins, this late bloomer is reliable, hardy, and easy to grow. Iris flowers are brown, blue, purple, pink, orange, yellow, lavender, and white.

Top 25 Most Colorful Butterflies That Will Take Your Breath Away!

Colorful Butterflies: These incredible insects come in a myriad of colors, patterns, and sizes, each one more stunning than the last. Explore 25 of the most spectacular and colorful butterfly species from around the globe.
What do monkeys eat?

What Do Monkeys Eat?

Monkeys are divided into two groups; the Old World and New World monkeys. Explore what do monkeys eat, monkeys diet by types and what eats monkeys here.
What Do Chinchillas Eat?

What Do Chinchillas Eat?

Chinchillas are attractive little rodents famed for the fluffy appearance that sets them apart from other animals. What do Chinchillas eat, diet patterns & more.
Birds of Missouri

Top 15 BEST Birds of Missouri

Here are the top 15 birds of Missouri and their fascinating fun facts along with where can one spot each of them in the State of Missouri.
Animals With Best Eyesight

Top 26 BEST Animals With Best Eyesight

The eyes with various marvelous features have evolved in all kinds of animals. Explore top 26 different animals with best eyesight in animal kingdom.

What Do Groundhogs Eat?

Groundhogs are herbivores that eat a diverse diet of greens, vegetables, fruits and more. Learn everything groundhogs eat and their favorite foods.

Common Grackle

Step into the captivating world of the lanky Common Grackle! This fierce-looking black bird, known for its intriguing foraging habits and distinct 'buzzing' calls, thrives in varied habitats. Unearth their unique traits and behaviors here.

Great-tailed Grackle

The Great-tailed Grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus) is a large blackbird found across the Americas, recognized for its iridescent black and purple plumage. These displays are paired with various vocalizations, making their soundscape unique among songbirds. Explore their characteristics, diet, and fun facts.

European Starling

European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), first introduced to North America by Shakespeare enthusiasts in the nineteenth century, are now among the continent's most common songbirds. Explore their characteristics, diet, and fun facts about these black songbirds.
Birds of Ohio

15 Outstanding Birds of Ohio

At present, Ohio has 5 distinct geographical regions from Lake & Till Plains to Appalachian Plateau and Bluegrass Region. Find 15 Best Birds of Ohio here.

Red Monkeys

Red monkeys include over 50 species of primates from Asia, Africa and the Americas that exhibit signature red coloration on their fur, skin or body parts adapted for forest camouflage and heat regulation while also communicating social moods.

Spider Monkeys

Spider monkeys comprise 7 New World primate species adept at brachiating through Central and South American rainforest canopies, endangered due to habitat destruction. Their spindly prehensile tails, flexible shoulder joints, hook-like fingers and fusion-fission social groups represent unique adaptations for foraging canopy fruits.

Top 26 Washington Birds

Explore the overview of 26 must-see top Washington Birds species including facts on goldfinches, owls, hawks, finches and more. This comprehensive guide will help with identification of birds of Washington.

What Is Biological Magnification?

Understand biological magnification - how toxins accumulate exponentially up food chains to dangerous levels in top predators. Unpack biomagnification impacts, sources, and solutions.

What Animals Live In Rainforests?

Discover the incredible biodiversity of the tropical rainforest. Dive deep into the habitats of rainforest animals, from the elusive jaguar to pink-toe tarantulas.

Top 25 Rare Birds of All Time

Explore the 25 rare birds in the world, including the Kakapo and Philippine Eagle, with stunning visuals, unique facts, and their incredible rare bird habitats.
What Do Squirrels Eat?

What Do Squirrels Eat?

Squirrels are in the same family as marmots, prairie dogs, and chipmunks. Explore what do squirrels eat, squirrel's diet by types, what eats squirrels & more.
What Do Kangaroos Eat?

What Do Kangaroos Eat?

Kangaroos are marsupials that can only be found in Australia. Kangaroos are mostly herbivores. Explore what do kangaroos eat in detail by their types & more.
What do sloths eat?

What Do Sloths Eat?

Sloths are arboreal creatures commonly found in South & Central America. Explore what do sloths eat, diet by types, how often, how much, & what eats sloths.

Scimitar Oryx

Learn about the endangered scimitar-horned oryx, a striking Saharan antelope brought to extinction in the wild by 2000. Discover how urgent conservation efforts and captive breeding programs for this iconic desert-adapted Oryx dammah species have kept its future hopes alive against the odds.
Tundra Animal Adaptations

Top 18 BEST Tundra Animal Adaptations

The coldest areas on Earth, such as regions close to the North Pole and the South Pole, have unique features. Here are the top 18 tundra animal adaptations.
What do peacocks eat?

What Do Peacocks Eat?

Peacocks are flashy birds renowned for their colorful tail plumage. Explore what do peacocks eat, their diet by types, and what eats peacocks & more here.

Top 25 Colorful Tulips: A Rainbow in Your Garden

Explore 25 colorful tulip s, from classic hybrids to rare species. Learn how to design, plant, and fun facts for a colorful spring garden.

Toad Lily

Tricyrtis affinis is a perennial Japanese plant of the Liliaceae. This species is endemic to Japan and can grow to a height of 30-60 cm. The flowers of Tricyrtis affinis are white with purple spots. The flowers have six free tepals in two whorls. Tricyrtis is a symbol of fertility.

Shooting Star

Dodecatheon media, a shooting star, is a very popular native North American wildflower, commonly found in open woods, prairies, meadows, rocky wooded slopes, and bluff ledges. The shooting star is a plant species in the Primulaceae (primrose) family. There are more than 17 species in the Dodecatheon genus.


Jack-in-the-Pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum) is a charming wildflower native to midwestern and eastern North America but easily grown in shady gardens elsewhere. The flower comes in purple, greenish-white, and green shades. Its bloom forms a club-shaped cluster of scarlet or red berries in autumn.

Lady’s Slipper

The Lady's Slipper (Cypripedium species) is a perennial wildflower of the Orchidaceae (orchid) family indigenous to North America. Presently 52 species are recognized in the Cypripedium genus. Lady's Slippers are available in three different color arrangements: yellow, pink and white, and the rare plain white.

Bird of Paradise

The Bird of Paradise is also known as a crane flower because it looks like a graceful bird with a long neck. There are about 5 different species of this plant. Its brightly colored flowers and long stem look like a bird with a tuft of brightly colored flowers and a pointed beak on its head.


Clarkia amoena, also known as the satin flower, is native to western North America from central California to British Columbia. The four-petalled flowers (2 to 3-inches in diameter) are red, pink, or lavender, sometimes with a spot or blotch at each petal's base.


Hellebore is so pretty and straightforward that it has a place in almost any landscape. Its exquisite cup- or saucer-shaped blooms in white (sometimes speckled), maroon, yellow, or pink remain on the plant for many months, even after the petals have dropped.

White Trillium

White Trillium is a perennial herb that belongs to the family Melanthiaceae. This species is native to Eastern North America and can grow to 1 to 1.5 feet. Trillium grandiflorum is used in a study to determine the negative impact of deer on the herb population.


Gazania is an annual and perennial plant known for its extreme tolerance to heat and drought. The flowers of this species are orange with black eyes at the base and orange-brown discs. Hybrid varieties come in various additional hues, including shades of white, bronze, orange, or yellow.


Columbine, also known as Aquilegia and Grandmother's Cape, is a genus of around 60 to 70 species of grassland perennial plants native to temperate climates in North America, Europe, and Asia. Columbine is a common garden flower in many colors, including purple, pink, white, red, and yellow.


Cattleya orchids display a fantastic look that several plant lovers could not resist. Cattleya belongs to a genus of Cattleya spp. in the family Orchidaceae. There are currently 35 natural hybrids and 46 recognized species of the genus Cattleya. These orchids are native to the tropics like South and Central America. The blooms can reach a diameter of 8 inches, with colors ranging from white to blue, yellow, red, purple, and orange.


Dendrobium orchids (Dendrobium spp.) are among the most popular orchid species among hobbyist growers and orchid lovers. Grown primarily as an ornamental houseplant or for their flowers, these striking beauties produce delicate and showy blooms in various colors, including pink, purple, green, and creamy white.


Phalaenopsis is a genus of approximately 45 species of primarily epiphytic orchids native to Southeast Asia, southern China, and India. The conspicuous, flattened blooms (each 3 to 6 inches wide) appear in long sprays on arched stems in various colors, including pinkish-purple, yellow, cream, pale yellow, and white.