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Lace Fern
Lace Fern (Asparagus setaceus), commonly known as ferny asparagus, climbing asparagus, or asparagus grass, is a climber in the genus Asparagus. Blooming from spring to fall, the small greenish-white bell flowers are 0.4 centimeters long. It grows quickly and is easy to care for.
King’s Spear
The King's Spear (Asphodeline lutea) is a real asset in the garden with its long, fragrant yellow inflorescences. The fragrant yellow flowers of the King's Spear contrast nicely with the dark foliage.
Kennedia is a genus of about 13 species of flowering perennials in the Fabaceae (pea) family and is native to Australia. The flowers are often arranged in the axils of the leaves, relatively showy and prominent, purple, blue, red, or almost black with leaf-shaped bracts at the base, but occasionally drooping when the flowers open.
Kangaroo Paw
Unlike any other flower, the Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthos flavidus) has long club-shaped buds covered with thick hairs of a deeper hue than the flowers. The flower can be brown, orange, pink, red, yellow, or green, depending on the species.
Kalmia flowers can only grow wild in a few selected habitats worldwide and are perhaps better known as mountain laurel. Each flower (up to 1 inch wide) is cup-shaped with 5 sides and ranges from white to pink with purple markings interior.
The Kalanchoe blossfeldiana, commonly known as Kalanchoe, is among the most versatile succulents and is loved for its pretty leaves and colorful blooms. Their flowering time is incredibly long for an indoor plant. These yellow, pink or bright red flower racemes last for several weeks.
Kaffir Lily
The Kaffir Lily (Clivia miniata) really knows how to put on a show - the display of its vivid buds is a spectacular precursor of spring. The conspicuous funnel-shaped blooms are produced in an umbellate-shaped flower head, colored yellow, red, or orange.
Jupiter’s Beard
Jupiter's Beard (Centranthus ruber) is well-known for its nearly uninterrupted flowering ability and extreme drought tolerance. This beautiful flower are loved for its ability to produce a showy white, pink, or crimson flowers tree, sometimes on barren soils from spring to frost.
Native to the Southeastern United States, Jessamine (Gelsemium sempervirens) is a large vine for the landscapes. Jessamine grows 20 ft or more when cultivated as a vine. The fragrant, golden yellow flowers cover the finely structured cascading foliage from February through April.
Jerusalem Oak
Jerusalem oak (Dysphania botrys) was previously classified in the Ambrosia genus, with the botanical name Ambrosia mexicana. The plant has several small, compact clusters of greenish-yellow flowers at the end of the stems that resemble a stinging nettle.
Jasmine (Jasminum polyanthum) is a genus of vines and shrubs in the Oleaceae (olive) family. The flowers are usually 2.5cm in diameter and come in shades of yellow and white.
Jamaica plum
Jamaica Plum (Spondias mombin), also known as hog plum or yellow mombin, is a tree and flowering plant in the Anacardiaceae family. It originates from tropical America, including the West Indies. The sweet-scented flowers usually bloom from January to May. They are in large, loose terminal panicles with small purple to yellow flowers.
Jacob's ladder (Polemonium caeruleum) is a perennial species of the Polemoniaceae family. It is native to the temperate regions of Asia and Europe, where it grows mainly in meadows, grasslands, and damp forests. They are available in yellow, blue, white, or pink, depending on the variety.
Indian cress
Indian cress (Tropaeolum majus), also known as monks cress, nasturtium, or garden nasturtium, is a flowering plant species from the Tropaeolaceae family native to the Andes from Bolivia to Colombia. The short-lived perennial or easy-growing annual with disc-shaped foliage and bright orange or red flowers are cultivated, possibly origin hybrid.
Indian cane
Indian cane (Saccharum officinarum) is a fast-growing species in the Poaceae (grass) of the genus Saccharum. It is better suited to dry conditions and poor soils. It is leafier, with thin, relatively complex red canes.
As a classic annual shade garden, Impatiens have been a popular choice for a long due to their flowering power and a great variety of colors. It has been extensively crossed to produce many varieties that have flowers in a variety of shades, including white, orange, purple, lilac, red, rose, pink, and two-tone varieties.
Ice plant
Perfect for rock gardens or sunny slopes, the ice plant (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum) quickly forms a low mat of lush foliage that adds interest and texture even when these succulent perennials aren't blooming. The ice plant grows 6 to 8 inches tall and produces bright purple, pink, or yellow flowers all summer.
Iberis amara
Iberis amara is sometimes a wild ornamental annual plant that belongs to the Brassicaceae (mustard) family. Iberis amara is an annual flowering plant that can reach 40cm tall. Its flowers are 6-8mm in diameter and are white or pale purple.
An epitome of cottage gardens, Hollyhocks (Alcea rosea) are towering flowers that bloom in a wide range of colors for an extended period in summer. Hollyhocks are available in various colors, including yellow, white, red, purple, pink, blue, and even black.
The hollowroot plant enchants with delicate carpets of leaves, on which fragrant blooms in white and deep purple-pink open. The plant belongs to the Fumarioideae (fumitory) family. Hollowroot opens its slightly fragrant white to purple or dark pink blooms from March to April.
Hogbean (Hyoscyamus niger), also known as stinking nightshade, henbane, or black henbane, is a highly poisonous plant from the Solanaceae (nightshade) family. The conspicuous funnel-shaped flowers have 5 cream to dark yellow petals with dark centers and purple veins.
Globe Amaranth
Globe Amaranth (Gomphrena globosa), is an annual tropical plant native to Central America from Panama to Guatemala. There are different varieties available in white, purple, and pink. Globe Amaranth grows 1 to 2 feet tall and one foot across with rigid, upright, branching stems.
Bouvardia is a genus of plants in the Rubiaceae family. It includes around 50 species of evergreen shrubs and herbs that are native to Central America and Mexico. The color ranges of the flowers vary depending on the species, and can be red, pink, yellow, or white.
Broomrape, commonly called Orobanche, is a genus of more than 200 species of herbaceous plants native to the temperate northern hemisphere. These plants are best known by their straw-yellow stems, which are completely free of chlorophyll and have blue, white, or yellow dragon-like flowers.
Angelica is a short-lived perennial or hardy biennial herb in the carrot family. It has a powerful musky fragrance and an aromatic sweet taste. The small, yellowish-white, often pink flowers form semicircular, double-apical umbels about 6-inches in diameter.
Ajuga reptans, commonly known as Bugleweed, are perennial, broad-leaved, evergreen to semi-evergreen herbaceous groundcover of the mint family (Lamiaceae). The genus includes around 40 species of plants. Spikes of small bluish-purple flowers appear in mid to late spring, protruding up to 10-inches above the foliage.
Also known as Monkey Tail and cherry pie plant, Heliotrope has been a well-known flower in the cottage garden since Victorian times. Heliotrope blooms in fall or summer. The buds turn a deep purple color and then become lighter as they age.
Heathers are easily over 500 varieties available. Most blooms in summer and their flower colors range from white to pink to dark purple, and their leaves are green to bright orange. Also, the leaves are scaly and small.
Hardy Geranium
Perennial Geraniums make beautiful garden plants as they come in a wide range of sizes, colors, and shapes. There are more than 300 varieties and species of perennial Geranium, so you can easily find one that's ideal for you. The flowers come in various colors, including white, blue, purple, and pink, and have 5 petals that are sometimes beautifully patterned or veined in contrasting colors.
Goat’s Beard
Goat's Beard (Aruncus dioicus), also called bride's feathers, is a perennial plant in the Rosaceae family. The pinnate clusters of filmy cream-colored thread-like flowers grow on long, branching spikes above the foliage and bloom from late May to mid-July.
Sinningia speciosa, commonly known as gloxinia, comes from Brazil and belongs to the Gesneriaceae family. It has large, trumpet-shaped flowers, white, red, purple, or lavender. The leaves are velvety, ovoid to oblong in a rosette.
Chionodoxa forbesii is commonly referred to as the Glory-of-the-Snow because it flowers early enough that its flowers often protrude directly from the snow. The small, upturned flowers are pale blue with a whitish center, making them nearly translucent or glassy.
Globe Thistle
Globe Thistle is among the prickly jokes of life. They thrive nearly everywhere and carry a dreadful sting when they come in contact with the skin. However, they are excitingly shaped and available in deep purples and blues that are beautiful additions to the garden.
Ginger is the popular name for the perennial herb Zingiber officinale, an upright plant in the family Zingiberaceae that is widespread for its edible underground horizontal stem (rhizome). The flowers have dense conical spikes about an inch thick and two to three inches long and consist of overlapping green bracts with yellow edges.
Geum, sometimes referred to as Avens, is certainly not one of the most popular perennials. However, it has been grown in gardens for several years. In spring, upright, filiform, branchy, flowering stems rising above the leaves with 5-leaf tips, brick red to orange-red (up to 1.5" in diameter) flowers with clusters of yellow stamens.
The Gerbera flower, native to South Africa, belongs to the Asteraceae family along with the sunflower. They belong to an extensive family since there are currently more than 40 species of Gerbera flowers in the world. The striped flowers of the species are usually available in orange, yellow, and red.
A classic garden plant indeed, Geraniums have been a favorite of many gardeners for over a century. Although most Geraniums are cultivated as annually, they are perennial plants. Geraniums have symmetrical flowers with petals of the same shape and size. The flowers vary in color from white to pink, through deep reds to purple.
Gayfeather (Liatris spicata), commonly known as the Blazing Star, Marsh Blazing Star, or Dense Blazing Star, is a tall, erect, lumpy perennial native to low-lying wetlands, grasslands, and marsh edges. It has terminal ends (6 to 12" long) of stalkless, round, downy, dark purple buds (up to 3/4" wide each) that appear on stiff, upright, leafy pedicels.
Attract butterflies and other pollinators to your garden with Gaura's long stems made of delicate flowers. It is a perennial herb that grows to around 15 to 48 inches in height. The flowers are pink, white, or a mixture of the two colors.
Gardenia jasminoides, commonly known as cape jasmine or Common Gardenia, are native to Japan and southern China. It is primarily known for its highly aromatic white blooms (up to 3 inches in diameter), borne in small groups or singly.
Galax (Galax urceolata), also known as wandflower or beetleweed, is a slow-growing conifer native to the United States. Small pinnate white flowers, arranged in a narrow raceme on a bare stem, rise above the foliage in early summer or late spring.
The hearty, heat-tolerant hedge flower is an excellent addition to the casual garden with vibrantly patterned, daisy-like blooms in yellow, orange, and red shades. The flowers of the Gaillardia species comprise numerous small central disk flowers enveloped by 15 or more sterile striped flowers (although some do not have striped flowers).
Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) is a short-lived perennial or biennial Western European plant from the Plantaginaceae family (plantain). Pendent, 2-3" long, funnel-shaped, tubular, purple to dark rose-pink (often white) flowers with white and purple spots inside are tightly bunched along with each spike.
Four O’clock
Four O'clock will delight both your eyes and your nose, with fragrant tubular flowers that come in a variety of patterns and colors. Often, you even get different colored flowers on the same plant. the flowers are tubular, red, pink, or white, up to 6.5 cm long and 3.5 cm wide with 5 to 6 stamens.
Fountain Grass
Like many herbs, Fountain Grass (Pennisetum setaceum) looks spectacular when lit by the setting or rising sun. However, fountain grass also sends out beautiful, fluffy bloom plumes in late summer. The red, pink, or white plumes (depending on the variety) continue into autumn and give the plantings a casual and relaxed look.
Often called the harbinger of spring, forsythia blooms in bright yellow flowers before its leaves emerge. This creates impressive golden dots in landscapes that break up the gloomy, snowy ground with the promise of what is to come. The blooms are produced in early spring, before the leaves appear, for a welcoming show of vibrant yellow flowers.
The Flamingo Flower (Anthurium andraeanum) is another gift from the tropical forests of Latin America to humanity. Their curious lavender, red, pink, or white heart-shaped flowers have a twisted spadix (inflorescence) from white to yellow in the center.
Field Wood-rush
The Field Wood-rush (Luzula campestris) is a common plant in green areas like meadows, grassy areas, and plains. The plant is a common European species and is occasionally found in North America. The brown flowers are produced on thin, brush-shaped central stems that can grow up to 6 inches long.
With its yellow tubular and white ligulate blooms, Feverfew is evocative of chamomile, which also belongs to the Asteraceae family. Feverfew is native to Western Himalayas, Central Asia, and Southeast Europe. The flowers are racemes of white florets with a yellow central disk, typically up to 0.8 in (2 cm) in diameter.
Appropriately named, Farewell-To-Spring (Clarkia bottae) signals that the end of the spring bloom's peak. The Farewell-to-Spring bloom is bowl-shaped, pink to lavender, sometimes speckled with red, and flowers from late April to July (depending amount of rain and the timing).
False Indigo
False Indigo mainly occurs along river banks, as well as in thickets and rich forests. There are approximately 20 species of Baptisia, all of which are native to midwestern or eastern North America.False Indigo has purple lupine-like blooms in upright clusters (up to 12-inches) on spikes.
False Bird of Paradise
The False Bird of Paradise (Heliconia rostrata) is a gorgeous, highly-prized plant with brightly colored bracts and small, hidden flowers. The False Bird of Paradise is so remarkable that once you've seen it, you will never forget it! The colors of the flowers vary in shades of green, yellow, red, pink, and orange.
Valued for the beauty of its cheerful blooms, everlasting flower (Xerochrysum bracteatum or Helichrysum bracteatum) is a delicate, short-lived, annual or perennial herb with daisy-like blooms up to 1 to 3 inches wide and covered with a central yellow disc enveloped by shiny petal-shaped bracts in bright yellow, white, pink, red, or orange shades.
Eustoma grandiflorum
Often preferred by flower designers when a classy flower is required for an arrangement, Eustoma grandiflorum is the epitome of a versatile and glamorous flower. The tousled petals and elegant buttons are available in various colors. They are available in different colors: pink, purple, blue, and white, as well as two-tone combinations of these shades.
Euphorbia, commonly known as the crown of thorns, is a succulent, woody shrub with light green fleshy leaves, discrete flowers in racemes that are pointed by striking bracts in the shape of yellow or red petals. Euphorbia is a genus of over 1,600 species in the Euphorbiaceae family.
Eupatorium perfoliatum is a perennial herbaceous shrub that forms clumps of small white blooms in late fall and summer. The Eupatorium genus belongs to the Compositaefamily in the primary group of flowering plants.
Known for their minty scent and as a filler in cut flower bouquets, eucalyptus plants can make showy annuals and stunning potted plants as well. The colors of the flowers are pink, white, and red.
Erica spp. is an evergreen shrub that hardly reaches one meter in height. However, Macaronesian and Mediterranean varieties can reach a height of more than 5 meters. These flowers vary in color from white to violet and pink.
A delightful woody addition, the Epimedium plant is part of a constantly growing family of highly-valued perennials. The Epimedium genus belongs to the Berberidaceae family with about 130 known varieties and species. It has large yellow/pale-pink spider-shaped flowers with a long spur (1 3/4" in diameter) appearing in spring bloom.
Epigaea is a native forest shrub in the Ericaceae family that develops as an evergreen carpet in forests and peaty clearings. Epigaea is native to eastern North America and is the only member of the genus. The blooms of the Epigaea are dark pink, pale pink, or white.