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Pink Musk

Malva moschata, the pink musk mallow, is a plant species in the Malvaceae family native to Southwest Asia and Europe. This pink wildflower is grown for its fragrant flowers that thrive during the summer months. The pink-musk flowers are in clusters in the axils of the leaves, each flower 3.2 to 5 cm in diameter, with 5 bright pink petals at the notched to truncated end.

Pink mink

Pink Mink has lots of beautiful, flattened bud flowers with shell pink undertones and pink centers at the tips of the stems. They bloom from late spring to mid-fall. The flower colors range from silvery pink through creamy green to a deep carmine.


As the mainstay of the cottage garden, Phlox owes its continued popularity to its puffy flower clouds and simple nature. Phlox is a genus of about 67 species of annual and perennial plants in the Polemoniaceae family. The lightly scented flowers can be white, bright red, light blue, pink, or purple.


The philodendron isn't a plant per se, as widely believed, but a plant genus botanically known as Araceae. Its great popularity is due to its simplicity. The foliage of the philodendron is usually green, but it can be coppery, purple, or red. The long, white part of the blossom is known as the spadix.

Persian Candytuft

Commonly known as Persian candytuft or Persian watercress, Aethionema is a genus of around 60 Brassicaceae (mustard) family species. Persian candytuft is magnificent Old-World watercress cultivated for its fragrant pink flowers.


Vinca minor, commonly called periwinkle or Vinca, is among the most popular and primarily used groundcovers. Periwinkle is a species of the Apocynaceae (oleander) family native to Southern and Central Europe. Phlox-like, tubular, red-violet, pink, or lavender-blue flowers (up to 1 inch wide) appear in spring in the leaf axils and bloom intermittently from summer through fall.

Perennial Flax

Linum perenne, commonly known as perennial flax, is a short-lived perennial shrub native to Europe that generally grows 1 to 2 feet tall. Linum is a genus of around 200 species of flowering plants. It blooms profusely for up to eight weeks in late spring. The sky-blue flowers open early in the sunny mornings, but the petals usually fall in the late afternoon.


Peppermint (Mentha × piperita, also called Mentha balsamea) is a hybrid mint, a cross of spearmint and watermint. Native to the Middle East and Europe, the plant is now widespread and grown in many parts of the world. The axis of the stem is usually hairy and usually highly branched. Peppermint flowers can be purple, pink, and sometimes white.

Pearly Everlasting

Anaphalis margaritacea, commonly known as Pearly Everlasting, is a native North American plant that grows up to 3 feet tall and is usually found in sandy, dry, or gravelly locations. It is an erect, tufted plant with attractive, woolly, narrow, silvery-gray leaves and tiny, white, spherical flowers with yellow central stamens.

Paper Reed

Cyperus papyrus, also called paper reed or Egyptian reed, is an African tufted species native to the southern Mediterranean, the wettest parts of Africa, and Madagascar. It is a dense collection of many bright green thread-like rays. Tiny secondary umbels are formed with 3 to 5 rays and elongated, narrow bracts at the tips of the rays.


Osteospermum is a relatively new addition to the world of gardening as it became only available in the early 1990s. With its daisy-like flowers in a wide variety of colors, the osteospermum is a favorite among florists and gardeners. Each flower features a central disk of tiny tubular flowers surrounded by fertile ray blooms that resemble petals in a wide range of colors, including yellow, pink, and white.


Ornithogalum, often known as Star of Bethlehem or Wonder Flowers, are beautiful spring flowers that are easy to love and even easier to please. Species typically have linear basal leaves, and a thin stem up to 30 cm tall with white star-shaped flowers often streaked with green.

Orange Blossom

When we think of oranges, we often think of their refreshing citrus flavor, vitamin C, and juice. However, we seldom think of them coming from trees that produce orange blossoms with an equally attractive fragrance. The flowers are star-shaped, white, and of course, have a strong scent of citrus notes and sweet, sweet, soapy undertones.


Myrtles belong to the flower family Myrtaceae and the genus Myrtus. Myrtus is the genus, but there are 3 different species, Myrtus Nivellei, Myrtus Phillyreifolia, and Myrtus Communis. The star-shaped flower has 5 petals and sepals as well as many stamens.


Myrsine is a genus of plants in the Primulaceae family. It was previously placed in the Myrsinaceae family before merging with the Primulaceae. Myrsine africana has small white to pink flowers in spring followed by purple/bright red berries.


Mulberry is the name given to various types of deciduous trees or shrubs of the Morus genus in the Moraceae family cultivated for their palatable fruits. The trees produce small greenish-yellow flowers in dense clusters and an oval cluster fruit made from individual stone fruits.


Common mugwort, Artemisia vulgaris, is a species in the Asteraceae (sunflower) family. It is one of many species (2-400) in the Artemisia genus, commonly referred to as mugwort. The relatively small florets (5 mm long) are radially symmetrical with numerous dark red or yellow petals.


Motherwort (Leonurus cariaca) quickly attracts attention with its characteristic leaves and flowers. During the flowering period, which typically occurs between mid-June and early September, the motherwort forms typical blooms with a dainty purple to pink color.

Mother-in-law Tongue

The Mother-in-law Tongue is an evergreen, perennial plant with elongated and dense leaves. These unique leaves are dark green with light gray-green crossed bands and can grow up to 2.4 inches wide and 3 feet tall. It has small, light green flowers that bloom in summer or fall.


Extremely attractive and exotic in appearance, Montbretia produces decorative clusters of upright, sword-shaped leaves and glowing sticks of yellow, orange, red, and scarlet tubular flowers that bloom for 5 to 8 weeks from mid-summer to mid-fall. Most Montbretia flowers are arranged in an intricate panicle.

Misty Blue Limonium

As a member of the family Plumbaginaceae, Limonium has more than 120 species of flowering plants. The two main groups of this genus comprise hybrids of Limonium latifolium and Limonium sinuatum. Misty Blue Limonium is a variety of Latifolium with blue flowers. Its hairy, branched stems usually reach 12 to 18 inches tall and are topped with racemes of small, papery florets.


Milkwort (Polygala vulgaris) might not have the most endearing name. Still, it's one of the stars of the early-fall summer show in Europe. The flowers are usually dark blue to light blue, but they can also be pink, purple, and white. The flowers have small petals surrounded by a pair of flat-top sepals that look like petals.


The watermilfoil is an aquatic plant native to North Africa, Asia, and Europe. Watermilfoil is a genus of approximately 69 species of aquatic plants. The water milfoil produces small, four-petalled, reddish blooms on a spike that protrudes 2 to 4 inches from the water.


Mezereon (Daphne mezereum), commonly known as the February Daphne for its late winter flowering, is a small, semi-evergreen, deciduous shrub with an upright, bushy growth habit that usually grows 3 to 5 feet tall and wide. The fragrant pink to reddish-purple flowers (up to 1/2" wide each) bloom in stemless clusters (2 to 4 flowers per cluster).


Melaleuca is a genus of almost 300 plant species in the myrtle (Myrtaceae) family, commonly known as tea tree, honey myrtle, or paper bark. These common names refer to many species' scaly bark and the nectar produced in their flowers. The flower color varies from pink to white, red, green, or pale yellow.
White Buddleia Flowers


Commonly referred to as a butterfly bush, Buddleia davidii is a deciduous shrub native to forest clearings, limestone outcrops, mountain slopes, and Rocky River banks in America, Africa, and Asia. Buddleia (orth. Var. Buddleja) is a genus with over 140 flowering plant species in the Scrophulariaceae (figwort) family. Many named varieties have been introduced over the years, expanding the flower range colors to include pink, yellow, white, and red.


Buckbean (Menyanthes trifoliate), commonly known as marsh trefoil or bogbean, is an emergent rhizomatous perennial that generally grows in shallow water at the edge of lakes/ponds in swamps. The 5-petaled star-shaped hairy whitish flowers bloom in terminal clusters on stems up to 12 inches tall in May and June.


The star-shaped flowers of Boronia plants have long enchanted bushwalkers in different parts of Australia, from the east coast to the west coast. The Boronia genus includes around 160 species of flowering plants in the Rutaceae (citrus) family. Flowers are available in yellow, pink, and brown.


As soon as the temperatures rise again in early summer, the flowers of Godetia grandiflora peak. Also known as the satin flower, the godetias consist of up to 25 species of flowering plants. These come in many bright shapes and shades, from delicate pastels and sheer satin white to eye-catching two- and three-tone combinations of sparkling apricot, mauve, lavender, carmine, red, purple, pink, orange petalled blooms.

Fuji Mums

Accent your home garden with the stunning beauty of Fuji Mums (spider chrysanthemums). Also known as spider mums, Fuji Mums bring a unique flower shape to the garden. Some Fuji Mums have thin, wiry petals; in other species, the petals are thicker. Fuji Mums come in various shades, including lavender, white, pink, gold, and orange.


Arbutus is a genus of 12 species of recognized flowering plants in the Ericaceae family, native to the temperate regions of North America, Western Europe, the Mediterranean, and the Canary Islands. Arbutus species are typically characterized by bell-shaped pink or white blooms in loose terminal racemes and by fleshy orange or red berries with a remarkably irregular surface.


Angelonia angustifolia is native to the West Indies and Mexico. Angelonia is a semi-tropical plant that is mainly considered an annual plant. The blue-purple flowers (up to 3/4 inch wide each) bloom on narrow terminal spikes (up to 8 inches long) from late spring to early fall. Varieties are available in light pink, blue, white, and two-tone flower colors.


Nicotiana is a genus of herbaceous shrubs and plants in the Solanaceae (nightshade) family. The 67 species of Nicotiana are native to tropical South America, North America, and Australia. The Nicotiana flower is borne in clumps on multi-branched stems and grows in red, purple, white, and pink tones.


Urtica dioica, often referred to as nettle, nettle leaf, stinging nettle, or stinger, is an herbaceous perennial plant in the Urticaceae family. This plant has slender, pointed, somewhat cordate serrated leaves that grow 3 to 15 cm high. Slender catkins of small green florets appear from the leaf axils.


Nerine, also known as spider lily, Jersey lily, and Guernsey lily, is a genus of plants in the Amaryllidaceae family. Nerine grows up to 2 feet in the fall with thong-shaped leaves and large umbels of pink, lily-like flowers when almost nothing else is blooming.


Mazus, a slow-growing perennial with delicate blue-violet flowers, is an excellent ground cover thanks to the creeping stalks. In warm winter weather, the foliage is evergreen. Small purplish-blue, tubular, two-lipped flowers with white and yellow markings appear in small clumps from late spring to early summer.


Althaea officinalis, the marshmallow or marsh mallow, is a flowering species of plant native to North Africa, Western Asia, and Europe. True marshmallow flowers appear in clusters in the leaf axils from July to September. They are 1.2 to 2 in (3 to 5 cm) tall. The flowers are white to pale pink, with 6 to 9 outer sepals that are slightly scented.


Also known as sweet marjoram, Marjoram (Origanum majorana), is a perennial plant from the Lamiaceae (mint) family that is cultivated as a culinary herb. The Origanum genus is currently assigned to around 40 species. The small marjoram flowers are predominantly white to scarlet red in color.


Also known as Satan's apple, long missing from American pleasure gardens, mandrake (Mandragora officinarum) is staging a comeback, thanks to Harry Potter films and books. The solitary flowers have a bell-shaped crown of 5 petals, and they vary from purple to green-yellow. The flowers bloom in the center of the plant in spring.


As a classic tropical vine, the mandevilla (Mandevilla sanderi) is an excellent way to add a touch of color to a sunny vertical space in any garden. Mandevillas are also known for their large, tropical-looking flowers. They are available in shades of white, red, and pink and several shades in between.


The Manchineel tree (Hippomane mancinella) is a species of the family of the Euphorbiaceae family. Its distribution area extends from northern South America to the tropical south of North America. The Manchineel trees produce tiny greenish-yellow blossoms that appear in spikes.


Magnolia is an eye-catching flowering plant that belongs to the Magnoliaceae (magnolia) family. There are about 210 species of magnolia, differing in shape, size, flower color, and habitat type. Magnolias are deciduous, evergreen, or spreading shrubs or trees characterized by large, fragrant flowers that can be cup- or star-shaped, in hues of yellow, green, purple, pink, or white.


Madder (Rubia tinctorum) is a perennial herbaceous plant that belongs to the Rubiaceae family of coffee and bedstraw. Madder flowers are tiny and between 3 and 5 mm in diameter. Each flower has 5 petals in shades of yellow, and they bloom in summer.


If you are looking for an eye-catching perennial with summer flowers that will stand out from the crowd, lupine (Lupinus polyphyllus) is a favorite. The flowers open from the bottom up and sometimes feature over one color on the same plant, in shades ranging from soft pastels to violet blues and deep reds.


With a popular name like Love-in-a-Mist, one could guess that Nigella damascena would have a romantic story. The flowers are usually pale blue to light blue, but some can be lavender, pink, or white. Each flower is 1½-inches wide, with five large, petal-shaped sepals and tiny, deeply divided petals hidden under the stamens.


Purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) is a flowering plant in the Lythraceae family. It is a large family of plants with over 150 species of evergreen and herbaceous perennials. The sessile leaves are alternate or opposite on the stalk. The purple loosestrife inflorescence consists of many showy, white, magenta, or reddish-purple flowers found in racemes.


The beautiful flower of the lily plant makes it among the most well-known flowering plants in horticulture. But this eye-catching flower is more than it looks. The flowers are generally scented and come in various colors, including pink, purple, red, orange, white, or yellow.

Lemon Blossom

Lemon (Citrus × limon) is a hybrid of the genus Citrus and the common name for the popular edible fruit of this small, sprawling tree or shrub. The slightly fragrant flowers can be single, or there can be two or more. The opened flowers have 4 or 5 petals, white on top and purple on the underside.

Lemon Balm

Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) is a classic culinary and medicinal herbaceous plant that shouldn't be missing in any balcony or garden. Lemon balm, or simply lemon balm, is part of the Lamiaceae family. Unfortunately, the Melissa genus has only a few representatives with just 4 species. The pale-white lipped flowers, approximately 1 cm in size, grow in the axils of the leaves.


The name Leadwort may not sound flattering, but this beautiful, hardworking perennial always deserves a place in a home garden. The terminal clumps of five-petalled gentian blue flowers (1/2 to 3/4 inch in diameter) appear on the foliage during a long flowering period from summer to frost.


Lavandula angustifolia is undoubtedly amongst the most popular herbaceous plants. With its purple flowers, the fragrant plant adorns many window sills, gardens, and balconies. Lavandula typically blooms between late May and mid-September. There it forms purple flowers, rarely white, which are arranged in pseudo-whorls.


Laurustine (Viburnum tinus) is a vigorous evergreen shrub known for its showy clusters of flowers, brightly colored berries, and leathery leaves. The blossoms are small, light pink or white, and are formed in winter from reddish-pink florets in dense racemes with a diameter of 5 to 10 cm.


Bryonia dioica, commonly known as White Bryony and Black Bryony, also ladies' seal or English mandrake, is a perennial climber from Southern and Central Europe. White Bryony (Bryonia dioica) is a climber in the Cucurbitaceae (cucumber) family that develops multiple stems and forms greenish flowers in summer.


Carpinus caroliniana, commonly known as Hornbeam, is a slow-growing, trimmed medium-sized deciduous tree with an eye-catching spherical shape. The flowers (catkins) are yellow and droopy and appear as separate female and male catkins in spring.


Easily recognizable but often called the lambs quarter, the grape-leaved goosefoot (Chenopodium album) is a plant found in several countries worldwide. In fall, small greenish-yellow flowers bloom in the axils of the leaves and on the tips of the branches while the flower head develops.


Also known as a lobster claw, Clianthus is a bushy, small, evergreen shrub native to New Zealand's North Island from the Fabaceae (legume) family. In late spring and early summer, Clianthus produces groups of 15 to 25 red to bright pink waxy flowers that are 3-inches long.


Burdock (Arctium minus) is the common name for one of the thistles that make up the Arctium genus in the Asteraceae plant family. It is characterized by spherical, usually pink or purple, buds surrounded by thorny bracts and rounded, burr-shaped fruits with many seeds.


If you like the effect of a coniferous plant and a deciduous tree's bright color, you can have both with the Larch tree (Larix spp.). Nestled between the needles, you'll find pink flowers that will eventually turn into cones. The cones start out yellow or red and turn brown as they ripen.


Lantana camara, also known as common Lantana, is a species of the Verbenaceae (verbena) family indigenous to the American tropics. Each flower is tubular and has four elongated lobes (petals) that change color with age. The colors come in different shades of pink, red, orange, yellow, or white.

Lady’s Mantle

lchemilla mollis, also known as Lady's Mantle, is a simple way to add beauty to your garden. Lady's mantle displays delicate yellow flowers that bloom in airy masses on the foliage from late spring to early summer.