flowers with c names - search results
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As one of the exotic perennials of the flower world, catmint (Nepeta cataria) is very versatile and easy to grow. The dark purple flowers explode in early summer for a spectacular display that can last for quite some time. Since this plant appears in muted colors, typically purple/blue flowers on a cool gray-green, catmint is easy to mix and match with other annuals and perennials without clashing.
Castor Bean
Castor flowers are generally available in yellow, pink, and red. The blooms don't have petals and aren't particularly visible. The 3 distinctive, star-shaped scar lobes of the female blooms are bright red with pinnate branches.
Caspia (Limonium sinuatum) is a perennial or annual herbaceous plant that originates from Central Asia and the Mediterranean meadows. Its flowers have white petals and calyces that come in shades of purple, yellow, pink, white, or lavender, the latter being known to hold their color very well.
In shades of orange and yellow, Carthamus flowers last up to 7 days. It's clearly an annual plant that belongs to the sunflower family (Asteraceae). The Asteraceae or Compositae family is large, with more than 20,000 different species.
Calla Lily
Calla Lily flowers are unprecedented and recognizable, featuring a single petal that wraps around to make a charming statement. Calla lilies are generally white, but other colors of Calla Lilies are black, orange, purple, green, pink, and yellow.
California Pepper Berry
Although its name can be confusing as to its origins, the California Pepper Berry surprisingly originates from Peru. These pink berries aren't really used for pepper in yet another misnomer, but only for their decorative charm. The flowers of the California Pepper Tree are yellowish-white in color and grow profusely in hanging axillary clusters.
Baneberry flowers are ideal for cool, shady places; the thread-like Baneberry flowers bring a vacation-inspired look to your backyard. Two (2) species of Baneberry are common in North America: Actaea rubra (Red Baneberry) and Actaea pachypoda (White Baneberry).
Balsam flowers were introduced to western Asia in the early 20th century. Balsam flowers continued to be popular during World War II. Even though impatiens are and remain popular, many horticulturists, both professionals, and amateurs are bringing these flowers back.
Aconite is a poisonous flower that is not as popular as some others. Aconite is a genus of over 300 species of flowering plants in the Ranunculaceae family.
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