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Artemisia is a large and diverse genus of aromatic, mostly perennial shrubs and herbs of the Asteraceae (daisy) family, characterized by alternating leaves and small inflorescence. All have alternate leaves, tubular yellow flowers, and small flower heads, which appear as hanging, racemose, paniculate, or capitate inflorescences, rarely individually.
Amur Adonis
Adonis ramose is an herbaceous Japanese plant with a height of 15-40 cm. It is a native flower in Japan. They are commonly used for groundcover, understory, or border. Amur Adonis is planted for good luck.
Dutchman’s Breeches
Dutchman's Breeches (Dicentra cucullaria) is a graceful and easily recognizable wildflower in spring often found on gorges, valleys, ledges, slopes, rock forests, forest floors, and streams throughout most of the United States. It features deeply incised grayish-green fern foliage and clusters of waxy white flowers (rarely pink).
Gas Plant
The gas plant is an old-school classic; the gas plant is an erect, clumping perennial that blooms with small pink or white flowers from late spring to early summer. The flowers (pink or white) and leaves emit a powerful aromatic vapor that can ignite, hence the names of Burning Bush and gas plant.
Browallia earns its common names sapphire flower and amethyst flower for its bright, star-shaped blue flowers that stand out like jewels against the bright green leaves of the plant. The oval, pale green leaves are up to 3-inches long. It produces bright blue, purple, or white flowers and thrives in shaded or partially shaded locations.
Nigella sativa, also known as kalonji, nigella, or black cumin, is an annual plant in the Ranunculaceae family native to western Asia (Iraq, Iran, and Turkey) and Eastern Europe (Romania, Bulgaria, and Cyprus). The light blue or white flowers have 5 petals, many stamens, and 5 or 6 oblong, fused carpels.
Coral bells
Coral bells (Heuchera Americana) are the world's perennial coleus. First, these plants came in soft colors with small, insignificant flowers. Now they are available in a wide range of colors, with some varieties explicitly cultivated for their flower masses. The small, greenish-white flowers in airy, open panicles are borne on slender, thread-like stems extending well above the mound of leaves, typically 18-24 inches high in late spring and early summer.
Trientalis borealis is a star-shaped perennial wild-flowering plant native to the North American forests that bloom from May to June. Each stem has a whorl of 5 to 9 lance-shaped leaves at its end, with 1 or 2 white, green, or brown flowers on smaller stems extending from the center of the whorl.
Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) was well-known to druids and healers in ancient times. The ancient Teutons used this herb to flavor their famous mead (honey/met). The cream or white flowers are arranged in an umbel shape and usually comprise 5 to 6 petals. What is striking is the flowers' sweet and strong aroma, which becomes more intense on hot nights.
Ming fern
Ming fern (Asparagus retrofractus), also known as a zigzag shrub, pom-pom asparagus fern, and Ming asparagus fern, is an evergreen herbaceous perennial shrub that generally grows 6 to 8 feet tall. The small, scented white flowers with 6 petals in open axillary umbels bloom from spring to early summer.
Eulychnia iquiquensis is treelike cactus of the Order Caryophyllales. It is endemic to the northern part of the Atacama Desert. The genus name Eulychnia is derived from the Greek words (eu and lychnos). Its English translation is "beautiful lamp".
Blood Root
Blood Root (Sanguinaria canadensis), a member of the Papaveraceae (poppy) family, is more tender and beautiful than its general name suggests. The leaf unfolds when flowering. Each pedicel produces single white flower 2-inches wide, 8 to 10 petals, 1.5-inches in diameter, with numerous yellow stamens in the center.
Bells of Ireland
Despite their namesake, these majestic bell-shaped greens are native to the Turkey, Syria, and Caucasus regions. They have a scent that many people cannot really describe. The thing about the Bells of Ireland is that they can get so tall.
Top 34 Flightless Birds of All Times!
Flightless Birds: Insight into how birds adapted over time to live grounded lives. This article explores major flightless species - from giant moas to tiny kiwis and curious penguins - examining how isolation and lack of predators drove anatomical changes forfeiting skies for land locomotion mastery.
The fabulously playful Mimidae family of Mimids - the mockingbirds, catbirds, thrashers & tremblers of the Americas - is overviewed with facts on evolution, vocal mimicry abilities, behavior, life histories and cultural symbolism of these often supremely talented songsters.
Crowned Lemur
Learn about the endangered crowned lemur (Eulemur coronatus) - this medium-sized rainforest-dwelling primate from N. Madagascar has dense black & white fur and a distinctive orange arrowhead crown marking on its forehead.
Types of Crows
Crows (Corvus genus - Corvidae family) are among the most widespread, recognizable, and intelligent birds across diverse habitats worldwide. Explore all 43 types of crows here.
Canterbury Bells
With their large, bell-shaped flowers, Canterbury Bells are a pleasant addition to cottage gardens and natural plantations. Canterbury bells (Campanula medium) originate from southern Europe but have been present in many gardens since the 16th century.
Dame’s Rocket
The Dame's Rocket (Hesperis matronalis) is worth growing just for its delightful aroma. This herbaceous plant also offers striking sturdy flowers. It has loose terminal clusters of 4-petalled white, pink, or lavender flowers bloom in early summer and late spring.
Maiden Pink
With its natural beauty, the Maiden Pink (Dianthus deltoides) conquers heather and stone gardens. It belongs to the Caryophyllaceae (carnation) family and is widespread in Asia and Europe. Each radially symmetrical flower consists of 5 toothed petals approximately 1 centimeter long, magenta-red to pink in color.
With over 400 species to select from, these cheerful spring plants are available in a rainbow of colors. As you can imagine, the flowers' shapes, sizes, and colors vary. The common primrose (Primula vulgaris) is a species in the Primulaceae family native to northwestern Africa, southern and western Europe, and parts of southwestern Asia.
Japanese Primrose
Japanese Primrose is called sakurasou in Japan because it resembles Sakura, the flowering cherry tree. The leaves of the Japanese Primrose possess a rosette arrangement. The hairy petiole measures 1.4-4.7 inches in length. It signifies first Love, youthful Love, and longing in Japan.
Wild Narcissus
Narcissus poeticus is a flowering plant of the order Asparagales. This species is native to Central and Southern Europe. The Wild Narcissus plant is toxic. The most poisonous parts are the bulbs.
Lathyrus odoratus
Also known as the sweet pea flower, Lathyrus odoratus is an annual flowering plant cultivated for its attractive and fragrant flowers. You can sometimes see them nicely arranged in bouquets or adding a nice splash of color to home gardens. Plant species have purple flowers, but many varieties now offer a variety of additional flower colors, including white, lavender, blue, red, pink, and bicolor.
Everlasting Daisy
Rhodanthe chlorocephala is a species of daisy native to Australia and belongs to the Asteraceae family. The Everlasting Daisies can be dried and will last for a long time. This is done by hanging the flowers upside down after the cutting. This is best done when the flowers first open.
Marguerite Daisy
For an eye-catching show in cooler weather, plant the Marguerite daisy (Argyranthemum frutescens). Sometimes confused with Shasta daisies, the daisy is quite shrubby and mounded. The deeply incised dark green foliage is aromatic when pressed. White, yellow, and pink varieties are available, some with blue-green foliage and/or double flowers.
Japanese Andromeda
Japanese Andromeda is a plant native to Japan that can grow up to 1.5 to 4 m. It is a slow-growing shrub or tree under Ericaceae. The flowers are showy, and flower buds are bead-like in white. Some cultivars include a pink and deep rose.
Hedysarum coronarium, commonly known as sulla clover, sulla, or French honeysuckle, is a perennial or biennial herbaceous plant that generally grows up to 3 feet tall is equal in width. The bright red, extremely fragrant, pea-like flowers bloom from the end of spring to the beginning of summer in dense axillary clusters on upright flower stalks.
Dog Rose
Dog rose (Rosa canina) is a species of wild rose that belongs to the Rosaceae family. The Dog rose name is not intended to reduce its size or compare it to standard garden roses. The flowers range from white-pink to deep pink and pale pink. It has mainly five petals, and the stem is dotted with small pointed thorns.
Beach Rose
The beach rose is a deciduous Japanese shrub with a multi-stem. It is native to Japan and is widely used as an ornamental plant. The beautiful beach rose is pollinated by insects and birds. Rosa rugosa is a strong symbol of Love and adoration.
Desert Rose
The Desert rose plant is an evergreen, deciduous shrub of the Gentianales order. Desert roses can grow from 3.3 to 9.8 ft. It is a trendy ornamental plant with plumeria-like flowers.
Prickly Water Lily
Euryale ferox is a species of water lily found in Asia. The Prickly Water Lily is a perennial plant in the order of Nymhaeales. The seeds of the Prickly Water Lily are used in Chinese traditional medicine. A study showed that extracts from Euryale ferox manifest antioxidant activity.
Little Larkspur
Delphinium bicolor is a perennial plant of the Buttercup (Ranunculaceae) family. The stems of the Little Larkspur have a height of 4-24 inches. The Little Larkspur plants can absorb toxic substances, like herbicides, pesticides, and pollutants.
Gladiolus (plural Gladioli) belongs to a genus of around 260 bulbous plants primarily native to South Africa but found in East Africa, Northwest Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, and the Mediterranean. There is a wide variety of floral colors, including green, lavender, pink, red, orange, yellow, cream, and white.
Miniature Gladiolus
Miniature Gladiolus (Gladiolus nanus) is sometimes referred to as dwarf Gladiolus. It is actually a smaller growing variety than the more popular varieties. Miniature Gladiolus produces fantastic two-tone spikes of pink flowers with a hint of white on its throat.
Marsh Gladiolus
Gladiolus palustris is a perennial herb of the Iridaceae family and is native to Central and NW Europe. This species can grow to a height of 12-24 inches. The genus Gladiolus is a Latin word that means "a sword". The specific name palustris is a Latin word that means "growing in marshes" the plant's environment.
Nature is practical and alive throughout the day. Moonflowers (Ipomoea alba) are nocturnal flowers and are best enjoyed by night owls and nightwalkers. The leaves are whole or 3-lobed, 5 to 15 cm long, with a stem 5 to 20 cm long. The fragrant flowers are pink or white and large, 8 to 14 cm in diameter.
Japanese Snake Gourd
Trichosanthes is a perennial vine native to Japan. These thread-like flowers are aromatic and bloom from summer to early fall. The Trichosanthes cucumerina tangled with other plants or trees.
Thunbergie has been called "the most gorgeous vine in the world" by some. This blooming, twisted vine looks like morning glory from a distance, and the flowers are similar up close. Thunbergia grandiflora is a vine in the Acanthaceae family. There are 100 to 150 species of flowering plants in the Thunbergia genus.
Japanese Morning Glory
Japanese morning glory is a climber plant with 5 meters. It has been a widely cultivated ornamental garden plant. In addition, growing Ipomoea nil is part of the curriculum of Japanese elementary students.
Give your landscape a glorious late-season color with Helenium, a light-demanding perennial that offers long-lasting blooms from mid to late summer to fall every year. It features daisy-like flower clusters (2-inches in diameter) with distinctive pale yellow wedge-shaped rays and dome-shaped, dull yellow central discs.
Aromatic Aster
Symphyotricum oblongifolium is a perennial plant of the Asteraceae family. The Aromatic Aster can grow to a height of 1-2 feet. Aromatic Asters are low-growing. Their stems are stiff, compact, and compact. When the plant's stems are crushed, it gives off a balsam-like fragrance.
Marigold (Calendula officinalis) is used as an herbal remedy for skin conditions or to treat wounds. But as an ornamental plant today, it is cultivated in numerous gardens. They rest on the hairy, almost square, felted stems that alternately bear the leaves. Especially characteristic is the yellow to orange daisy flowers, which can reach a height of up to 2 inches (5 cm) in diameter.
Japanese Camellia
While many flowering shrubs (Camellia japonica) peak in Summer, the Camellia flower is endemic to Japan and it is unique because it mainly blooms in early spring and late winter. There are nearly 300 species of Camellia, the color of which includes white, pink, and red.
Common Peony
Paeonia officinalis is a perennial herb native to the mountainous regions of Southern Europe. The Common Peony plants belong to the order Saxifragales and the family Paeoniaceae. The genus Paeonia comes from the Greek name Paeon meaning a god’s physician.
Known for its lush foliage and beautiful flowers, Hortensia is the epitome of the summer months. With the common name hydrangea, Hortensia is a genus of more than 75 species of flowering plants native to the Americas and Asia. The flower color ranges from blue to pink, through all shades of lavender, purple to violet, as well as white and green.
Veronica, also known as Speedwell, is an easy-to-grow, carefree perennial with long spikes of tiny white, pink, blue, or purple petals. With around 500 species, Veronica is the largest genus in the Plantaginaceae family of flowering plants. The precise origin of this plant cannot be exactly determined.
Hibiscus Varieties
Dive into the vibrant world of hibiscus! Explore 25+ stunning varieties, from rare native species to popular garden favorites. Learn about their unique characteristics, care tips, and fascinating facts. Perfect for gardeners and flower enthusiasts alike. Discover the beauty and diversity of these tropical treasures!
Colorful lobelias are an excellent choice for garden design around streams and ponds, anywhere the soil is constantly moist. The plant produces showy flower spikes in all shades of white, blue, red, and pink. The two upper lobes can be upright, while the three lower lobes can be extended.
Bachelor’s Button
Bachelor's button is quite large, reaching up to 35 inches, and can sometimes be seen adorning grassy alleys and medians. These flowers are usually blue, but you'll also see colors like pink, lavender, white, and even black.
Queen Anne’s Lace
Queen Anne's lace flower looks like lace, and the flower often has a single purple dot in the center. Daucus carota is a biennial herb that belongs to the Apiaceae (carrot) family and is native to Southwest Asia and Europe. The genus includes about 47 species.
Drummond’s Phlox
Phlox drummondii is a showy annual flowering plant under the order Ericales. The Drummond’s Phlox can grow to 6-12 inches. Drummonds Phlox is considered one of Texas’ most beautiful wildflowers. In addition, it has been valued as an “exotic” cultivated garden flower in Europe for nearly 150 years.
African Flame Lily
Gloriosa superba is a climbing herb that belongs to the order Liliales. It can grow to a height of 1 meter. The plant is considered a danger to livestock because it has poisonous properties. All parts of G. superba are toxic, especially the tubers. This may cause fatality when eaten.
Wild Dagga
Leonatis ocymifolia is a flowering shrub of the family Lamiaceae. It is a hairy shrub that can grow to 1-2 meters high. The Wild Dagga plants have medicinal value. They are used by different tribal groups for the treatment of aches and pains during the flu.
Squirrel Corn
Dicentra canadensis is a perennial herb with blue-gray and fernlike foliage. This species belongs to the family Fumeriaceae. The squirrel corns are natives to the east of North America. All parts of the Squirrel Corn plant are toxic only in large quantities. However, it can also cause skin rashes.
Royal Bluebell
Wahlenbergia gloriosa is a perennial herb from the Family Campanulaceae. The leaves of the Royal Bluebell are small, opposite, and dark green. Leaves have oblong wavy edges that become broad towards the apex.
Wild Foxglove
Ceratotheca triloba is an annual plant that belongs to the family Pedaliaceae. They can grow to a height of 1.5 to 2 meters. Ceratotheca triloba is the only species of the genus Ceratothica that is found in South Africa.
Vanda sanderiana is an endemic orchid growing wild only in the rainforests of the Philippines. However, it is now grown and cultivated all over the world. This plant belongs under the order Asparagales. The Waling-Waling orchid was discovered in 1882.
Mulla Mulla
Ptilotus exaltatus is an annual herb endemic to Australia. This plant is a member of the order Caryophyllales. Ptilotus has about 100 species. All of the species, except 1, are endemic to Australia. For example, the beautiful colored flowered P. exaltatus is native to Australia.
Spring Beauty
Claytonia virginica is a perennial herb under the order Caryophyllales. This species is a trailing plant that can grow to 2-16 inches. Claytonia virginica has medicinal value. This plant has been used medicinally by the Iroquois for children suffering from convulsions.