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Top 15 Evolutionary Biology News of 2022
This series of evolutionary biology news of 2022 gives us a detailed overview of the recent development in this field. Commencing with the evolution of plant colonization on land, the new approach of Neo Darwinism gained importance and more.
Top 15 Microbiology News of 2022
Microbiology News of 2022: Plant-based organic acid kills food-poisoning bacteria, bacteria turned into renewable energy, plastic waste creates antibiotic-producing bacteria, microbes as biofertilizers, antibiotics repurposed, and more.
Top 27 Biology-themed Movies
Biology, in the simplest terms, is defined as the study of living organisms. The top 27 biology movies showcase biological concepts and other related scientific fields. Now, who says that you cannot learn while having fun simultaneously?
Top 15 Evolutionary Biology News of 2021
This 2021 series of top 15 evolutionary biology news gives us a detailed overview of the recent development in this field. Commencing the evolution of coccolithophores, the adaptability of crocodiles, the creation of new therapeutic targets for treating age-related disorders in people, the epigenetic evolution of the cerebellum, and more.
Top 10 Evolutionary Biology News of 2020
Despite the isolation enforced by the pandemic, research in evolutionary biology thrived in 2020. Here are the top 10 evolutionary biology news of 2020.
Top 15 Best Marine Biology Books
Marine biology is both a fascinating & complex field of study. Explore the top 15 marine biology books & oceanography textbooks for students & researchers.
Top 15 Wildlife Biology Degree Programs In The USA
Explore the best wildlife biology degree programs offered in these top 15 best universities or colleges in the US. Almost all degree programs offered on the subjects teach ecology & conservation principles.
Top 15 Latest Microbiology & Virology Discoveries in 2018
Bacteria & viruses influence all areas of our life, from causing diseases to contributing to climate change. Here are the top 15 microbiology news in 2018.
Top 15 Evolutionary Biology News in 2018
The year 2018 has brought us many new insights made possible by novel biological methods. Here are the top 15 evolution news in 2018 (evolutionary biology, anthropology, and bioarchaeology).
Top 15 Discoveries in Cell Biology for 2018
Modern cell biology intersects with multiple disciplines: computer science, biochemistry, medicine, and genetics. Here are the top 15 cell biology discoveries in 2018.
Top 10 Best Marine Biology Colleges
The top 10 Best Marine Biology Colleges & Universities in North America offer excellent marine science programs in state-of-the-art facilities.
25 Reasons That Emphasizes The Importance of Biology
The importance of biology as highlighted through top 25 key reasons spanning fundamental life science insights, medical advances, biotechnology innovations, climate solutions, and unraveling mysteries of cognition, evolution, and homeostasis transforms lives by leveraging nature's evolutionary wisdom.
Marine Biology 101: Ocean Life Explained
Dive into the basics of marine biology and discover the incredible diversity of ocean life. From microscopic organisms to giant whales, explore the fascinating world beneath the waves in this comprehensive guide to Marine Biology 101.
Research Centers
Albert Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center The Albert Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center (AECCC) is one of the largest academic cancer centers on the east coast...
Biological Research Institutes
A.A.Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology The A.A. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology is a scientific research center in area of molecular physiology, biophysics, neurophysiology, pathological physiology....
History of Biology
Biology is the study of life on Earth. The History of Biology, however, focuses on the advent of life on Earth, right from ancient times.
Top 26 BEST Animals With Best Eyesight
The eyes with various marvelous features have evolved in all kinds of animals. Explore top 26 different animals with best eyesight in animal kingdom.
Common Grackle
Step into the captivating world of the lanky Common Grackle! This fierce-looking black bird, known for its intriguing foraging habits and distinct 'buzzing' calls, thrives in varied habitats. Unearth their unique traits and behaviors here.
Hawaiian Crow
Learn about the Hawaiian Crow (Corvus hawaiiensis), an intelligent and remarkable bird driven to near extinction. Discover facts on their unique adaptations, the threats they face, conservation efforts underway, and their deep cultural significance in Hawaiian society.
Albino Crows
Rare genetic variants, albino crows reveal key insights into pigmentation, survival, and biodiversity despite the challenges posed by their bright white plumage that lacks the species' typical protective camouflage.
Top 26 Washington Birds
Explore the overview of 26 must-see top Washington Birds species including facts on goldfinches, owls, hawks, finches and more. This comprehensive guide will help with identification of birds of Washington.
Types of Eagles
Explore all 68 types of eagles in this comprehensive guide. Learn about each species' unique traits, habitats, and behaviors across the globe.
Top 18 BEST Tundra Animal Adaptations
The coldest areas on Earth, such as regions close to the North Pole and the South Pole, have unique features. Here are the top 18 tundra animal adaptations.
Black Leopard
Uncover 25+ fun facts about black leopards! Discover why these elusive melanistic felines are so special, learn about their unique adaptations, and explore the myths and realities surrounding these beautiful creatures.
Top 26 Best Hawaiian Flowers
Explore the top 26 unique Hawaiian flowers exclusive to Hawaii's archipelago. Dive into the world of these beautiful species, their interesting facts, and their significance in Hawaii's ecosystem.
Top 21 Facts About Blue Morpho Butterfly
The Blue Morpho butterfly is the most well-known species in the butterfly genus Morpho. Learn the top 21 facts about the Blue Morpho butterfly here.
Top 15 Ecology News of 2022
In 2022 paves the way towards discoveries in ecological consequences influenced by genetic factors, climate change in marine habitat, coral reefs and plants having great adaptability to climate change, and the necessity towards conservation of biodiversity.
Order Saxifragales / Saxifrages Flowers
Saxifragales is a morphologically diverse dicotyledonous order of flowering plants worldwide. Saxifragales plants have hypanthium, glandular leaf teeth, serrate lamina margins, free petals, and small seeds. Most Saxifragales flowers are radially symmetrical and bisexual. The example species of Saxifragales are the Irish rose, campfire plant, and gum vine.
Order Malpighiales / Violets Flowers
Malpighiales order is a large group with species primarily distributed in tropical regions. The members of Malpighiales often have toothed and stipulate leaves, 10 free stamens, 3-5 fused carpels, a nectary, superior ovaries, and typically endospermous seeds. Most Malpighiales flowers consist of 5 sepals and 5 petals. The violets, flax, passion flowers, euphorbias, and mangroves are some of the notable species of Malpighiales.
Blooming Texas: 25 Gorgeous Native Flowers Revealed!
Texas is a large state with its own floristic region, having more than 5,000 species of native flowering plants. Because of its diverse landforms, Texas offers many famous blooms for visitors and residents. Explore the top 25 Texas flowers and their characteristics.
Order Proteales / Sugar-bushes & Water Lotus Flowers
Proteales is a part of peripheral eudicots classified together only recently. The Proteales flowers are small or large and unisexual or bisexual. The American lotus, the Indian lotus, the London plane tree, Wagon tree and large-nut sugar bush are examples of Proteales.
85 Different Types of White Flowers For Your Garden!
Discover the captivating world of the top 85+ white flowers, from the iconic Lily of the Valley to the lesser-known Snowball Viburnum. Explore their enchanting beauty, rich symbolism, and fascinating scientific facts in this comprehensive guide.
Marine Iguana
A comprehensive guide to the Galápagos marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) - the world's only seagoing lizard. Learn all about their taxonomy, adaptations for life in coastal habitats, feeding behaviors, social dynamics, threats to survival, and conservation status of this iconic species endemic to the Galápagos Islands of Ecuador.
Top 34 Flightless Birds of All Times!
Flightless Birds: Insight into how birds adapted over time to live grounded lives. This article explores major flightless species - from giant moas to tiny kiwis and curious penguins - examining how isolation and lack of predators drove anatomical changes forfeiting skies for land locomotion mastery.
Types of Crows
Crows (Corvus genus - Corvidae family) are among the most widespread, recognizable, and intelligent birds across diverse habitats worldwide. Explore all 43 types of crows here.
Order Ericales / Heathers and Primrose Flowers
Ericales is comprised many economically important flowering plants like Brazil nuts, kiwifruit, and primrose. Ericales is very diverse, involving chiefly trees and terrestrial shrubs that are cosmopolitan in distribution. Some families of Ericales possess the ability for aluminum accumulation. Hardy kiwi, Orange jewelweed, wand plant, lama tree, and Octotillo flowers are some examples of Ericales.
Top 15 Genetics News of 2022
Explore 2022's top genetics breakthroughs: AI in gut gene research, zebrafish atlas, NAFLD insights, longevity studies, and more in this comprehensive Genetics News of 2022 overview.
What Do Marine Biologists Do?
Discover how marine biologists unlock the mysteries of aquatic life and protect our oceans' delicate ecosystems. Immerse yourself in this captivating field today!
Order Gentianales / Gentian Flowers
The Gentianales (Gentians) is an order of flowering plants involving herbs, shrubs, undershrubs, lianas, and small trees primarily distributed worldwide. Plants of Gentianales mostly have opposite leaves, interpetiolar stipules, bisexual flowers, mostly fused sepals and petals, 4-5 stamens, and 2 carpels. Important species under Gentianales are coffee, periwinkle, oleander, and gentian.
Explore 13 Different Shapes of Bacteria
The prokaryotic kingdom consists of unicellular microscopic microorganisms called bacteria. Bacteria are simple single-celled organisms that lack chlorophyll pigments. The rigidity of its cell wall determines the shape of a bacterium. Explore 13 different shapes of bacteria here.
Pelagic Cormorant
Unlock the mysterious world of the black Pelagic Cormorant! Loyal to its nest, this remarkable deep-diving bird leads a solitary life on steep, rugged coastlines. Delve into their unique habits and striking physical characteristics.
Top 15 Ecology News of 2021
This series of 2021 ecology news gives us a detailed overview of the recent development in this field. Commencing with climate change, global warming, alternative ways for renewable energy resources, the role played by scavengers in our society, and other global aspects of management and nature-dependent climate solutions.
Guianan Squirrel Monkey
The Guianan squirrel monkey, also called the South American squirrel monkey, is a squirrel monkey found in Guiana, Brazil, and Venezuela. Saimiri sciureus was once thought to belong to the Collins' squirrel monkey and the Humboldt's squirrel monkey. Still, genetic research in 2009 and 2015 showed they were different species.
Order Trochodendrales / Wheel Tree Flowers
Trochodendrales, under Division Magnoliophyta, is a small order of flowers with members distributed in Southeast Asia. The Trochodendrales trees are primitive with simple leaves, no vessels, small or no stipules, and reduced perianth. The Trochodendrales flowers are bisexual and pollinated via wind (Tetracentron) or insects (Trochodendron). The wheel tree flowers belong to the order Trochodendrales.
Order Petrosaviales / Petrosavia Flowers
Petrosaviales is a very small order grouped within the lilioid monocots, are found in eastern and southeastern Asia. Plants of Petrosaviales have no laticifers and vessels in the axial system and possess simple, small, reduced (or absent) leaves. Japolinorion osense and Petrosavia sakuraii are example flowers of the Petrosaviales order.
Order Santalales / Sandalwood & Mistletoe Flowers
Santalales is one of the most prominent groups of parasitic flowering plants, with species distributed worldwide. Santalales involve plants that form haustorium to penetrate the host's barks and roots, plants that undergo photosynthesizing activities in the stem, and members with usually simple and exstipulate leaves. Sandalwood and mistletoes are just two of the known plants under Santalales.
Order Huerteales / False Pistachio & Olomea Flowers
Huerteales is an unusual order of flowers belonging to the rosids, a large eudicot group. The small trees and shrubs are primarily found in tropical or warm temperate regions. Plants in Huerteales usually possess alternate leaves, small and actinomorphic flowers, and 5-merous floral parts. Most Huerteales flowers are bisexual, and all possess nectaries to promote pollination. All species of Huerteales are woody, like the Olomea, brown-ironwood and False pistachio.
Marvellous Birds of Massachusetts
BioExplorer highlights some of the top 10 resident birds of Massachusetts out of 300+ bird species from the commonwealth along with their locations in MA.
Top 10 Biochemistry News of 2020 – A Round-Up
Biochemistry is one of the major contenders for the prize "Science of the year 2020" with new discoveries. Explore top 10 Biochemistry News in 2020 here.
Top 10 Ecology News of 2020
BioExplorer team presents the newest 2020 discoveries that showcase what is becoming of the ecosystems on our planet. Find top 10 ecology news of 2020.
6 Best Indoor Vegetable Garden Systems Reviews
There is nothing better than having fresh vegetables from the garden when you want them. The best indoor vegetable garden system will help you make it happen!
Top 16 Animals with the Best Hearing
The ability to hear has been evolving in animals for a considerable time. Explore 16 animals with the best hearing (Vertibrates & Invertibrates).
Top 10 Discoveries in Ecology 2019
Due to climate change and destructive human activity, news in the ecology area in 2019 is quite contrary. Here are the top 10 discoveries in ecology 2019.
Top 10 BEST Genetics Discoveries of 2019
Genetics is a science that studies the most well-kept secrets of life. Here are the top exciting 10 Genetics Discoveries of 2019.
Top 2019 Discoveries in Evolution
The 2019 discoveries in evolution show that the new approaches to traditional research areas such as paleobiology and the use of modern technology can offer unique, previously unimaginable insights.
Top 15 Biochemistry Discoveries of 2019
Modern methods of analysis & research have significantly changed the way biochemical studies operate. Here are the top 15 biochemistry discoveries in 2019.
Top 10 MCAT Prep Books – An Ultimate Guide
MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is an entrance exame for getting into a medical school. Explore what it is, how to prepare & the best MCAT prep books.
15 Amazing Birds of Colorado
The state of Colorado has a wide range of potential bird habitats. Explore the top 15 amazing birds of Colorado and their interesting facts here.
Top 15 Famous Marine Biologists
The sea has been mostly a terra incognita to scientists until the late 19th century. Here are the top 15 famous marine biologists of all time.
What Do Robins Eat? Explore Robin Diets, Hunting & Eating Habits
Robins are classified as chat family members containing many small insect-eating birds. Explore what do robins eat by their types.