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best universities for veterinarian

Top 10 Best Universities For Veterinary Medicine

Few professions are both gratifying and highly competitive, and veterinary medicine is one of them. Find the top 10 best colleges for veterinary medicine.
2019 Discoveries in Evolution

Top 2019 Discoveries in Evolution

The 2019 discoveries in evolution show that the new approaches to traditional research areas such as paleobiology and the use of modern technology can offer unique, previously unimaginable insights.
Carnivorous Plants

25 Most Famous & Dangerous Bug Eating Plants

Carnivorous plants derive most of their nutrients by consuming animals. Know more about them as this article features the 25 most famous carnivorous plants.
Order Leptosomiformes

Order Leptosomiformes / Cuckoo Roller

The bird Order Leptosomiformes contains only one species – cuckoo roller. Explore its habitats, diet and special features that made them into its own order.
Order Gruiformes

Order Gruiformes / Cranes & Rails

Gruiformes order contains a wide variety of birds, both in size and other features. Explore order Gruiformes, families, habitats, diets and characteristics.
What Do Crickets Eat?

What Do Crickets Eat? Explore Cricket Diets, Hunting & Eating Habits

Crickets are insects with long antennae that extend beyond the length of their bodies. Explore what do crickets eat and their diet by types.
Order Gaviiformes

Order Gaviiformes / Loons

Also known as loons, there is 1 family (Gaviidae) and 1 genus (Gavia), and 5 species of birds in the order Gaviiformes. Explore their anatomy and fun facts.
What Do Giraffes Eat?

What Do Giraffes Eat?

Giraffes are the world's tallest terrestrial animals. Explore what do giraffes eat, giraffes diet by types, what eats giraffes, & all giraffe diet-related info.
What Do Cicadas Eat?

What Do Cicadas Eat?

Cicadas are winged insects notable for their clicking and buzzing sounds. Explore what do cicadas eat, cicadas diet by types, what eats cicadas & more.
What Do Ducks Eat?

What Do Ducks Eat? Explore Duck Diets, Hunting & Eating Habits

Ducks inhibit various parts of the world, and they are mainly omnivorous. Explore what do ducks eat in detail by their types, hunting techniques, and more.

What Do Wrens Eat? Explore Wren Diets, Hunting & Eating Habits

Wrens are small Passeriformes that are found in wide distribution in North and South America. Explore what do wrens eat, their diet by types, what eats wrens.
What Do Bees Eat?

What Do Bees Eat?

Bees are flying insects, and they belong to the vastest insect order (Hymenoptera). Learn what do bees eat, various diet by types, what eats bees & more.

What Do Robins Eat? Explore Robin Diets, Hunting & Eating Habits

Robins are classified as chat family members containing many small insect-eating birds. Explore what do robins eat by their types.
What Do Wasps Eat?

What Do Wasps Eat?

Wasps are insects classified in the family Hymenoptera. Explore what do wasps eat, wasp's diet by their types, what eats wasps, how often do wasps eat & more.
Order Coraciiformes

Order Coraciiformes / Kingfishers, Rollers, and Bee-eaters

Order Coraciiformes is a diverse and colorful bird order. Explore the characteristics and species in Coraciiformes (Kingfishers, Rollers, & Bee-eaters) here.
Order Ciconiiformes

Order Ciconiiformes / Storks, Herons, & Vultures

Order Ciconiiformes consists of birds that live near the water or are entirely aquatic. Explore the characteristics and bird species in Ciconiiformes here.
Order Casuariiformes

Order Casuariiformes / Emus & Cassowaries

Order Casuariiformes includes two families of flightless terrestrial birds that are both native to Australia: emus and cassowaries. Explore the characteristics and species of Order Casuariiformes.
What Do Sparrows Eat?

What Do Sparrows Eat?

Sparrows are small plump birds (aka passerine birds), which are brown or grey. Explore what do sparrows eat, sparrows diet by types, and what eats sparrows.
What Do Clams Eat?

What Do Clams Eat?

Clams are grouped as mollusks in class Bivalvia. Some clams are in freshwater while others in marine waters. Explore what do clams eat and diet by types.
What Do Jaguars Eat?

What Do Jaguars Eat?

Jaguars are enormous cats found mostly in north, south, and central America. Explore what do Jaguars eat, types of Jaguars, and what eats Jaguars & more.
What do slugs eat?

What Do Slugs Eat?

Slugs are classified as gastropod mollusks. Explore what do slugs eat, slugs diet by types, what eats slugs, how often slugs eat, when do slugs eat & more.
What do Salmons eat?

What Do Salmons Eat?

Salmon falls under a class of ray-finned fish categorized under Salmonidae. Learn what do salmons eat, salmons diet by types, what eats salmons, and more.
What do tadpoles eat?

What Do Tadpoles Eat?

A tadpole refers to the larval stage of the members of class Amphibia. Explore what do tadpoles eat, tadpoles diet by types, what eats tadpoles & more here.
what do snakes eat?

What Do Snakes Eat?

Snakes are strict carnivores. Learn what do snakes eat, snakes diet by types, how do snakes hunt, what eats snakes, and how often snakes eat.
What Do Seals Eat?

What Do Seals Eat?

Seals are classified as semi-aquatic mammals classified under the same group as walruses &sea lions. Explore what do seals eat, seal types by diet & more.
Evolution News in 2018

Top 15 Evolutionary Biology News in 2018

The year 2018 has brought us many new insights made possible by novel biological methods. Here are the top 15 evolution news in 2018 (evolutionary biology, anthropology, and bioarchaeology).
What do weasels eat?

What Do Weasels Eat?

Weasels are small animals (mammals) classified in the genus Mustela. Explore what do weasels eat, weasels diet by types, what eats weasels & diet-related info.
What Do Moths Eat?

What Do Moths Eat?

Moths are insects categorized under Lepidoptera that overlap w/ butterflies. Learn what do moths eat, their diet by type & what eats moths.
What Do Woodpeckers Eat?

What Do Woodpeckers Eat?

Woodpeckers are magnificent birds classified under the family Picidae and sub-family Picinae. Explore what do woodpeckers eat and their diet-related info.
What do Ladybugs eat?

What Do Ladybugs Eat?

Ladybugs are voracious predators with a taste for aphids, mites, scales, and other soft pests. Learn all about the carnivorous diet of ladybugs, their hunting strategies, seasonal feeding, and importance as natural pest control.
Gene Therapy Pros and Cons

Top 34 Gene Therapy Pros and Cons

Gene therapy is involved in the replacement of a defective gene with a healthy gene (Gene Augmentation). Find the top 35 Gene therapy pros and cons from various perspectives.
Current Environmental Issues in the USA

Top 15 Current Environmental Issues in the US

Being the third largest country in the world, the United States of America has emerged as one of the significantly affected regions from the top 15 environmental issues.
Animal Languages

How Many Languages Do Animals Speak?

Is communication exclusive only to humans? If animals can speak, how many languages do they speak? Find out all the answers here.
Woolly Mammoth Clone

Woolly Mammoth Clone Project: Can It Be Resurrected?

According to studies, the planet is now in the midst of mass extinction for the sixth time. Among many species in the animal kingdom, the Woolly Mammoth and the Passenger Pigeon are the top priority for resurrection in the science communities. Explore the Woolly Mammoth Clone project goals and drawbacks here.
best zoos in the usa

15 Best Zoos in the USA

Zoos serve as a home for numerous animals. It is no denial that the United States is a home to some of the world-class zoological parks in the world. To help you choose the perfect (and possibly the nearest) zoo to visit, here are the top 15 best zoos in the US with direct website references.

What Do Elephants Eat?

Elephants are the largest living mammals on land. On this page, explore what do elephants eat, diet by their types, how often, when & what eats elephants.
What Do Skunks Eat?

What Do Skunks Eat?

Skunks are small furry animals notable for their black and white-colored fur. These animals are omnivorous. Explore what do skunks eat & their diet by types.
what do alligators eat?

What Do Alligators Eat?

Explore what do alligators eat and their diet types. Alligators are primarily carnivores feeding on prey like fish, mollusks, other reptiles, and birds.
what do wild rabbits eat?

What Do Wild Rabbits Eat?

Wild rabbits draw their genesis from Europe & Africa. Explore what do wild rabbits eat in the wild, types of wild rabbits & their diets, and predators here.
what do salamanders eat?

What Do Salamanders Eat?

Salamanders are classified as amphibians. Explore what do salamanders eat, types of salamanders and their diets. Salamanders are mostly carnivorous.
What Do Cardinals Eat?

What Do Cardinals Eat?

Cardinals are also referred to as redbirds. These perching birds found in North and South America are omnivores. Explore what do cardinals eat and more.
What Do Earthworms Eat?

What Do Earthworms Eat?

Earthworms are believed to be omnivorous, feeding on plants and animals. Explore what do earthworms eat, earthworms diet by types & what eats earthworms.
What Do Shrimp Eat?

What Do Shrimp Eat?

Shrimps are crustaceans with long slender bodies. Their muscular abdomens come in handy during locomotion. Explore what do shrimps eat & what eats shrimps.
What Do Bearded Dragons Eat?

What Do Bearded Dragons Eat?

The bearded dragon gets its name from spiny scales. In general, bearded dragon is an omnivore. Explore what do bearded dragons eat by their types and more.
What Do Koi Fish Eat?

What Do Koi Fish Eat?

Koi fish are described as the colored varieties of the fish referred to as the Amur Carp. Explore what do Koi fish eat, diet by types & what eats Koi fish.
What Do Chipmunks Eat?

What Do Chipmunks Eat?

Chipmunks are classified in the squirrel family. Chipmunks are omnivorous. Explore what do chipmunks eat and their different diet by types.
Pros and cons of cloning

Top 7 Pros and Cons of Cloning

Cloning creates a copy of a single cell or an entire living organism. Each clone bears the same sets of genetic material in the nucleus of every cell. On this page, learn more top 7 pros and cons of cloning and decide whether this scientific endeavor is worth the risks.
types of mammals

Types of Mammals

Mammals are vertebrates within the class Mammalia which have a neocortex, hair, three middle ear bones, and mammary glands. Here is the list of different types of mammals in the animal kingdom and their characteristics.
types of animals

Types of Animals

From biological classification perspective, animals belong to the kingdom called Animalia. They are eukaryotes, multi-cellular living organisms, locomotive heterotrophic, and reproduce sexually. Explore different types of animals in the animal kingdom here.
What do spiders eat?

What Do Spiders Eat?

Spiders are arthropods, classified in class Arachnida. Explore what do spiders eat, how often do spiders eat, what eats spiders & all spider diet-related info.
African Penguin

African Penguin

The African penguin is a medium-sized penguin that is believed to be the first species of penguin that was ever discovered. Learn African penguin facts, anatomy, habitat, diet, predators, life-span, sound call, and more.
Types of Penguins

Types of Penguins

Penguins are flightless aquatic birds of the Bird Family Spheniscidae. Explore all 27 types of penguins by taxonomists, IUCN status & pictures.
what do tigers eat?

What Do Tigers Eat? Explore Tiger Diets, Hunting & Eating Habits

Being in the top of the food chain, what do tigers eat in the wild? Tigers are one of the biggest cats on the planet. By nature, tigers are carnivores. They eat a good variety of prey depending upon the terrain they live in ranging from termites to baby rhinos and everything in between. Learn tiger diet in detail here.
Tropical Rainforest Animal Adaptations

Top 7 Tropical Rainforest Animal Adaptations

The competition for food and resources in tropical rainforests is intense. Explore the 7 tropical rainforest animal adaptations that allow them to survive.
Threats To Diversity

Top 6 Major Threats To Biodiversity

Biodiversity refers to the variety of life forms on Earth. Here, we explore 6 of the biggest threats to biodiversity and how do each of them contribute to its loss.
What Do Minnows Eat?

What Do Minnows Eat?

Minnow is a name used to describe a small freshwater species (family Cyprinidae). Explore what do minnows eat, their diet by types, and what eats minnows.
Fathers of Biology

Uncovering the Fathers of Biology: The Geniuses Who Unveiled Life’s Secrets

In this post are the names of the so-called “Fathers of Biology” and the scientific contributions they’ve made that will all be remembered forever.
What Do Bears Eat?

What Do Bears Eat?

Bears are mammals classified under the family Ursidae. This page sheds light on what do bears eat by different species, what eats bears & more.
What Do Otters Eat?

What Do Otters Eat?

Otters are mammals classified under the family Mustelidae. Otters are carnivorous. Explore what do otters eat, otters diet by types, what eats otters & more.
Types of Owls

Types of Owls

Find all types of owls (2 major families - Strigidae & Tytonidae) with their biological classification, characteristics, diet, anatomy, & related news.