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Order Apodiformes / Hummingbirds and Swifts
Both hummingbirds and swifts belong to order Apodiformes with 4 families & about 445 species under this order. Find the main characteristics & examples here.
40 Different Types of Birds
Birds are some of the most successful vertebrate animals on Earth. Explore different types of birds, their characteristics, and 40 orders of bird families.
10 Stunning Native Birds Every Florida Visitor Needs to See
Florida Birds: Because of its unique geographic location and suitable tropical climate, the state of Florida is home to some of the most awesome birds ever discovered. Here, we explore the top ten most spectacular birds of Florida, which are native to the state of Florida, from Scrub-Yay to Killdeer and much more.
Top 15 BEST Birds of Missouri
Here are the top 15 birds of Missouri and their fascinating fun facts along with where can one spot each of them in the State of Missouri.
Top 10 Birds of Oregon
Oregon is notable for its diverse habitats, including alpine meadows, rainforests, pine forests and more. Find top 10 birds of Oregon including its state bird (Western Meadowlark).
15 Outstanding Birds of Ohio
At present, Ohio has 5 distinct geographical regions from Lake & Till Plains to Appalachian Plateau and Bluegrass Region. Find 15 Best Birds of Ohio here.
Top 26 Washington Birds
Explore the overview of 26 must-see top Washington Birds species including facts on goldfinches, owls, hawks, finches and more. This comprehensive guide will help with identification of birds of Washington.
Top 25 Rare Birds of All Time
Explore the 25 rare birds in the world, including the Kakapo and Philippine Eagle, with stunning visuals, unique facts, and their incredible rare bird habitats.
35 Most Colorful Birds In The World!
The most colorful birds give you a clue of the diversity in the world of birds (Aves). Here are the world's beautiful top 35 birds and their features.
Top 34 Flightless Birds of All Times!
Flightless Birds: Insight into how birds adapted over time to live grounded lives. This article explores major flightless species - from giant moas to tiny kiwis and curious penguins - examining how isolation and lack of predators drove anatomical changes forfeiting skies for land locomotion mastery.
Black Birds
Discover the top 30+ black birds' mesmerizing beauty, unique behaviors, and fascinating facts. Dive into a symphony of wings and feathers as we explore these captivating dark birds shedding light on their mysterious allure.
4 Different Types of Reptiles
Reptiles are cold-blooded vertebrates of the class Reptilia. Explore the top 8 reptile characteristics and four different types of reptiles here.
Marvellous Birds of Massachusetts
BioExplorer highlights some of the top 10 resident birds of Massachusetts out of 300+ bird species from the commonwealth along with their locations in MA.
Wonderful Birds of West Virginia
West Virginia has majestic mountains situated in the Appalachian region with 78% covered with forests. Explore top 10 birds of West Virginia here.
Top 10 Poisonous Birds
Among the different strategies deployed by birds to escape predation is the use of toxic chemicals (poison). Here are the top 10 poisonous birds in Aves family.
What Do Birds Eat?
Most birds diet on insects, seeds, flowers, berries, while others (large birds) feed on mammals & reptiles. Find what do birds eat by types.
15 Magnificent Birds of Michigan
The state of Michigan has a variety of habitats that are inviting for different bird species. Explore 15 best birds of Michigan & their interesting facts.
15 Amazing Birds of Colorado
The state of Colorado has a wide range of potential bird habitats. Explore the top 15 amazing birds of Colorado and their interesting facts here.
Order Charadriiformes / Shorebirds
Order Charadriiformes is very large bird order which contains around 350 bird species. Explore the characteristics, pronunciation, & species in this order.
Order Accipitriformes / Diurnal Birds of Prey
This bird order contains species that live mainly as birds of prey, such as hawks, eagles and ospreys. All birds in this order are native to North America.
What Do Hummingbirds Eat?
Explore what do hummingbirds eat here. Hummingbirds mainly eat nectar from flowers. They further supplement this diet by feeding on a wide array of insects.
Explore Desert Birds & Their Adaptations
A desert is a barren landscape area with little to no water (no precipitation) found which makes the living condition extremely hostile for plants and animals. Explore 15 different types of desert birds and their adaptations on this page.
How Are Viruses Different From Bacteria?
While it is true that viruses and bacteria are often (and sometimes mistakenly) associated with diseases, many find them to be seemingly indistinguishable. Explore how are viruses different from bacteria at a microscopic level from 15 various aspects.
Explore Top 14 Texas Birds With Their Identifications
Because of its geographic location and extra diverse regions, Texas is blessed with rich bird wildlife. It is even considered as the most diverse bird state in the United States. Here is the list of some of the most famous Texas birds that are native to Texas.
Top 35 Extinct Birds From Millions To Zero!
Discover the 35 most famous extinct birds and learn about their stories on what caused their decline and eventually mass extinction from this planet earth.
Amphibians Vs. Reptiles : Similarities and Differences
In the animal kingdom, amphibians and reptiles are the most frequently interchanged; Here are the similarities & difference between amphibians and reptiles.
What Do Wolves Eat?
Wolves are classified under a broad taxonomic family referred to as Canidae. Explore what do wolves eat, their diet by types, when do they eat, how much they eat and what eats them.
What Do Flamingos Eat?
Flamingoes are beautiful wading birds classified in the family Phoenicopteridae. Explore what do flamingos eat, types & what eats flamingoes.
What Do Monkeys Eat?
Monkeys are divided into two groups; the Old World and New World monkeys. Explore what do monkeys eat, monkeys diet by types and what eats monkeys here.
Explore The Layers Of The Rainforest
Among all biomes, tropical rainforests are considered to have the highest biodiversity. The rainforest is divided into 4 layers: the emergent layer, the canopy layer, the understory, and the forest floor. These layers host several species of tropical animals and tropical plants. Explore the layers of the rainforest here.
What Do Chinchillas Eat?
Chinchillas are attractive little rodents famed for the fluffy appearance that sets them apart from other animals. What do Chinchillas eat, diet patterns & more.
What Do Koalas Eat?
Koalas are iconic marsupials spotting black oval noses and round ears. Explore what do koalas eat, their diet plan, what eats koalas, & animal food chain.
What Do Ferrets Eat?
Ferrets are small furry mammals with long tails and a pear-shaped physique. Explore what do ferrets eat, ferrets diet by types, and what eats ferrets & more.
What Do Catfish Eat?
Catfish are unique looking fish notable for their barbells which give the impression of a cat's whiskers. Explore what do catfish eat & their diet by types.
What Do Opossums Eat?
Opossums are marsupials, endemic to the Americas. Explore what do opossums eat, opossums diet by types, what eats opossums, hunting patterns, and more.
What Do Owls Eat?
Owls are described as raptors because of their sharp claws and beaks. Explore what do owls eat, owls diet by different types, what eats owls, how often do owls eat & more.
What Do Crows Eat?
Explore what do crows eat by their types and what eats crows. Crows diet may include small mammals, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, insects, seeds, nuts, & more.
What Do Foxes Eat?
Foxes are classified under the genus Vulpes made up of about 12 existing species. Explore what do foxes eat, diet by species & what eats foxes here.
Top 26 BEST Animals With Best Eyesight
The eyes with various marvelous features have evolved in all kinds of animals. Explore top 26 different animals with best eyesight in animal kingdom.
Gray-Cheeked Mangabey
The gray-cheeked mangabey (Lophocebus albigena), also called the white-cheeked mangabey, is an Old World monkey found in the forests of central Africa. Gray-cheeked mangabeys belong to the same family (Cercopithecinae) and phylum (Papionini) as mandrills, macaques, and baboons.
What Do Groundhogs Eat?
Groundhogs are herbivores that eat a diverse diet of greens, vegetables, fruits and more. Learn everything groundhogs eat and their favorite foods.
Common Grackle
Step into the captivating world of the lanky Common Grackle! This fierce-looking black bird, known for its intriguing foraging habits and distinct 'buzzing' calls, thrives in varied habitats. Unearth their unique traits and behaviors here.
Black-billed Magpie
Black-billed Magpies (Pica hudsonia), with their flashy appearance and large bushel-basket nests in trees, significantly enhance western landscapes. Explore this dark bird's characteristics, nesting abilities, signs of self-recognition, diet, and more.
Pied Crow
Pied crows (Corvus albus) are widely distributed African birds. They are highly intelligent and opportunistic and share the jackdaw's fascination with shiny objects. Explore their characteristics and what do pied crows eat, and other fun facts.
Great-tailed Grackle
The Great-tailed Grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus) is a large blackbird found across the Americas, recognized for its iridescent black and purple plumage. These displays are paired with various vocalizations, making their soundscape unique among songbirds. Explore their characteristics, diet, and fun facts.
European Starling
European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), first introduced to North America by Shakespeare enthusiasts in the nineteenth century, are now among the continent's most common songbirds. Explore their characteristics, diet, and fun facts about these black songbirds.
Eastern White Pine
Explore the world of the Eastern White Pine, a majestic tree with a rich history and diverse uses. Learn about its characteristics, its role in the ecosystem, and how to care for it. Discover why the Eastern White Pine is more than just a tree; it's a symbol of resilience and a testament to nature's bounty.
Hawaiian Crow
Learn about the Hawaiian Crow (Corvus hawaiiensis), an intelligent and remarkable bird driven to near extinction. Discover facts on their unique adaptations, the threats they face, conservation efforts underway, and their deep cultural significance in Hawaiian society.
Albino Crows
Rare genetic variants, albino crows reveal key insights into pigmentation, survival, and biodiversity despite the challenges posed by their bright white plumage that lacks the species' typical protective camouflage.
Red Monkeys
Red monkeys include over 50 species of primates from Asia, Africa and the Americas that exhibit signature red coloration on their fur, skin or body parts adapted for forest camouflage and heat regulation while also communicating social moods.
Spider Monkeys
Spider monkeys comprise 7 New World primate species adept at brachiating through Central and South American rainforest canopies, endangered due to habitat destruction. Their spindly prehensile tails, flexible shoulder joints, hook-like fingers and fusion-fission social groups represent unique adaptations for foraging canopy fruits.
Eastern Lesser Bamboo Lemur
The eastern lesser bamboo lemur (Hapalemur griseus) is a small, endangered rainforest primate found only in Madagascar. This unique species has adapted to specialize in a toxic bamboo diet other animals cannot consume. Yet habitat loss and hunting have left remaining populations highly vulnerable.
What Is Biological Magnification?
Understand biological magnification - how toxins accumulate exponentially up food chains to dangerous levels in top predators. Unpack biomagnification impacts, sources, and solutions.
What Animals Live In Rainforests?
Discover the incredible biodiversity of the tropical rainforest. Dive deep into the habitats of rainforest animals, from the elusive jaguar to pink-toe tarantulas.
Red-billed Oxpecker
The red-billed oxpecker is a passerine bird found in the savannah of sub-Saharan Africa. These black birds assist grazers in getting rid of parasites but also expose wounds to infection. Explore their characteristics and fun facts here.
Top Spectacular Rainforests of The World
Rainforests are considered the planet’s oldest ecosystems. Here are the top most spectacular rainforests in the world (from different continents) & facts.
Crowned Eagle
The Crowned Eagle (Stephanoaetus coronatus) is Africa's most powerful raptor. Delve into what makes this impressive eagle a skilled hunter, its unique breeding behaviors, critical conservation status, and why protecting this declining keystone forest predator matters.
What Do Eagles Eat?
Eagles are powerful birds with sharp beaks. Explore what do eagles eat, detailed eagles diet by types, how do eagles hunt, how often eagles eat & more here.
What Do Chameleons Eat?
Chameleons are unique animals considered to have originated from old-world lizards. Learn what chameleons eat by their types, how often & what eats them.
What Do Toads Eat?
Toads are notable for their dry, bumpy skin with glands located behind their eyes. Explore what do toads eat, toads diet by types, what eats toads & more.