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Explore Desert Birds & Their Adaptations
A desert is a barren landscape area with little to no water (no precipitation) found which makes the living condition extremely hostile for plants and animals. Explore 15 different types of desert birds and their adaptations on this page.
Top 15 BEST Birds of Missouri
Here are the top 15 birds of Missouri and their fascinating fun facts along with where can one spot each of them in the State of Missouri.
Top 10 Birds of Oregon
Oregon is notable for its diverse habitats, including alpine meadows, rainforests, pine forests and more. Find top 10 birds of Oregon including its state bird (Western Meadowlark).
Top 25 Rare Birds of All Time
Explore the 25 rare birds in the world, including the Kakapo and Philippine Eagle, with stunning visuals, unique facts, and their incredible rare bird habitats.
Birds of Africa
Birds of Africa: Home to over 2,000 bird species, the African continent boasts some of the most spectacular avian diversity on Earth. From tiny sunbirds to massive ostrich, dazzling birds occupy every habitat across Africa's vast landscapes. Explore the top African birds here.
Black Birds
Discover the top 30+ black birds' mesmerizing beauty, unique behaviors, and fascinating facts. Dive into a symphony of wings and feathers as we explore these captivating dark birds shedding light on their mysterious allure.
The Ultimate Guide to 25+ Spectacular Desert Flowers & Their Unique Adaptations
Desert Flowers: Approximately 1/3 of the earth's surface is deserts. Despite having prolonged periods without precipitation, severe temperature ranges, dry winds, and low humidity, the beautiful blooms of the desert have learned to survive the harsh environment and continue to bloom and provide colors to the desert.
15 Amazing Birds of Colorado
The state of Colorado has a wide range of potential bird habitats. Explore the top 15 amazing birds of Colorado and their interesting facts here.
40 Different Types of Birds
Birds are some of the most successful vertebrate animals on Earth. Explore different types of birds, their characteristics, and 40 orders of bird families.
America’s 15 Must-Visit Botanical Gardens: Discover Them Today!
From exquisite blooms to exotic plants, our guide to America's top 15 botanical gardens promises enchanting adventures. Don't miss out on these beautiful, botanical must-sees!
Types of Crows
Crows (Corvus genus - Corvidae family) are among the most widespread, recognizable, and intelligent birds across diverse habitats worldwide. Explore all 43 types of crows here.
Top 10 Botany News in 2020
If we look at the current discoveries in Botany, it is clear that Plant Science is actually thriving now. Here are top 10 botany news in 2020.
What Do Wolves Eat?
Wolves are classified under a broad taxonomic family referred to as Canidae. Explore what do wolves eat, their diet by types, when do they eat, how much they eat and what eats them.
What Do Owls Eat?
Owls are described as raptors because of their sharp claws and beaks. Explore what do owls eat, owls diet by different types, what eats owls, how often do owls eat & more.
What Do Foxes Eat?
Foxes are classified under the genus Vulpes made up of about 12 existing species. Explore what do foxes eat, diet by species & what eats foxes here.
Pied Crow
Pied crows (Corvus albus) are widely distributed African birds. They are highly intelligent and opportunistic and share the jackdaw's fascination with shiny objects. Explore their characteristics and what do pied crows eat, and other fun facts.
European Starling
European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), first introduced to North America by Shakespeare enthusiasts in the nineteenth century, are now among the continent's most common songbirds. Explore their characteristics, diet, and fun facts about these black songbirds.
Crowned Eagle
The Crowned Eagle (Stephanoaetus coronatus) is Africa's most powerful raptor. Delve into what makes this impressive eagle a skilled hunter, its unique breeding behaviors, critical conservation status, and why protecting this declining keystone forest predator matters.
What Do Eagles Eat?
Eagles are powerful birds with sharp beaks. Explore what do eagles eat, detailed eagles diet by types, how do eagles hunt, how often eagles eat & more here.
What Do Chameleons Eat?
Chameleons are unique animals considered to have originated from old-world lizards. Learn what chameleons eat by their types, how often & what eats them.
What Do Toads Eat?
Toads are notable for their dry, bumpy skin with glands located behind their eyes. Explore what do toads eat, toads diet by types, what eats toads & more.
What Do Lizards Eat?
All lizards belong to the reptiles family in the animal kingdom. Explore what do lizards eat, lizard diet by types, what eats lizards and all related topics.
What Do Kangaroos Eat?
Kangaroos are marsupials that can only be found in Australia. Kangaroos are mostly herbivores. Explore what do kangaroos eat in detail by their types & more.
Types of Eagles
Explore all 68 types of eagles in this comprehensive guide. Learn about each species' unique traits, habitats, and behaviors across the globe.
Scimitar Oryx
Learn about the endangered scimitar-horned oryx, a striking Saharan antelope brought to extinction in the wild by 2000. Discover how urgent conservation efforts and captive breeding programs for this iconic desert-adapted Oryx dammah species have kept its future hopes alive against the odds.
Top 18 BEST Tundra Animal Adaptations
The coldest areas on Earth, such as regions close to the North Pole and the South Pole, have unique features. Here are the top 18 tundra animal adaptations.
The Top 25 Bicolor Flowers: Nature’s Two-Toned Wonders
Discover 25 stunning bicolor flowers, from rare orchids to common garden favorites. Learn about their habitats, care tips, and unique features in this guide.
Insect Orders
Explore 28 major insect orders under the class Insecta (diverse group of arthropods).Insects play vital roles in ecosystems, from pollination and decomposition to serving as food for other animals.
Order Saxifragales / Saxifrages Flowers
Saxifragales is a morphologically diverse dicotyledonous order of flowering plants worldwide. Saxifragales plants have hypanthium, glandular leaf teeth, serrate lamina margins, free petals, and small seeds. Most Saxifragales flowers are radially symmetrical and bisexual. The example species of Saxifragales are the Irish rose, campfire plant, and gum vine.
Order Caryophyllales / Pink and Carnation Flowers
Caryophyllales is a large and diverse order of dicotyledonous flowering plants. Members under Caryophyllales are distributed on all the continents and are notable for their morphological uniqueness and ecophysiological adaptations. The flower species of carnation, four o’clock, and cactus belong to Caryophyllales and offer great beneficial use.
Blooming Texas: 25 Gorgeous Native Flowers Revealed!
Texas is a large state with its own floristic region, having more than 5,000 species of native flowering plants. Because of its diverse landforms, Texas offers many famous blooms for visitors and residents. Explore the top 25 Texas flowers and their characteristics.
California Poppy
The California Poppy (Eschscholtzia californica) became California's official state flower on March 2, 1903. The four-petal desert flowers, borne on stems 8 to 12 inches (20 to 30 cm) long, are typically cream, orange, or pale yellow. Still, cultivars are white and in a variety of pinks and reds.
Albino Bats
Albino Bats - Discover the genetic causes, physical traits, geographic hot-spots, and conservation efforts surrounding these rare pigment-less morphs that persist in tropical caves and forests through 60 global cases across 11 families.
The fabulously playful Mimidae family of Mimids - the mockingbirds, catbirds, thrashers & tremblers of the Americas - is overviewed with facts on evolution, vocal mimicry abilities, behavior, life histories and cultural symbolism of these often supremely talented songsters.
Wild Narcissus
Narcissus poeticus is a flowering plant of the order Asparagales. This species is native to Central and Southern Europe. The Wild Narcissus plant is toxic. The most poisonous parts are the bulbs.
Little Larkspur
Delphinium bicolor is a perennial plant of the Buttercup (Ranunculaceae) family. The stems of the Little Larkspur have a height of 4-24 inches. The Little Larkspur plants can absorb toxic substances, like herbicides, pesticides, and pollutants.
Types of Trees
Discover the diverse types of trees, from deciduous to evergreen. Enjoy vivid pictures, and learn their roles in ecosystems and their conservation efforts.
Carrion Crow
Carrion Crows (Corvus corone) are common throughout England, Wales, and most of Scotland. Carrion Crows are only found on the eastern edges of the island of Ireland, whereas Hooded Crows are present everywhere. Explore their characteristics, diet, and fun facts here.
Black Scoter
Black Scoters are a species of duck that form sizable winter flocks along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. These blackbirds have 4 species: Black Scoter, Surf Scoter, Common Scoter, and White-winged Scoter. Explore Black Scoter characteristics, diet, and facts about them here.
Discover the fascinating world of rooks, large Corvidae birds found throughout Eurasia. Learn about their appearance, expert egg-robbing skills, unique anting behavior, special memory, and preference for local breeding grounds. Also, explore the similarities and differences between rooks and their crow cousins.
What Do Goldfinches Eat? Explore Goldfinch Diets, Hunting & Eating Habits
Goldfinches are mainly omnivores. Explore in detail what do Goldfinches eat by their types, hunting techniques, what eats Goldfinches & more.
Old-Man’s Beard
Clematis ligusticifolia is woody or semi-woody climber from the Ranunculaceae family. This desert flowering plant can grow up to 20 feet or more. All parts of the plant can cause severe irritation in the mouth if eaten.
Mount Finke Grevillea
Grevillea treueriana is a small shrub from order Proteales. The Mount Finke Grevillea plants are endemic to Mount Finke of Australia and can grow to a height of 2 meters. The flowers of the Grevillea treueriana are shaped like a toothbrush.
Apache Plume
Apache Plume is a slender and upright desert shrub of the Rose family that can grow to 2-6 feet tall. Fallugia paradoxa is called Apache Plume because the feathery seed clusters resemble Indian feather headdresses.
Order Crossosomatales / Rockflowers
Crossosomatales is a small order of flowering plants consisting of woody shrubs and trees. It is distributed in various regions across the northern and southern hemispheres. Crossosomatales or the Rockflower order is placed under Rosid eudicots and consists of 7 families and 12 genera.
4 Different Types of Reptiles
Reptiles are cold-blooded vertebrates of the class Reptilia. Explore the top 8 reptile characteristics and four different types of reptiles here.
Top 10 Discoveries in Ecology 2019
Due to climate change and destructive human activity, news in the ecology area in 2019 is quite contrary. Here are the top 10 discoveries in ecology 2019.
25 Most Famous & Dangerous Bug Eating Plants
Carnivorous plants derive most of their nutrients by consuming animals. Know more about them as this article features the 25 most famous carnivorous plants.
What Do Snakes Eat?
Snakes are strict carnivores. Learn what do snakes eat, snakes diet by types, how do snakes hunt, what eats snakes, and how often snakes eat.
What Do Moths Eat?
Moths are insects categorized under Lepidoptera that overlap w/ butterflies. Learn what do moths eat, their diet by type & what eats moths.
15 Best Zoos in the USA
Zoos serve as a home for numerous animals. It is no denial that the United States is a home to some of the world-class zoological parks in the world. To help you choose the perfect (and possibly the nearest) zoo to visit, here are the top 15 best zoos in the US with direct website references.
What Do Elephants Eat?
Elephants are the largest living mammals on land. On this page, explore what do elephants eat, diet by their types, how often, when & what eats elephants.
What Do Bearded Dragons Eat?
The bearded dragon gets its name from spiny scales. In general, bearded dragon is an omnivore. Explore what do bearded dragons eat by their types and more.
Top 6 Major Threats To Biodiversity
Biodiversity refers to the variety of life forms on Earth. Here, we explore 6 of the biggest threats to biodiversity and how do each of them contribute to its loss.
What Do Bears Eat?
Bears are mammals classified under the family Ursidae. This page sheds light on what do bears eat by different species, what eats bears & more.
What Do Hedgehogs Eat?
Hedgehogs are small mammals with a unique morphology (sharp spines on the back). Learn what do hedgehogs eat, their diet by hedgehog types & more here.
15 Best Dinosaur Fossil Discoveries of All Times
Discover the 15 most famous dinosaur fossils of all times. Fossils that remarkably improved the scientific study of dinosaurs and prehistoric life. Dinosaurs have already gone extinct but much information about them still remain-because of their fossils. Fossils don’t easily degrade or decompose; hence they are a good source of evidence about the prehistoric life on the planet.
Amphibians Vs. Reptiles : Similarities and Differences
In the animal kingdom, amphibians and reptiles are the most frequently interchanged; Here are the similarities & difference between amphibians and reptiles.
25 Reasons That Emphasizes The Importance of Biology
The importance of biology as highlighted through top 25 key reasons spanning fundamental life science insights, medical advances, biotechnology innovations, climate solutions, and unraveling mysteries of cognition, evolution, and homeostasis transforms lives by leveraging nature's evolutionary wisdom.
Museums and Exhibits
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum The Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum is a world-renowned zoo, natural history museum and botanical garden, all in one place: Research Programs, Education...