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Order Canellales

Order Canellales / Cinnamon & Shrub Flowers

Canellales is the Order of flowering plants that belong to the magnoliids clade, an angiosperm tree early branch. Canellales include flowering species such as Wild Cinnamon, Chupacallos, Saro plant, Mountain Cinnamon, African Greenheart, Pepper Tree, Northland Horopito & many more.
Order Chloranthales

Order Chloranthales / Soft-wooded Herbal Flowers

Order Chloranthales belongs to core angiosperms which have soft-wooded aromatic shrubs and trees with swollen nodes and leaves with opposite saw-toothed. Many species of Chloranthales are used as herbal medicines. Sarcandra glabra, Sarcandra chloranthoides, Hedyosmum mexicanum, Hedyosmum brasiliensis, Chloranthus officinalis, Chloranthus japonicus, and Chloranthus monander are some of the examples in this flowering order.

Order Austrobaileyales / Woody Aromatic Flowers

Austrobaileyales order is composed of woody aromatic flowers in three different families. Example flowering plants include Wu Wei Zi, Magnolia vine, Star anise, Bay starvine, Kadsura vine, Bitter vine, and more.
Birds of Massachusetts

Marvellous Birds of Massachusetts

BioExplorer highlights some of the top 10 resident birds of Massachusetts out of 300+ bird species from the commonwealth along with their locations in MA.
Birds of West Virginia

Wonderful Birds of West Virginia

West Virginia has majestic mountains situated in the Appalachian region with 78% covered with forests. Explore top 10 birds of West Virginia here.
Botany News 2020

Top 10 Botany News in 2020

If we look at the current discoveries in Botany, it is clear that Plant Science is actually thriving now. Here are top 10 botany news in 2020.
Animals with the Best Hearing

Top 16 Animals with the Best Hearing

The ability to hear has been evolving in animals for a considerable time. Explore 16 animals with the best hearing (Vertibrates & Invertibrates).
Domain Archaea / Archaebacteria

The Domain Archaea: Finding Life’s Extremists

Archaebacteria: Sole organisms that can survive in extreme habitats & archaeans are considered the third domain of life. Learn about the domain Archaea here.
What Do Crickets Eat?

What Do Crickets Eat? Explore Cricket Diets, Hunting & Eating Habits

Crickets are insects with long antennae that extend beyond the length of their bodies. Explore what do crickets eat and their diet by types.

What Do Wrens Eat? Explore Wren Diets, Hunting & Eating Habits

Wrens are small Passeriformes that are found in wide distribution in North and South America. Explore what do wrens eat, their diet by types, what eats wrens.
What do tadpoles eat?

What Do Tadpoles Eat?

A tadpole refers to the larval stage of the members of class Amphibia. Explore what do tadpoles eat, tadpoles diet by types, what eats tadpoles & more here.
what do snakes eat?

What Do Snakes Eat?

Snakes are strict carnivores. Learn what do snakes eat, snakes diet by types, how do snakes hunt, what eats snakes, and how often snakes eat.
biochemistry news in 2018

Top 15 Biochemistry Discoveries in 2018

Biochemistry seems a purely theoretical science with little application to practical problems. Here are the top 15 best biochemistry news and discoveries in 2018.
Genetics News in 2018

Top 25 Most Recent Genetic Discoveries in 2018

The year 2018 has seen another ground-breaking advancement year in the field of Genetics. In this article, we will explore the top 25 genetics discoveries in 2018.
What do Ladybugs eat?

What Do Ladybugs Eat?

Ladybugs are voracious predators with a taste for aphids, mites, scales, and other soft pests. Learn all about the carnivorous diet of ladybugs, their hunting strategies, seasonal feeding, and importance as natural pest control.
cord blood banking pros and cons

Top 20 Cord Blood Banking Pros and Cons

The blood of the cord is another highly populated source of stem cells. Medical scientists and doctors bank the richly nourished blood of the cord. Let’s analyze the cord blood banking pros and cons in detail.
best microbiology textbooks

15 Best Microbiology Textbooks

Microbiology looks at the study of microscopic organisms such as viruses, bacteria, protozoa, archaea, and fungi. Here are 15 best microbiology textbooks which one can study for basics & advanced knowledge of diagnostic and systemic microbiology.
Facilitated Diffusion

What Is Facilitated Diffusion & Their Importance, Experiments, and Examples?

In living organisms, the diffusion of substances is mediated by the cell membrane. By definition, facilitated diffusion is a type of passive transport which utilizes 'agents' known as channel proteins and carrier proteins to speed up the transport process. Explore the importance, experiments & examples of it.
Woolly Mammoth Clone

Woolly Mammoth Clone Project: Can It Be Resurrected?

According to studies, the planet is now in the midst of mass extinction for the sixth time. Among many species in the animal kingdom, the Woolly Mammoth and the Passenger Pigeon are the top priority for resurrection in the science communities. Explore the Woolly Mammoth Clone project goals and drawbacks here.
ribosomes function

Ribosomes Function: The Cell’s Protein Machinery

Tracing its origin to more than 3 to 4 billion years ago, ribosomes are thought to have risen from the world of the ribonucleic acid (RNA). Explore more about this amazing "protein machinery" as we uncover ribosomes function, structures, and variations in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
designer babies pros and cons

Designer Babies Pros and Cons

About four decades ago, the first ever test tube baby was created using the process of IVF. Like any scientific innovations, the technology of creating designer babies has a wide variety of promising advantages and at the same time possible disadvantages too. Explore the designer babies pros and cons here.
Are Elephants Endangered?

Are Elephants Endangered?

Distinguished by their long trunks and huge bodies, the largest land animal is under serious threats. Explore why are elephants endangered in detail here.
how are virus different from bacteria?

How Are Viruses Different From Bacteria?

While it is true that viruses and bacteria are often (and sometimes mistakenly) associated with diseases, many find them to be seemingly indistinguishable. Explore how are viruses different from bacteria at a microscopic level from 15 various aspects.
best cell biology textbooks

Top 11 Cell Biology Textbooks of All Times

Cell biology is often considered to be a challenging subject area, whether in academics or research. Here are the 11 of the best cell biology textbooks of all times, which will aid aspiring students and researchers in Cell Biology.
3 parts of cell theory

Explore What Is Cell Theory & Parts of Cell Theory

All living organisms on the planet are made up of tiny individual units called cells. Without these units, living organisms cannot function the way they do now. In this article, we will explore the aspects and 3 parts of cell theory, its rivaled history, and many versions, as well as the exceptions to cell theory.
Pros and cons of cloning

Top 7 Pros and Cons of Cloning

Cloning creates a copy of a single cell or an entire living organism. Each clone bears the same sets of genetic material in the nucleus of every cell. On this page, learn more top 7 pros and cons of cloning and decide whether this scientific endeavor is worth the risks.
Evolution News 2017

Top 10 Evolution News In 2017

Evolution is a variation in the heritable features of biological groups over succeeding generations (Darwinism). Evolutionary processes contribute advancement in biodiversity at every level of biological organization, including the levels of species, individual organisms, and molecules. In this article, we will go over top 10 evolution news in 2017.
Immunology News In 2017

Top 12 Immunology News In 2017

Immunology is one of the sub-divisions of biology (to be precise biomedical science) that encompasses the study of immune system in all living organisms. In this page, learn biological advancements and research news in the field of immunology and related top stories in 2017.
Genetics News 2017

Top 12 Genetics News In 2017

The year 2017 has seen ground-breaking advancements in the field of Genetics. Genetics is the biological study of genes, genetic variation, mutations, and heredity in living organisms. In this article, we will explore top 12 genetics news in 2017.
what do tigers eat?

What Do Tigers Eat? Explore Tiger Diets, Hunting & Eating Habits

Being in the top of the food chain, what do tigers eat in the wild? Tigers are one of the biggest cats on the planet. By nature, tigers are carnivores. They eat a good variety of prey depending upon the terrain they live in ranging from termites to baby rhinos and everything in between. Learn tiger diet in detail here.
Building Blocks of Carbohydrates

Building Blocks of Carbohydrates

One of the major biological macromolecules is called Carbohydrates. Explore the building blocks of carbohydrates, its types, properties & functions here.
Biology Apps

The 23 Best & Free Biology Apps (Android) For Students & Teachers

Looking for the best mobile app to help you with your studies? Turn your mobile device into a Biology expert w/ these top free 23 Biology apps for Android.
Building Blocks Of Nucleic Acids Diagram

Nucleotides: Building Blocks of Nucleic Acids

Nucleotides are the building blocks of the nucleic acids namely DNA and RNA. Explore these building blocks, their structures, functions, and biological importance.
Ethological Theory

What Is Ethological Theory?

Learn about what ethological theory is, its development through the years, its evidences, ethological theories, examples, & the criticisms it has received.
Central Vacuole In Plant Cells

The Biology Of The Plant Central Vacuole: Structures And Functions

More than just its seemingly empty bubble-like structure, the central vacuole in fact plays essential functions in plants. In this post, explore its discovery, structures and functions in detail.
plasma membrane functions

Plasma Membrane Functions, Composition, & Structures

The plasma membrane is a type of biomembrane that serves as barrier & adding structural support. Learn more about plasma membrane functions here.
Recombinant Proteins

Recombinant Proteins

Recombinant proteins are translated products of the expression of recombinant DNA in living cells. Learn its definition, history, two methods & applications.
mRNA Translation

From mRNA To Protein: Overview of Translation Biology

Get an overview of translation biology - the process where the encoded info in mRNA is translated into amino acids and proteins (Protein Synthesis Steps).
Botany Degree

Becoming A Botanist? Learn What, Where, How And Why.

Learn What is A Botanist, How to Become A Botanist, Botany Degree Programs & Courses in Universities and Online, Educational Requirements for Botanists.
Cellular Organization

Cellular Organization: Exploring The Cell

By definition, the cellular organization is the components that make up the cell and how they are arranged inside it. Each component, called an organelle, performs a specific vital function for the cell. In this article, we will explore the basic functional components of the cell and cell shape and size.
Domain Eukarya Kingdoms

Domain Eukarya Overview – History, Characteristics & Kingdoms

Living organisms are classified into 3 biological groups Prokarya, Archaea, & Eukarya. Learn domain Eukarya kingdoms & characteristics here.
A digitally illustrated group of eight medical professionals, including men and women, standing in a formal pose against a plain white background. They are wearing white lab coats, some with stethoscopes around their necks, while others hold clipboards. The group appears diverse in age and gender, with professional expressions. A yellow-orange banner at the bottom of the image features bold black text that reads TYPES OF DOCTORS.

Types of Doctors

Dive into the world of medicine and explore different types of doctors and physicians and their specializations, including medical and non-medical or holistic doctor types.
History of Genetics

History of Genetics

Genetics is the science of heredity & variation. This page explores the History of Genetics and important events around genetics from the start categorized by year.
History of Microbiology

History of Microbiology

Microbiology is the study of the structure, bodily functions & physiological processes of microorganisms. The history of microbiology begins from 1564.

Welcome To BioExplorer! shares ultimate guide to Biological Web Resources ranging from DNA to Plants & Animals and everything in-between. Exploring Life On Earth!


The term Evolution can be defined as the study of living organisms, the stages of development and also all nuances about the natural history of Earth.
Branches of Ecology

Branches of Ecology

Ecology is the branch of science involves the scientific analysis of organisms in the environment. Ecology covers the topic of biodiversity as well. Since our Ecosystem is unexpectedly vast, you as a student will be asked to gain insight on a variety of topics.


Annals of Human Genetics Founded in 1925 (and the first journal in its field) Annals of Human Genetics has a long-standing reputation for publishing...
Meiosis Stages

What is Meiosis?

Meiosis is a type of cell division that occurs in the sex cells. In this article, explore what it is, stages of meiosis and importance of meiosis in detail. During the event of meiosis, the chromosome count shrinks to half (cell biology).
RNA Databases

RNA Databases

RNA stands for Ribonucleic acid. The RNA is a polymeric molecule which when teamed with proteins and carbohydrates are considered as three essential macromolecules...
history of biology

History of Biology

Biology is the study of life on Earth. The History of Biology, however, focuses on the advent of life on Earth, right from ancient times.