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What Is Biological Magnification?

Understand biological magnification - how toxins accumulate exponentially up food chains to dangerous levels in top predators. Unpack biomagnification impacts, sources, and solutions.
Stomach Flu vs Food Poisoning

Explore 9 Stomach Flu Vs Food Poisoning Differences

Food contamination could be either physical, chemical, or biological. Both stomach flu and food poisoning are food-borne illnesses that have discernable differences between them. Explore stomach flu vs food poisoning from 9 different aspects.
Differences Between Antibody and Antigen

Discover The Differences Between Antigen And Antibody

An antigen is a type of molecule that interacts with the constituents of the immune system, specifically the antibody. In this page, we will explore about the morphologies and physiologies, and mode of action of antibodies and antigens as well as discover how they differ from each other from different aspects.
Difference between Chromosome and Chromatid

What is the Difference Between Chromosome and Chromatid?

In genetics, the terms chromosome & chromatid are often confused. Learn the exact difference between chromosomes and chromatids.
Difference Between Diffusion and Osmosis

Difference Between Diffusion and Osmosis

Difference between diffusion and osmosis: Explore the 2 types of transport mechanisms in biological membranes that seem almost interchangeable.
Difference Between Amphibians and Reptiles

Amphibians Vs. Reptiles : Similarities and Differences

In the animal kingdom, amphibians and reptiles are the most frequently interchanged; Here are the similarities & difference between amphibians and reptiles.
Difference Between Anatomy and Physiology

Difference Between Anatomy and Physiology

See the difference between anatomy and physiology from technical & academic/career perspectives though they make a good pair of related branches of knowledge.
Biological Species Concept

Defining A Species: The Biological Species Concept

Throughout history, many attempts have been made to define a species. Learn the Biological Species Concept overview, which is the widely accepted one.
Animals With Best Eyesight

Top 26 BEST Animals With Best Eyesight

The eyes with various marvelous features have evolved in all kinds of animals. Explore top 26 different animals with best eyesight in animal kingdom.

Albino Crows

Rare genetic variants, albino crows reveal key insights into pigmentation, survival, and biodiversity despite the challenges posed by their bright white plumage that lacks the species' typical protective camouflage.

Eastern Lesser Bamboo Lemur

The eastern lesser bamboo lemur (Hapalemur griseus) is a small, endangered rainforest primate found only in Madagascar. This unique species has adapted to specialize in a toxic bamboo diet other animals cannot consume. Yet habitat loss and hunting have left remaining populations highly vulnerable.

Top 26 Washington Birds

Explore the overview of 26 must-see top Washington Birds species including facts on goldfinches, owls, hawks, finches and more. This comprehensive guide will help with identification of birds of Washington.

Crowned Eagle

The Crowned Eagle (Stephanoaetus coronatus) is Africa's most powerful raptor. Delve into what makes this impressive eagle a skilled hunter, its unique breeding behaviors, critical conservation status, and why protecting this declining keystone forest predator matters.
What do toads eat?

What Do Toads Eat?

Toads are notable for their dry, bumpy skin with glands located behind their eyes. Explore what do toads eat, toads diet by types, what eats toads & more.
What Do Lizards Eat?

What Do Lizards Eat?

All lizards belong to the reptiles family in the animal kingdom. Explore what do lizards eat, lizard diet by types, what eats lizards and all related topics.

Types of Eagles

Explore all 68 types of eagles in this comprehensive guide. Learn about each species' unique traits, habitats, and behaviors across the globe.

Scimitar Oryx

Learn about the endangered scimitar-horned oryx, a striking Saharan antelope brought to extinction in the wild by 2000. Discover how urgent conservation efforts and captive breeding programs for this iconic desert-adapted Oryx dammah species have kept its future hopes alive against the odds.
Types of Bluebells

Bluebell Flower

Explore the enchanting Bluebell flower (Hyacinthoides non-scripta), its vibrant violet-blue blooms, ecological significance, different types of bluebells and fun facts in this comprehensive guide.

Order Zingiberales / Ginger, Orchidantha & Banana Plants

Zingiberales' order comprises several species of great economic importance, like the banana and the ginger. Members have almost restricted distribution to tropical regions. Zingiberales species have ptyxis, large flowers, attractive colors, and inferior ovaries. Banana, Bird-of-paradise, Orchidantha, ginger, costus, and Canna lily are examples of Zingiberales order.

Top 15 Ecology News of 2022

In 2022 paves the way towards discoveries in ecological consequences influenced by genetic factors, climate change in marine habitat, coral reefs and plants having great adaptability to climate change, and the necessity towards conservation of biodiversity.

Order Saxifragales / Saxifrages Flowers

Saxifragales is a morphologically diverse dicotyledonous order of flowering plants worldwide. Saxifragales plants have hypanthium, glandular leaf teeth, serrate lamina margins, free petals, and small seeds. Most Saxifragales flowers are radially symmetrical and bisexual. The example species of Saxifragales are the Irish rose, campfire plant, and gum vine.

Order Dipsacales / Honeysuckle Flowers

Dipsacales is a eudicotyledonous order of flowering species. Members of Dipsacales show characteristics like pubescent stems, flowers mostly in cymes, and 4-5 floral parts. The Dipsacales flowers are primarily bisexual and are pollinated by insects and/or birds. Honeysuckle, Seven-son flower, Alpine valerian, Mountain snowberry and Japanese snowball flowers are examples of Dipsacales.

Order Malpighiales / Violets Flowers

Malpighiales order is a large group with species primarily distributed in tropical regions. The members of Malpighiales often have toothed and stipulate leaves, 10 free stamens, 3-5 fused carpels, a nectary, superior ovaries, and typically endospermous seeds. Most Malpighiales flowers consist of 5 sepals and 5 petals. The violets, flax, passion flowers, euphorbias, and mangroves are some of the notable species of Malpighiales.
Types of Lilies

Types of Lilies

Discover the stunning beauty of different types of lilies. From oriental hybrids to unique lily species, learn about the diverse world of lily varieties.

Order Proteales / Sugar-bushes & Water Lotus Flowers

Proteales is a part of peripheral eudicots classified together only recently. The Proteales flowers are small or large and unisexual or bisexual. The American lotus, the Indian lotus, the London plane tree, Wagon tree and large-nut sugar bush are examples of Proteales.

Order Zygophyllales / Creosote Bush Flowers

Order Zygophyllales contains herbs, shrubs, trees, and hemiparasites (rare) limited to tropical or temperate dry or saline regions. The members of the Zygophyllales often have swollen nodes and opposite, resinous, and stipulate leaves. The Zygophyllales flowers are bisexual, with often 5 sepals, 5 petals, 10 stamens, 5 carpels, and a superior ovary. The creosote bush, chaparral, Verawood, and the rhatany are known examples of the Zygophyllales order.

Order Ranunculales / Buttercup, Barberry & Poppy Flowers

Ranunculales is the order of angiosperms with a worldwide distribution, which are peripheral eudicots with spiral leaves, three openings (colpi) in the pollen, and spectacular floral diversity. The buttercup, Barberry, Moonseed, Chocolate vine and poppy flowers are the famous example species of Ranunculales.

Order Laurales / Aromatic Oil Flowers

Laurales is an order of flowering plants composing trees, shrubs, herbs, and vines. This order comprises seven families. Laurales species are used for lumber, medicinal extracts, essential oils, and ornamentals. Examples include Avocado, Bay Laurel, Limoncillo, Negramina, Grease Nut, Carolina Allspice & more.
White Flowers

85 Different Types of White Flowers For Your Garden!

Discover the captivating world of the top 85+ white flowers, from the iconic Lily of the Valley to the lesser-known Snowball Viburnum. Explore their enchanting beauty, rich symbolism, and fascinating scientific facts in this comprehensive guide.

Marine Iguana

A comprehensive guide to the Galápagos marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) - the world's only seagoing lizard. Learn all about their taxonomy, adaptations for life in coastal habitats, feeding behaviors, social dynamics, threats to survival, and conservation status of this iconic species endemic to the Galápagos Islands of Ecuador.

Top 34 Flightless Birds of All Times!

Flightless Birds: Insight into how birds adapted over time to live grounded lives. This article explores major flightless species - from giant moas to tiny kiwis and curious penguins - examining how isolation and lack of predators drove anatomical changes forfeiting skies for land locomotion mastery.

Greater Antillean Grackle

The Quiscalus niger, or Greater Antillean grackle, is a unique Caribbean songbird thriving in human habitats across Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola and Puerto Rico. Learn about this gregarious bird's classification, physical appearance, vocalizations, range, nesting habits, behavior, and relationship to humans.

Goodman’s Mouse Lemur

Explore the world of Goodman's Mouse Lemur (Microcebus lehilahytsara), a unique Madagascar primate, revealing its survival strategies, social behaviors, and conservation needs.

Order Myrtales / Myrtle Flowers

Myrtales, the myrtle order, are trees, shrubs, herbs, and lianas primarily distributed in the tropics and warmer regions worldwide. Myrtales members have phloem tissue on each xylem side, 4 or 5 sepals, 4 or 5 petals, mostly bisexual flowers, and often non-endospermic seeds. Known species of Myrtales are myrtles, evening primroses, Fuschia, and Eucalyptus.

Order Nymphaeales / Water Lilies

Order Nymphaeales is composed of water lily flowers. It contains 3 families (Hydatellaceae, Cabombaceae, and Nymphaceae). The example flower species include Europian white water lily, Dotleaf water lily, Blue lotus, Amazon water lily, Fanwort, Green Cobomba, and more.

Order Garryales / Silk Tassels Flowers

The Silk tassel order, Garryales are trees or shrubs distributed in North America and Asia. The members of the Garryales have opposite and exstipulate leaves, distinct male and female plants aggregated in catkins, usually sepaline perianth, and endospermic seeds. The larkspur, Japanese laurel, and silk tassels are the example species of the Garryales order.

Order Solanales / Potatoes & Nightshade Flowers

Solanales or the potato/nightshade order of the flowers belong to the core asterid clade, manifesting a global distribution. The plants of Solanales possess root stalks or tubers, simple, alternate, and exstipulate leaves, showy flowers, and typically 5-merous floral parts. The Solanales plants are monoecious, andromonoecious, or dioecious. Example species under Solanales order involve the highly cultivated flora of morning glory, potato, eggplant, and tomato.

Top 15 Genetics News of 2022

Explore 2022's top genetics breakthroughs: AI in gut gene research, zebrafish atlas, NAFLD insights, longevity studies, and more in this comprehensive Genetics News of 2022 overview.

Order Gentianales / Gentian Flowers

The Gentianales (Gentians) is an order of flowering plants involving herbs, shrubs, undershrubs, lianas, and small trees primarily distributed worldwide. Plants of Gentianales mostly have opposite leaves, interpetiolar stipules, bisexual flowers, mostly fused sepals and petals, 4-5 stamens, and 2 carpels. Important species under Gentianales are coffee, periwinkle, oleander, and gentian.

Hibiscus Varieties

Dive into the vibrant world of hibiscus! Explore 25+ stunning varieties, from rare native species to popular garden favorites. Learn about their unique characteristics, care tips, and fascinating facts. Perfect for gardeners and flower enthusiasts alike. Discover the beauty and diversity of these tropical treasures!

January Birth Flowers

Explore January birth flowers, Carnations & Snowdrops. Learn their symbolism, connection with horoscopes, care tips, and cultural significance.

Top 15 Evolutionary Biology News of 2022

This series of evolutionary biology news of 2022 gives us a detailed overview of the recent development in this field. Commencing with the evolution of plant colonization on land, the new approach of Neo Darwinism gained importance and more.

Top 15 Biochemistry News of 2022

Biochemistry News of 2022: This series of biochemistry news gives us a detailed account of the recent development in this field, including two proteins (Elastase and histone H2A) in defense against COVID-19 and more.

Top 15 Anatomy And Physiology News of 2022

Anatomy/Physiology News of 2022: Discover breakthroughs in organ transplant technology, multi-organ chips, Alzheimer's research, X-ray immunotherapy, astronauts' brain studies, and more.

Top 15 Microbiology News of 2022

Microbiology News of 2022: Plant-based organic acid kills food-poisoning bacteria, bacteria turned into renewable energy, plastic waste creates antibiotic-producing bacteria, microbes as biofertilizers, antibiotics repurposed, and more.
Black Birds

Black Birds

Discover the top 30+ black birds' mesmerizing beauty, unique behaviors, and fascinating facts. Dive into a symphony of wings and feathers as we explore these captivating dark birds shedding light on their mysterious allure.
Animals with best sensors

Top 11 Animals With Super Sensors

While it is known that humans have developed brains, here are 10 animals with the best sensors (seeing, smelling, hearing, tasting, and feeling) and the corresponding anatomical structures that allow them to have so.

Top 15 Cell Biology News of 2021

This news series in cell biology 2021 gives us a detailed overview of the recent advancements. Let's explore the top 15 cell biology news of 2021.

Top 15 Ecology News of 2021

This series of 2021 ecology news gives us a detailed overview of the recent development in this field. Commencing with climate change, global warming, alternative ways for renewable energy resources, the role played by scavengers in our society, and other global aspects of management and nature-dependent climate solutions.

Top 15 Microbiology News of 2021

These topics focus on the discoveries and developments in Microbiology in 2021. Research and developments on various topics, such as engineered bacteria, oil-degrading bacteria, and symbiotic relationship between root colonizing bacteria and host plants, have been included here.

Top 15 Anatomy News of 2021

These 2021 noteworthy advancements and discoveries in Anatomy also speak to scientists' increased interest in the brain's structure, function, and disorders. Explore the top 15 anatomy and physiology news of 2021.
Types of Monkeys

334 Types of Monkeys

Monkeys are classified into two main groups: Old-world monkeys and New-world monkeys. Explore all 334 different types of monkeys and their facts here.

Brassicales / Mustard & Cabbage Flowers

Brassicales is an order of flowering plants comprising trees, herbs, shrubs, or lianas primarily distributed worldwide. Brassicales have glucosinolates or mustard oils, small stipules, often bisexual flowers, inflorescences in racemose, and nectaries found between the petals and the stamens. The known plants of Brassicales are mustard, cabbage, capers, mignonette, and nasturtiums.

Top 15 Evolutionary Biology News of 2021

This 2021 series of top 15 evolutionary biology news gives us a detailed overview of the recent development in this field. Commencing the evolution of coccolithophores, the adaptability of crocodiles, the creation of new therapeutic targets for treating age-related disorders in people, the epigenetic evolution of the cerebellum, and more.

Order Poales / Grass, Bamboo and Pineapple

Poales species are monocots with two-ranked leaves, much reduced flowers, dry and small stigma, and well-developed style. The Poales flowers are unisexual, bisexual, or sterile and pollination of the members is via anemophily or entomophily. The famous bamboo, pineapple, Yellow-eyed grass, Stream Bogmoss, and Palmiet are found under Poales order.

Order Sapindales / Lychee and Lemon Flowers

Order Sapindales belongs to the dicotyledonous flowering species which are distributed in the tropics and the temperate regions. Most plants of Sapindales are woody with resin ducts in their bark or wood, compound or lobed leaves, and polypetalous flowers. They are polygamous, with most bisexual flowers functionally unisexual. Among the critical species involve cashew, mahogany, lemon, and lychee.

Order Cornales / Dogwood Flowers

The dogwood order of flowers, Cornales, is basal among asterids. Cornales is relatively small, but members are morphologically diverse and are cosmopolitan in distribution. Cornales plants are mostly woody with simple or compound leaves, small flowers, floral parts in multiples of four, and generally bisexual. Many of the species of Cornales, like the flowering dogwood and Lindley’s blazing star are of ornamental value.

Order Berberidopsidales / Coral Plant Flowers

Berberidopsidales is a small order of flowering species under the clade of the core eudicots. The species of Berberidopsidales possess crystals, usually have 5-merous floral parts and usually small flowers. Coral plant and Olivilla flowers are among the only 4 species of Berberidopsidales.
Order Aquifoliales

Order Aquifoliales / Holly & Brazillian Tea Flowers

Aquifoliales is the holly order of flowering plants, including the common holly and Brazillian tea plants. They are primarily distributed worldwide with usually evergreen trees and shrubs. The Aquifoliales leaves are typically alternate, exstipulate, and lack leaf sheath. American holly, Churnwood, and Japanese helwingia are Aquifoliales flowers.

Order Apiales / Carrots and Parsleys Flowers

Apiales are an order of flowering plants belonging to Class Magnoliopsida. The species of order Apiales are distributed worldwide and involve important and common plants like carrot, parsley, and ginseng.