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East Sumatran Banded Langur

The East Sumatran banded langur also called the East Sumatran banded surili are primarily found in the fragmented landscape of pulp and rubber plantations. These surilis are shy and alert creatures, rarely leaving the comfort of their canopies.

Black Sumatran Langur

The black Sumatran langur is a species of monkey in the Cercopithecidae family that is endemic to Indonesia's Sumatra Island. Presbytis sumatrana was once considered a subspecies of Sumatran Surili. Still, genetic analysis has shown it to be a distinct species.

Sumatran Orangutan

The Sumatran orangutan (Pongo abelii) is one of 3 species of orangutan. This Asian primate is critically endangered and found only on the Indonesian island of North Sumatra.

North Sumatran Leaf Monkey

The North Sumatran leaf monkey (Presbytis thomasi), also called Thomas's langur, is a primate species in the Cercopithecidae family. The North Sumatran leaf monkeys spend most of the day in groups resting, moving, or feeding.

Black-Crested Sumatran Langur

The black-crested Sumatran langur (Presbytis melalophos), also called the Mitred leaf monkey, is a primate species in the Cercopithecidae family. The black-crested Sumatran langur, Raffles' banded langur, Sarawak surili, and black-and-white langur were formerly considered subspecies of Presbytis melalophos.
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Monkeys Starting with E

Explore all types of monkeys from the world of monkeys that start with the letter E, including Equatorial Saki, Ecuadorian Capuchin, Eastern Pygmy Marmoset, East Sumatran Banded Langur, and more.

Black and White Langur

The black-and-white langur is a primate species in the Cercopithecidae family. It was formerly thought to be a subspecies of the Presbytis melalophos (black-crested Sumatran langur). Still, the genetic analysis indicated they were separate species.

Tapanuli Orangutan

The Tapanuli orangutan (Pongo tapanuliensis) is an orangutan species restricted to the southern Tapanuli on the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. It was described as a distinct species in 2017. The three species of orangutans can be difficult to tell apart.

Bornean Orangutan

The Bornean orangutan is native to the Borneo Island. Along with Pongo abelii (the Sumatran orangutan) and Pongo tapanuliensis (the Tapanuli orangutan), it belongs to the only genus of great apes endemic to Asia.
Types of Apes

Types of Apes

There are two main types of apes: "lesser apes" and "great apes". Lesser apes include mainly all gibbon species, whereas the Great apes include orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, and bonobos.
Indonesia Monkeys and Apes

Indonesian Monkeys & Apes

Indonesia is home to 12% of all known mammal species, many of which are endemic to the country. Indonesia is also widely known to house various types of monkeys, including macaques, surilis, and langurs.
Borneo Monkeys

Borneo Monkeys & Apes

Borneo Monkeys: Borneo is the third-largest island in the world after Greenland and New Guinea. Borneo island hosts many types of monkeys & apes.
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