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Cosmos are annual flowering plants with brightly colored, daisy-like blooms that are borne on long, slender stems. Cosmos is a species of flowering in the Asteraceae (sunflower) family native to the meadowland and scrubland of Mexico, where most species are found.

Order Dipsacales / Honeysuckle Flowers

Dipsacales is a eudicotyledonous order of flowering species. Members of Dipsacales show characteristics like pubescent stems, flowers mostly in cymes, and 4-5 floral parts. The Dipsacales flowers are primarily bisexual and are pollinated by insects and/or birds. Honeysuckle, Seven-son flower, Alpine valerian, Mountain snowberry and Japanese snowball flowers are examples of Dipsacales.

Order Malpighiales / Violets Flowers

Malpighiales order is a large group with species primarily distributed in tropical regions. The members of Malpighiales often have toothed and stipulate leaves, 10 free stamens, 3-5 fused carpels, a nectary, superior ovaries, and typically endospermous seeds. Most Malpighiales flowers consist of 5 sepals and 5 petals. The violets, flax, passion flowers, euphorbias, and mangroves are some of the notable species of Malpighiales.

Order Caryophyllales / Pink and Carnation Flowers

Caryophyllales is a large and diverse order of dicotyledonous flowering plants. Members under Caryophyllales are distributed on all the continents and are notable for their morphological uniqueness and ecophysiological adaptations. The flower species of carnation, four o’clock, and cactus belong to Caryophyllales and offer great beneficial use.

Elfin Woods Warbler

Shadow, a timid highland insectivore, the Elfin Woods Warbler (Setophaga angelae), narrowly targets mature humid dwarf forest strangely resembling this tiny bird's stunted, wind-sculpted features. Understand why accelerated warming and upslope development threaten to erase prime island refugia critical to this range-restricted species' survival.

September Birth Flowers

Discover the fascinating meanings behind September birth flowers, the Aster and Morning Glory. Learn about their origins, special meanings, and cultural importance for an enlightening read.
Types of Lilies

Types of Lilies

Discover the stunning beauty of different types of lilies. From oriental hybrids to unique lily species, learn about the diverse world of lily varieties.

Top 21 Holly Flowers For Sprucing Up Your Garden!

Discover the enchanting world of Holly flowers with our comprehensive guide. Explore their vibrant beauty today from 21 notable Holly varieties from history to cultivation.
Purple Flowers

Exploring the Top 50+ Most Exquisite Purple Flowers in the World

Are you looking for cute purple flowers to plant in your garden, or want to learn about them from a botany perspective? Here are the 50+ top pretty purple flowers and their names.

Blooming Texas: 25 Gorgeous Native Flowers Revealed!

Texas is a large state with its own floristic region, having more than 5,000 species of native flowering plants. Because of its diverse landforms, Texas offers many famous blooms for visitors and residents. Explore the top 25 Texas flowers and their characteristics.

Order Proteales / Sugar-bushes & Water Lotus Flowers

Proteales is a part of peripheral eudicots classified together only recently. The Proteales flowers are small or large and unisexual or bisexual. The American lotus, the Indian lotus, the London plane tree, Wagon tree and large-nut sugar bush are examples of Proteales.
Types of Black Flowers

The Allure of Black Flowers: Unveiling the Top 21 Darkest Blooms

This article explores the top 21 black flowers, delving into their unique characteristics, growing requirements, and fascinating facts. Each of these varieties, from the classic Black Dahlia to the exotic Black Bat Flower, has a story to tell.

Top 25 Most Colorful Butterflies That Will Take Your Breath Away!

Colorful Butterflies: These incredible insects come in a myriad of colors, patterns, and sizes, each one more stunning than the last. Explore 25 of the most spectacular and colorful butterfly species from around the globe.

Order Ranunculales / Buttercup, Barberry & Poppy Flowers

Ranunculales is the order of angiosperms with a worldwide distribution, which are peripheral eudicots with spiral leaves, three openings (colpi) in the pollen, and spectacular floral diversity. The buttercup, Barberry, Moonseed, Chocolate vine and poppy flowers are the famous example species of Ranunculales.

April Birth Flowers

Discover the hidden symbolism behind April's birth flowers - daisies and sweet peas. Explore their significance (symbolism & meaning) in this captivating read.

What Is Biological Magnification?

Understand biological magnification - how toxins accumulate exponentially up food chains to dangerous levels in top predators. Unpack biomagnification impacts, sources, and solutions.

Albino Bats

Albino Bats - Discover the genetic causes, physical traits, geographic hot-spots, and conservation efforts surrounding these rare pigment-less morphs that persist in tropical caves and forests through 60 global cases across 11 families.

Senegal Parrot

Learn all about the vibrant, social Senegal parrot (Poicephalus senegalus), a popular West African parrot species that thrives in captivity when well-trained. Get information on taxonomy, physical features, reproduction, behavior, communication style, and fun facts.

Greater Antillean Grackle

The Quiscalus niger, or Greater Antillean grackle, is a unique Caribbean songbird thriving in human habitats across Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola and Puerto Rico. Learn about this gregarious bird's classification, physical appearance, vocalizations, range, nesting habits, behavior, and relationship to humans.
Puerto Rican Bullfinch

Puerto Rican Bullfinch

Preview a striking rainforest specialist, the ebony Puerto Rican Bullfinch (Melopyrrha portoricensis) accentuated by bright splashes of orange, whose adaptation across wooded uplands can't safeguard its uncertain future outlook. Learn why targeted conservation pairing habitat protections with agricultural supports provides the integrated strategy needed to sustain this vivid and versatile island forager.

Puerto Rican Tanager

Trail a voiceful rainforest insectivore, the Puerto Rican Tanager (Nesospingus speculiferus), through remote protected sanctuaries sustaining this species' specialized cloud forest niche now endangered by climate change and urban encroachment. Understand why this blue-hooded songster's reliance on undisturbed canopy cover makes conservation of prime breeding grounds an emergency for securing its future.

Puerto Rican Spindalis

Check the brilliant hues of Puerto Rico's unofficial national bird, the Puerto Rican Spindalis (Spindalis portoricensis), flickering like an island flag across forests and farms where this frugivore finds refuge. Understand how although adaptable to human-altered areas, habitat integrity is still paramount to enduring conservation for this vivid and voiceful endemic songster.

Adelaide’s Warbler

Preview a dry forest specialist, Adelaide's Warbler (Setophaga Adelaide), whose preference for subtropical habitats, unlike mainland wood-warbler relatives, heightens both its inherent vulnerability and importance as a Puerto Rican endemic. Explore integrated conservation solutions that sustain warbler populations while supporting continued agricultural heritage across this region.
Yellow-shouldered Blackbird

Yellow-shouldered Blackbird

Trace an endemic icterid, the radiant Yellow-shouldered Blackbird (Agelaius xanthomus), through extreme population plunges from habitat destruction to intensive recovery efforts centered on dry forests and mangroves. Learn how strategic protections aid this species' gradual rebound despite ongoing threats from cowbirds, rats, mongooses, and disease.

Puerto Rican Oriole

Discover a uniquely vibrant island songbird, the Puerto Rican Oriole (Icterus portoricensis), where plumage bright as its voice contrasts prevailing theories on sexual dichromatism. Follow this adaptable species foraging on insects, fruits, and lizards across diverse wooded to developed areas as it steadfastly continues ancestral island lineages.

Puerto Rican Euphonia

Preview a gleaming rainforest gem, the Puerto Rican Euphonia finch, recently proven genetically distinct from its Hispaniolan counterpart. Understand how substantiating this brilliant blue and yellow species as an endemic taxon underscores Puerto Rico's precious biodiversity. Explore outstanding questions about diet, breeding ecology, habitat range and conservation status needing research to inform appropriate protections.

Puerto Rican Vireo

Follow the Puerto Rican Vireo's (Vireo latimeri) melodious voice echoing across lush rainforest canopies, where this prime songster and insect-hunter is now increasingly challenged by hostile cowbird invaders. Learn specific conservation actions to secure this species' specialized nesting requirements and protect fruit sources supplementing its distinctive territorial songs.
Puerto Rican Woodpecker

Puerto Rican Woodpecker

Check the skills of Puerto Rico's sole endemic woodpecker, the Puerto Rican Woodpecker (Melanerpes portoricen), adept at chiseling into aged tree snags and woody fruits across protected island forests and tree groves. Appreciate the woodpecker's role as ecosystem architect engineering cavities subsequently used by various secondary nesting birds.

Puerto Rican Owl

Discover a versatile nocturnal raptor, the Puerto Rican Owl (Gymnasio nudipes), stealthily ruling the island's forests and urban areas under cover of night. Follow its prowess capturing large insects and small vertebrates to sustain viable populations. Understand how this savvy Screech owl's adaptability across wooded to developed areas enables its continued success.
Puerto Rican Lizard Cuckoo

Puerto Rican Lizard Cuckoo

Uncover the mysteries of an expertly camouflaged rainforest bird, the Puerto Rican Lizard Cuckoo, capable of vanishing before your eyes after beckoning you with its eerie yet alluring calls. Understand how mature broadleaf cover supports this specialist predator, efficiently capturing frogs, lizards, and insects high in the canopy to sustain its cryptic existence.

Puerto Rican Emerald

Follow a tiny metallic-hued hovercraft nimbly navigating the maze of mangroves, forests, and gardens spanning Puerto Rico. Well-adapted to myriad nesting sites, this Emerald hummingbird flits freely, relying on a diverse nectar supply to counter any migration need. Learn how keeping multiple doors open through habitat connectivity sustains this abundantly welcome wildcard across the island.

Green Mango

Marvel at Puerto Rico's smallest avian pollinator, the iridescent emerald Green Mango hummingbird, fueled by nectar, sustaining its mobility through lush mountain rainforests and coffee plantations. Trace its role in carrying pollen through unbroken floral corridors rich in fruiting trees. Understand this diminutive species' undisrupted pathway reliance on habitat connectivity to counter migration needs.

Puerto Rican Nightjar

Rediscover a ghostly lost species - the Puerto Rican Nightjar - emerging phantom-like from rapidly vanishing subtropical dry forests still echoed by its mysterious calls. Learn about the nocturnal insectivore's distinctions, specialized habitat needs, threats from encroaching human activity, and why protecting this specialized niche remains essential to ensure the shy bird's continued existence.

Puerto Rican Amazon

Follow the extraordinary story of the Puerto Rican Amazon. Once abundant across mountain forests, this vivid parrot now relies on dedicated conservation to defy extinction odds. Learn about its distinctive red-crowned green plumage, role dispersing seeds, the intensive recovery effort when just 13 birds remained in 1975, and why protecting precious habitat remains key to overcoming threats for this critically endangered species.


The fabulously playful Mimidae family of Mimids - the mockingbirds, catbirds, thrashers & tremblers of the Americas - is overviewed with facts on evolution, vocal mimicry abilities, behavior, life histories and cultural symbolism of these often supremely talented songsters.

Gibraltar Monkeys

Gibraltar’s iconic Barbary macaques have roamed here 300+ years now, delighting visitors. Explore the history of Gibraltar monkeys on the Rock, their social behavior, role as a conservation priority species with ties to Britain’s fate.

Mongoose Lemur

Learn about the endangered mongoose lemur (Eulemur mongoz), a small Madagascar primate with red beards and bushy tails. Get fascinating facts on their rainforest habits, unique behaviors, seed dispersal ecology, and major threats driving their worrying decline.
marmoset monkeys

Marmoset Monkeys

From the lush Amazon rainforests to the arid caatinga scrubs of northeastern Brazil, miniature marmoset monkeys swing through diverse New World landscapes. Explore all 24 species of marmoset monkeys here.

Albino Monkeys

Albino monkeys, also known as monkeys with albinism, lack pigmentation in their skin, hair, and eyes. Discover more about these unique creatures and their genetic condition.

Albino Crows

Rare genetic variants, albino crows reveal key insights into pigmentation, survival, and biodiversity despite the challenges posed by their bright white plumage that lacks the species' typical protective camouflage.

Albino Deer: A Rare and Fascinating Genetic Mutation

Albino deer are extremely rare and fascinating genetic anomalies. This in-depth guide covers what albino deer are, why they're white, where they're found, major challenges they face, controversies surrounding them, seeing them in zoos, and reasons we find these mystical-looking white deer so captivating.

Hawaiian Crow

Learn about the Hawaiian Crow (Corvus hawaiiensis), an intelligent and remarkable bird driven to near extinction. Discover facts on their unique adaptations, the threats they face, conservation efforts underway, and their deep cultural significance in Hawaiian society.

Cassin’s Finch

Learn about the Cassin's Finch, a unique songbird of western North American mountain forests. This adaptable finch has complex songs, nomadic habits, and thrives across diverse coniferous habitats. Gain insights into this little-known species' ecology and importance.

Yellow-winged Blackbird

The yellow-winged blackbird (Agelasticus thilius) is a medium-sized songbird across much of South America. Males are jet black with bright yellow shoulder patches, while females are streaky brown.

Order Ericales / Heathers and Primrose Flowers

Ericales is comprised many economically important flowering plants like Brazil nuts, kiwifruit, and primrose. Ericales is very diverse, involving chiefly trees and terrestrial shrubs that are cosmopolitan in distribution. Some families of Ericales possess the ability for aluminum accumulation. Hardy kiwi, Orange jewelweed, wand plant, lama tree, and Octotillo flowers are some examples of Ericales.

Beach Rose

The beach rose is a deciduous Japanese shrub with a multi-stem. It is native to Japan and is widely used as an ornamental plant. The beautiful beach rose is pollinated by insects and birds. Rosa rugosa is a strong symbol of Love and adoration.

Order Solanales / Potatoes & Nightshade Flowers

Solanales or the potato/nightshade order of the flowers belong to the core asterid clade, manifesting a global distribution. The plants of Solanales possess root stalks or tubers, simple, alternate, and exstipulate leaves, showy flowers, and typically 5-merous floral parts. The Solanales plants are monoecious, andromonoecious, or dioecious. Example species under Solanales order involve the highly cultivated flora of morning glory, potato, eggplant, and tomato.

August Birth Flowers

Delve into the rich history and symbolism of August birth flowers - Gladiolus and Poppy. Find out why they're perfect for birthdays this month!

Black Vulture

The Black Vulture, scientifically known as Coragyps atratus, is an intriguing bird renowned for its resilience and adaptability. Belonging to the New World vulture family, this blackbird is commonly observed soaring through the skies across the Americas.
White Cockatoo

White Cockatoo

Discover the breathtaking beauty of the White Cockatoo (Cacatua Alba), their characteristics, diet and several interesting fun facts about them here.
what do marine biologists do?

What Do Marine Biologists Do?

Discover how marine biologists unlock the mysteries of aquatic life and protect our oceans' delicate ecosystems. Immerse yourself in this captivating field today!

Order Gentianales / Gentian Flowers

The Gentianales (Gentians) is an order of flowering plants involving herbs, shrubs, undershrubs, lianas, and small trees primarily distributed worldwide. Plants of Gentianales mostly have opposite leaves, interpetiolar stipules, bisexual flowers, mostly fused sepals and petals, 4-5 stamens, and 2 carpels. Important species under Gentianales are coffee, periwinkle, oleander, and gentian.

Order Lamiales / Acanthus & Mint Flowers

Lamiales is an ordering of flowering plants with most members found worldwide. The species of the Lamiales usually have opposite leaves, bilaterally symmetrical and often bilabiate corolla, five petals fused into a tube, four or fewer fertile stamens, and a superior ovary with fused carpels. The mints, olive, bladderworts, and plantain are plants under the Lamiales order.

Hibiscus Varieties

Dive into the vibrant world of hibiscus! Explore 25+ stunning varieties, from rare native species to popular garden favorites. Learn about their unique characteristics, care tips, and fascinating facts. Perfect for gardeners and flower enthusiasts alike. Discover the beauty and diversity of these tropical treasures!

Rufous Hornero

Explore the Rufous Hornero, South America's avian marvel. Dive into its unique habits, cultural significance, and conservation efforts. A birdwatcher's delight!

Eastern White Pine

Explore the world of the Eastern White Pine, a majestic tree with a rich history and diverse uses. Learn about its characteristics, its role in the ecosystem, and how to care for it. Discover why the Eastern White Pine is more than just a tree; it's a symbol of resilience and a testament to nature's bounty.
Types of Trees

Types of Trees

Discover the diverse types of trees, from deciduous to evergreen. Enjoy vivid pictures, and learn their roles in ecosystems and their conservation efforts.

Great Eared Nightjar

In the heart of the night, when the world seems to hold its breath, the Great Eared Nightjar takes flight. This nocturnal bird, known scientifically as Lyncornis macrotis, is a captivating creature that has long intrigued ornithologists and nature enthusiasts.

European Starling

European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), first introduced to North America by Shakespeare enthusiasts in the nineteenth century, are now among the continent's most common songbirds. Explore their characteristics, diet, and fun facts about these black songbirds.

Great-tailed Grackle

The Great-tailed Grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus) is a large blackbird found across the Americas, recognized for its iridescent black and purple plumage. These displays are paired with various vocalizations, making their soundscape unique among songbirds. Explore their characteristics, diet, and fun facts.