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Types of Bluebells

Bluebell Flower

Explore the enchanting Bluebell flower (Hyacinthoides non-scripta), its vibrant violet-blue blooms, ecological significance, different types of bluebells and fun facts in this comprehensive guide.

Coral bells

Coral bells (Heuchera Americana) are the world's perennial coleus. First, these plants came in soft colors with small, insignificant flowers. Now they are available in a wide range of colors, with some varieties explicitly cultivated for their flower masses. The small, greenish-white flowers in airy, open panicles are borne on slender, thread-like stems extending well above the mound of leaves, typically 18-24 inches high in late spring and early summer.

Bells of Ireland

Despite their namesake, these majestic bell-shaped greens are native to the Turkey, Syria, and Caucasus regions. They have a scent that many people cannot really describe. The thing about the Bells of Ireland is that they can get so tall.

Canterbury Bells

With their large, bell-shaped flowers, Canterbury Bells are a pleasant addition to cottage gardens and natural plantations. Canterbury bells (Campanula medium) originate from southern Europe but have been present in many gardens since the 16th century.

Bell-Shaped Flowers

The bell-shaped flowers are trendy because they are known for their beauty, colors, and variations. Featuring green, blue, purple, white, pink, and many colors, these bell-resembling flowers are used for many purposes such as decoration, using it in weddings, making wreaths, and lovely gifts.

Royal Bluebell

Wahlenbergia gloriosa is a perennial herb from the Family Campanulaceae. The leaves of the Royal Bluebell are small, opposite, and dark green. Leaves have oblong wavy edges that become broad towards the apex.

Red-bellied Titi

The Red-bellied titi (Plecturocebus moloch) is a marmoset species of New World monkey native to Brazil. It lives in thickets and forests. Like other titis, red-bellied titi is territorial and emits vocal cries to mark its territory and scare other animals.

Chestnut-bellied Titi

The chestnut-bellied titi monkey is a New World primate species native to Brazil. The Chestnut-bellied Titi monkeys live in family groups consisting of father, mother, and baby monkeys ranging in size from three to seven with other affiliates.

Red-bellied Monkey

The red-bellied monkey (Cercopithecus erythrogaster), also called the red-bellied guenon or white-throated guenon is a diurnal primate living in the trees of tropical rainforests or tropical areas in Benin and Nigeria. The red-bellied monkey was once considered extinct due to constant hunting for fur on its unique red belly and white front legs.

Golden-Bellied Mangabey

The golden-bellied mangabey (Cercocebus chrysogaster) is a gregarious Old-World monkey found in humid, swampy forests south of the Congo River. Golden-bellied mangabeys are a migratory and social species, moving in groups of 8 to 30 members.

Golden-Bellied Capuchin

The golden-bellied capuchin (Sapajus xanthosternos), also called the buff-headed or yellow-breasted capuchin is a New World monkey species. They spend much time grooming one another for socialization, with the alpha species receiving the most attention.

Campbell’s Mona Monkey

Campbell's Mona monkey, also called the Campbell's monkey or Campbell's guenon is a primate species in the Cercopithecidae family. The species was named after Henry Dundas Campbell in 1838.

White-bellied Spider Monkey

The white-bellied spider monkey (Ateles belzebuth), also called the long-haired or white-fronted spider monkey, is an endangered species of spider monkey, a species of New-World monkey. These arboreal monkeys spend most of their time in the canopy. They rarely go down. When they do, they drink water, eat dirt, traverse a treeless area, or run away from an aggressive opponent.

Japanese Snowbell

The Japanese Snowbell is a deciduous tree that can grow to 15-25 feet. The leaves of Styrax japonica are alternate and simple. They are broad-elliptic to elliptic-oblong. These leaves are medium to dark green with a measurement of 2.5-9 cm. long and 1.3 -4 cm wide.

August Lily

Discover the August Lily (Hosta plantaginea): a perennial with fragrant white flowers, medicinal properties, and ecological benefits, perfect for shaded gardens and borders.


Discover the vibrant world of Azaleas in our comprehensive guide. Learn about different types, ideal planting conditions, care tips, and how to handle common pests and diseases. Perfect your green thumb with our step-by-step guide to planting and propagating these stunning shrubs.

35 Most Colorful Birds In The World!

The most colorful birds give you a clue of the diversity in the world of birds (Aves). Here are the world's beautiful top 35 birds and their features.

Order Zingiberales / Ginger, Orchidantha & Banana Plants

Zingiberales' order comprises several species of great economic importance, like the banana and the ginger. Members have almost restricted distribution to tropical regions. Zingiberales species have ptyxis, large flowers, attractive colors, and inferior ovaries. Banana, Bird-of-paradise, Orchidantha, ginger, costus, and Canna lily are examples of Zingiberales order.

Desert Sand Verbena

The Desert Sand Verbena is a native species of the southwestern United States and Northern Mexico, growing in the sandy areas of the desert. The flowers are trumpet-shaped. The flowers are fragrant with 5 lobes.

Red-billed Oxpecker

The red-billed oxpecker is a passerine bird found in the savannah of sub-Saharan Africa. These black birds assist grazers in getting rid of parasites but also expose wounds to infection. Explore their characteristics and fun facts here.

What Animals Live In Rainforests?

Discover the incredible biodiversity of the tropical rainforest. Dive deep into the habitats of rainforest animals, from the elusive jaguar to pink-toe tarantulas.

43 Blue Flowers Unveiled: Why These Beauties Have Captured Everyone’s Attention?

Discover the hidden secrets of 43 types of blue flowers in our captivating blog post. Explore the rarity of natural blue pigments in flowers and symbolism and meanings of blue flowers.

Order Liliales / Lily Flowers

Liliales is the lily order of monocotyledonous flowering plants. Members of this order involve herbaceous plants, shrubs, and lianas. Liliales flowers are distributed worldwide but common in the subtropical and temperate regions. Lanzhou Lily, Chilean Bellflower, Katakuri/Trout Lily, and Wood's bunchflower are some of the Liliales example species.

Top 18 BEST Tundra Animal Adaptations

The coldest areas on Earth, such as regions close to the North Pole and the South Pole, have unique features. Here are the top 18 tundra animal adaptations.

Types of Lilies

Discover the stunning beauty of different types of lilies. From oriental hybrids to unique lily species, learn about the diverse world of lily varieties.

Exploring the Top 50+ Most Exquisite Purple Flowers in the World

Are you looking for cute purple flowers to plant in your garden, or want to learn about them from a botany perspective? Here are the 50+ top pretty purple flowers and their names.

Blooming Texas: 25 Gorgeous Native Flowers Revealed!

Texas is a large state with its own floristic region, having more than 5,000 species of native flowering plants. Because of its diverse landforms, Texas offers many famous blooms for visitors and residents. Explore the top 25 Texas flowers and their characteristics.

Order Alismatales / Aquatic Flowering Plants

Alismatales are an order of aquatic flowering plants, including some well-known species such as the water arum (Calla palustris), Nymphoides peltata, and Japanese water shield (Brasenia schreberi). They are sometimes known as the watermints.

Order Asterales / Daisy and Sunflower

Asterales is a dicotyledonous order of flowering plants that holds ten percent of the angiosperm species diversity. Common sunflower, common daisy, Toropapa, Hydrangea, Bogbean, Water snowflake, and Cobalt mound are some of the beautiful flowers in Asterales.


Calibrachoa is sometimes seen adorning cascading planters or hanging baskets and other containers, a hardy, and delicate flower. It's not the most popular choice in terms of formal arrangements and bouquets. Still, when presented as a potted plant, Calibrachoa is a flower with deep symbolism for its recipient.

California Poppy

The California Poppy (Eschscholtzia californica) became California's official state flower on March 2, 1903. The four-petal desert flowers, borne on stems 8 to 12 inches (20 to 30 cm) long, are typically cream, orange, or pale yellow. Still, cultivars are white and in a variety of pinks and reds.

Adder’s Tongue

Erythronium americanum is a perennial herb that belongs to the family Liliaceae. This species is a native range of Eastern North America. The common name of Adder's Tongue is given because of the shape of the flowering shoot.

Pasque flower

As a harbinger of spring, the pasque flowers (Pulsatilla vulgaris) begin to appear before the plant's fern-like, feathery foliage has fully developed. The flowers are usually purple, but some cultivars also have red, pink, or white flowers.

Order Malvales / Hibiscus & Mallow Flowers

Malvales is a medium-sized order, commonly called the Hibiscus or mallow order, mainly consisting of woody plants that feature showy five-petaled flowers with an epicalyx. The order comprises 10 families, 338 genera, and around 6,000 species. Gossypium, Edgeworthia, Daphne, Gnidia, and Chinese Hibiscus are flowers in Malvales.

May Birth Flowers

Unveil the significance of May birth flowers! Discover the hidden meanings and symbolism behind Lily of the Valley and Hawthorn in this insightful blog post.

July Birth Flowers

Dive into the captivating meanings behind July birth flowers: Larkspur and Water Lily. Learn how to honor July-borns with these vibrant blossoms.

85 Different Types of White Flowers For Your Garden!

Discover the captivating world of the top 85+ white flowers, from the iconic Lily of the Valley to the lesser-known Snowball Viburnum. Explore their enchanting beauty, rich symbolism, and fascinating scientific facts in this comprehensive guide.

What Is Biological Magnification?

Understand biological magnification - how toxins accumulate exponentially up food chains to dangerous levels in top predators. Unpack biomagnification impacts, sources, and solutions.

Marine Iguana

A comprehensive guide to the Galápagos marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) - the world's only seagoing lizard. Learn all about their taxonomy, adaptations for life in coastal habitats, feeding behaviors, social dynamics, threats to survival, and conservation status of this iconic species endemic to the Galápagos Islands of Ecuador.

Top 34 Flightless Birds of All Times!

Flightless Birds: Insight into how birds adapted over time to live grounded lives. This article explores major flightless species - from giant moas to tiny kiwis and curious penguins - examining how isolation and lack of predators drove anatomical changes forfeiting skies for land locomotion mastery.

Crowned Eagle

The Crowned Eagle (Stephanoaetus coronatus) is Africa's most powerful raptor. Delve into what makes this impressive eagle a skilled hunter, its unique breeding behaviors, critical conservation status, and why protecting this declining keystone forest predator matters.

Top 26 Washington Birds

Explore the overview of 26 must-see top Washington Birds species including facts on goldfinches, owls, hawks, finches and more. This comprehensive guide will help with identification of birds of Washington.

Puerto Rican Oriole

Discover a uniquely vibrant island songbird, the Puerto Rican Oriole (Icterus portoricensis), where plumage bright as its voice contrasts prevailing theories on sexual dichromatism. Follow this adaptable species foraging on insects, fruits, and lizards across diverse wooded to developed areas as it steadfastly continues ancestral island lineages.

Puerto Rican Vireo

Follow the Puerto Rican Vireo's (Vireo latimeri) melodious voice echoing across lush rainforest canopies, where this prime songster and insect-hunter is now increasingly challenged by hostile cowbird invaders. Learn specific conservation actions to secure this species' specialized nesting requirements and protect fruit sources supplementing its distinctive territorial songs.

Puerto Rican Lizard Cuckoo

Uncover the mysteries of an expertly camouflaged rainforest bird, the Puerto Rican Lizard Cuckoo, capable of vanishing before your eyes after beckoning you with its eerie yet alluring calls. Understand how mature broadleaf cover supports this specialist predator, efficiently capturing frogs, lizards, and insects high in the canopy to sustain its cryptic existence.

Mongoose Lemur

Learn about the endangered mongoose lemur (Eulemur mongoz), a small Madagascar primate with red beards and bushy tails. Get fascinating facts on their rainforest habits, unique behaviors, seed dispersal ecology, and major threats driving their worrying decline.

Blue-Eyed Black Lemur

Discover the mysterious blue-eyed black lemur, a rare primate found only in the tropical forests of northwestern Madagascar. With striking blue eyes and mostly black fur, they are agile tree-dwellers feeding on fruits, leaves, and insects. Read about their lifestyle, endangered status, and the threats they face.

Golden Bamboo Lemur

Explore all about the magnificent yet critically endangered golden bamboo lemur of Madagascar. This unique primate depends almost entirely on giant bamboo for food and shelter. Read about their adaptations, ecology, reproduction, conservation efforts, and threats facing their fragile habitat.

Spider Monkeys

Spider monkeys comprise 7 New World primate species adept at brachiating through Central and South American rainforest canopies, endangered due to habitat destruction. Their spindly prehensile tails, flexible shoulder joints, hook-like fingers and fusion-fission social groups represent unique adaptations for foraging canopy fruits.

Yellow Monkeys

Yellow Monkeys: Monkeys exhibit a dazzling array of fur colors and patterns, but a select group stands out for their unique yellowish hues blending into tropical forest backdrops. Yellow monkeys include both New World primates like spider monkeys and capuchins and Old World species such as macaques, langurs and gibbons.

Types of Lemurs

Lemurs, Madagascar's charismatic primates, are a window into evolutionary wonder. Found only on this island, they're a diverse bunch, ranging from the tiny mouse lemur to the large indri. Explore all types of lemurs here.

15 Outstanding Birds of Ohio

At present, Ohio has 5 distinct geographical regions from Lake & Till Plains to Appalachian Plateau and Bluegrass Region. Find 15 Best Birds of Ohio here.

Cassin’s Finch

Learn about the Cassin's Finch, a unique songbird of western North American mountain forests. This adaptable finch has complex songs, nomadic habits, and thrives across diverse coniferous habitats. Gain insights into this little-known species' ecology and importance.

Balloon Flower

Commonly known as the blue balloon flower, Japanese snowdrop, Chinese snowdrop, Chinese bellflower, and Korean snowdrop, the Balloon Flower is a flowering perennial in the Campanulaceae family, including lobelia and wood hyacinth, and is the only member of the genus Platycodon.

Shooting Star

Dodecatheon media, a shooting star, is a very popular native North American wildflower, commonly found in open woods, prairies, meadows, rocky wooded slopes, and bluff ledges. The shooting star is a plant species in the Primulaceae (primrose) family. There are more than 17 species in the Dodecatheon genus.

Order Ericales / Heathers and Primrose Flowers

Ericales is comprised many economically important flowering plants like Brazil nuts, kiwifruit, and primrose. Ericales is very diverse, involving chiefly trees and terrestrial shrubs that are cosmopolitan in distribution. Some families of Ericales possess the ability for aluminum accumulation. Hardy kiwi, Orange jewelweed, wand plant, lama tree, and Octotillo flowers are some examples of Ericales.

Japanese Primrose

Japanese Primrose is called sakurasou in Japan because it resembles Sakura, the flowering cherry tree. The leaves of the Japanese Primrose possess a rosette arrangement. The hairy petiole measures 1.4-4.7 inches in length. It signifies first Love, youthful Love, and longing in Japan.


Daisies exude innocence, joy, and freshness. They are among the most famous flowers in the world, where they embellish cultivated landscapes and wild fields. They are available in many colors, including blue, red, pink, and white. Daisies are perennials that grow to a height of about 6 inches.


Convallaria majalis (Lily of the valley) is a fragrant perennial herbaceous plant. The only species of the genus Convallaria from the Asparagaceae (asparagus) family. Convallaria majalis is a perennial rhizome herb that typically forms a ground cover that extends indefinitely up to 8-12 inches high.

Black Vulture

The Black Vulture, scientifically known as Coragyps atratus, is an intriguing bird renowned for its resilience and adaptability. Belonging to the New World vulture family, this blackbird is commonly observed soaring through the skies across the Americas.

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