Plantae | Liliales | Melanthiaceae | Trillium | Trillium grandiflorum |
- Plant Type: Perennial herb.
- Common Names: White Trillium, Wood Lily.
- Color: White
- Flower Dimensions: Each flower is 3.5 inches across.
- Flowering Seasons/ Months: April to June.

White Trillium is a perennial herb that belongs to the family Melanthiaceae. This species is native to Eastern North America and can grow to 1 to 1.5 feet.
- The White Trillium spreads slowly by rhizomes.
- The flowering stems of the White Trillium is 20-40 cm tall.
- The leaves, petals, and sepals of the Trillium grandiflorum are in groups of three.
- The flowers of the White Trillium are large and showy. It is held above the large, glossy, and green bracts. The flowers of the T. grandiflorum are on a flower stalk (pedicelWhat is pedicel?The stalk of an indidivual flower in an inflorescence or the stalk of a grass spikelet.).
- The White Trillium species are hermaphroditesWhat is hermaphrodites?Having both male and female reproductive organs.. They are commonly pollinated by flies.
Where can White Trillium be mostly spotted?

Interesting Facts about White Trillium

- The genus Trillium comes from the Latin word “tres” which means three. This is about the number of flower leaves, sepals, and petals. The specific epithet grandiflorum[1] means “large-flowered“.
- The roots of the Trillium grandiflorum[2] have medicinal value. The raw root is used for treating aching rheumatic joints, and the root barks’ decoction is used as drops for sore eyes.
- Trillium grandiflorum[3] is used in a study to determine the negative impact of deer on the herb population. Deer browsing affected the structure and dynamics of T. grandiflorum populations.
- The roots can be grated and simmered to treat irregular menses. Also, the root is a diuretic, a poultice for a swelling eye, and a cramp treatment.
- The authors of the book Trilliums, Fred and Robert Case, stated that Trillium grandiflorum is the showiest, best known, and loved Trilliums.

Suggested Reading: Flowers and Their Names | Multi-Hued Blossoms
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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 02). White Trillium. Bio Explorer. "White Trillium" Bio Explorer, 02 February 2025, "White Trillium" Bio Explorer, February 02 2025.