Tiger Lily

Kingdom Order Family Genus Species
Plantae Liliales Liliaceae Lilium Lilium lancifolium
  • Plant Type: Bulbs, perennials.
  • Common name: Tiger Lily.
  • Color: Orange with black or deep crimson spots.
  • Flower Dimensions: 5-inch
  • Flowering season: mid to late summer (July to August).
  • Places in Japan where Tiger Lily is found: Plains and small mountains around Hokkaido to Kyushu.

Tiger Lily

Tiger Lily is a perennial bulb plant that can grow 60 cm to 150 cm. in height. It is a prolific flower that gives the appearance of the tiger’s skin. This is an excellent border plant.

Lilium Lancifolium

  • The leaves are strongly lance-shaped on the slender stems.
  • Tiger Lily plants can produce up to 40 blossoms when they become mature bulbs. These flowers are showy and fragrant.
  • Lilum lancifolium is highly disease-resistant and can thrive in any kind of soil as long as they are well-drained.
  • The tiger Lilies are also used in traditional medicine and herbalism.

Tiger Lily Flower

Interesting Facts about Tiger Lily

  • The Tiger Lily flower is associated with wealth and pride. It also symbolizes confidence and positivity.
  • The tiger lily can cause nausea, kidney failure, and death to cats but not to dogs and humans.
  • In the past, giving tiger lilies was very special because these flowers don’t come cheap. The tiger lily flower stands for the courage of women.
Suggested Reading: All Flowers

Cite This Page

BioExplorer.net. (2024, December 21). Tiger Lily. Bio Explorer. https://www.bioexplorer.net/plants/flowers/tiger-lily/.
BioExplorer.net. "Tiger Lily" Bio Explorer, 21 December 2024, https://www.bioexplorer.net/plants/flowers/tiger-lily/.
BioExplorer.net. "Tiger Lily" Bio Explorer, December 21 2024. https://www.bioexplorer.net/plants/flowers/tiger-lily/.


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