Tares (Lolium temulentum), commonly known as Darnel, cockle, Darnel ryegrass, or Poison Darnel, is an annual flowering plant of the genus Lolium Poaceae family.
The Lolium genus consists of 9 species[1] representing both inbred and outbred species. Tares are considered a poisonous weed in several locations.
Lolium temulentum is an annual weed native to North Africa, Europe, and Southern and Southwest Asia. The stem of the plant can be up to 1 meter high.
The flower is a large panicle. The panicles are erect and light, and when ripe, they are black. This hairless annual herb has glossy dark green leaves on one side and a thin seed head with puffy seeds that are broader than the stem. It looks a lot like annual ryegrass.
Tares are 18 inches tall. The flowers bloom from June to August.