Star Magnolia

Kingdom Order Family Genus Species
Plantae Magnoliales Magnoliaceae Magnolia Magnolia stellata
  • Plant Type: Deciduous shrub or small tree.
  • Common Name: Star Magnolia, Starry Magnolia.
  • Colors: White, pink
  • Flower Dimensions: 6 inches across.
  • Flowering Season: Spring (Late February to April).
  • Places in Japan with Star Magnolia: Certain parts of the Ise Bay, Central Honshu.

Star Magnolia

Native to Japan, Star Magnolia is a small tree that can grow to 5 to 8 feet and spread 15 ft in maturity.

Magnolia Stellata

  • The leaves are narrowly obovate and bronze-green. They turn into the deep green during their maturity and yellow during the fall. The leaves are 4 inches in length and 1.6 inches in width.
  • The Magnolia flowers are star-shaped with petal-like tepals (up to 18). They are fragrant, large, and showy.
  • Star Magnolia grows well in full sun and partial shade.
  • Star Magnolia is trainable to grow as a shrub or a small tree.

Star Magnolia Flowers

Interesting Facts about Star Magnolia

  • If a man gives a woman a Magnolia flower, it implies – “You are worthy of a beautiful magnolia“. The white magnolia is a symbol of dignity and purity.
  • In modern Paganism and Wicca, the Magnolia flowers are used to cast spells as petitions for certain Goddesses. Different colors of Magnolia represent different goddesses.
  • Tattoos of Magnolia flowers mean longevity, eternity, and endurance.
  • The Magnolia flowers are usually given to the parents of the newborn because it implies dignity and purity, associated with the origin and birth of the person.
Suggested Reading: Flower Orders

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APA7MLA8Chicago (2024, December 23). Star Magnolia. Bio Explorer. "Star Magnolia" Bio Explorer, 23 December 2024, "Star Magnolia" Bio Explorer, December 23 2024.


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