Sea Thrift

Armeria maritima, the sea thrift, sea pink, or common thrift, is a plant species in the family Plumbaginaceae. The genus has more than 100 species[1], mainly native to the Mediterranean region.

Sea Thrift Flowers

This compact evergreen perennial grows in low clusters and produces long stems that bear balls of bright pink flowers. Sometimes there are also red, white, or purple flowers.

Armeria Maritima Flowers

In nature, sea thrift often grows in salty environments and coastal areas where other plants can grow well, hence their common name.

Pale Pink Sea Thrift Flowers

It’s a popular garden flower and is sold worldwide as a cut and garden flower. It thrives well in landscaped gardens such as xeriscapes or rockeries.

Sea Thrift Flowering Plants

Sea thrift is a compact, low-growing plant that forms a dense, wavy tuft of stiff, linear, dark green, grass-like leaves (up to 4 inches tall).

White Sea Thrift Flowers

Small, white to pink flowers bloom in spherical clusters (3/4 -1 inches wide) in mid-spring on thin, bare stems that rise high above the foliage and reach 6-10 inches tall.

Sporadic additional flowering can occur throughout the summer. The flower clusters are surrounded by purple, paper-like bracts.

Suggested Reading: Types of Wildflowers

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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 03). Sea Thrift. Bio Explorer. "Sea Thrift" Bio Explorer, 03 February 2025, "Sea Thrift" Bio Explorer, February 03 2025.
Key References
  • [1]“Armeria maritima – Plant Finder”. Accessed May 02, 2022. Link.


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