Red Ribbons (Clarkia concinna) are a species of flowering plants in the Onagraceae (evening Primrose) family. It is native to California, where it is found in the northern coastal ranges from Humboldt County to Santa Clara County and in the foothills of Sierra.
It is an annual plant with upright herbaceous stalks. The distinctive blossoms have 4 looped sepals in deep pink or red that resemble silk ribbon loops.
The longest pink petals have 3 lobes that are typically speckled with white. There are three cultivated species[1] of red ribbons, namely Red Ribbons, Raiches Red Ribbons, and Santa Clara Red Ribbons.
Suggested Reading: Common Garden Flowers | February Born Flower
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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 02). Red Ribbons. Bio Explorer. "Red Ribbons" Bio Explorer, 02 February 2025, "Red Ribbons" Bio Explorer, February 02 2025.