- Plant Type: Evergreen, perennial shrub.
- Common Names: Qantuta, Qantus, Qantu, Peruvian Magic Tree, Flor del Inca, Magic-flower, Magic-flower-of-the-Incas, Sacred-Flower-of-the-Incas.
- Color: Pink, Purple, White, Yellow, Orange, Magenta, Red.
- Flower Dimensions: 3 inches.
- Flowering Season: Spring and summer.

Cantua buxifolia is an evergreen shrub of the order Ericales. This plant can grow to a height of 13 feet and is a native of the high valleys of the Yungas and Andes mountains in western South America.
- C. buxifolia plant is upright and fast-growing. But mostly, they are half-climbing.
- The stems are erect, and the arching branches hold the leaves.
- The leaves of the Cantua buxifolia are small, semi-succulent, and gray-green. They are boxwood-like. These leaves are elliptic to lance-shaped.
- The flowers of the Qantuta are tubular and hanging. The petal lobes are pink to purple. These flowers are in terminal corymbs and are typically produced in spring.
- In its natural habitat, the Qantuta is a favorite of hummingbirds.
Where can mostly Qantuta be spotted?

Interesting Facts about the Qantuta
- The Qantuta is a sacred flower[1] for the Incas. It is used in religious and political ceremonies. By the 20thcentury, the flowers of the Qantuta[2] are popular during funeral services.
- The specific epithet “buxifolia“[3] is taken from the genus of the plant “Buxus” and “folia“which means “boxwood” and “leaf” respectively. This describes the plant’s boxwood-like, oblong, oval-shaped leaves.
- The Cantua buxifolia[4] is the national flower of Peru. It is also one of the national flowers of Bolivia.
- The Cantua buxifolia[5] is associated with the Inca legend. It is about the tale of the 2 kings, Illimani and Illampu, and their sons.
- The secondary metabolites extracted from the flowers of the Cantua buxifolia[6] manifest effectivity and inhibit the growth of microorganisms.
Suggested Reading: All Flower Types
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BioExplorer.net. (2025, February 02). Qantuta. Bio Explorer. https://www.bioexplorer.net/plants/flowers/qantuta/.
BioExplorer.net. "Qantuta" Bio Explorer, 02 February 2025, https://www.bioexplorer.net/plants/flowers/qantuta/.
BioExplorer.net. "Qantuta" Bio Explorer, February 02 2025. https://www.bioexplorer.net/plants/flowers/qantuta/.