Japanese Plum Blossom

PlantaeMagnoliopsidaRosalesRosaceaePrunus mume
  • Common names: Plum Blossom, Japanese Apricot, Chinese Plum, Japanese Plum, Ume
  • Plant Type: Deciduous tree
  • Flower Dimensions: The petals of the simple plum blossom are 0.394-inch in length. The flowers with multi petals can double in size.
  • Colors: White, pink, Rose, and red
  • Flowering season: Late winter and early spring (February to March)
  • Places in Japan with Plum Blossom: Tokyo

Plum Blossom Flowers

Plum blossom is a deciduous, rounded tree from Japan with great ornamental value. It can grow from 4 to 10 meters in height.

Plum Blossom Tree

  • The leaves are lanceolate to obovate, and the length is not more than 8 cm. There are more than 300 cultivars with flowers in single and double forms.
  • These Japanese flowers have potent and sweetly fragrant and are about 0.79 to 0.98-inch in diameter.
  • There are 5 ovate petals in the simple flowers, usually, 0.394-inch in length.
  • The ume flower can also have multi-petals and be double in size. The Plum blossom tree is cultivated for its flowers and fruits.

Interesting Facts About Ume Flower

Japanese Plum Blossom Pink Flowers

  • This Japanese flower symbolizes good health, strong endurance, and the capability to overcome the hardships of the winter.
  • The plum blossom also signifies prosperity since spring welcomes the season of farming.
  • This tree is usually planted in the northeast of many temples and estates because it is believed to ward against evil and misfortune[1].
  • The flower of the plum blossom is considered powerful and noble in Japan and East Asia. Therefore, the flower is usually graced on the crest of the samurai family.
  • The ume flower in pale pink or white blossoms signifies faithfulness, purity of heart, and classiness.
Suggested Reading: Types of Flowers

Cite This Page

BioExplorer.net. (2024, September 28). Plum Blossom. Bio Explorer. https://www.bioexplorer.net/plants/flowers/plum-blossom/.
BioExplorer.net. "Plum Blossom" Bio Explorer, 28 September 2024, https://www.bioexplorer.net/plants/flowers/plum-blossom/.
BioExplorer.net. "Plum Blossom" Bio Explorer, September 28 2024. https://www.bioexplorer.net/plants/flowers/plum-blossom/.
Key References
  • [1]“The Plum Blossom: A Symbol Of Spring- Amayori”. Accessed June 05, 2022. Link.


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