Miniature Gladiolus

Miniature Gladiolus (Gladiolus nanus) is sometimes referred to as dwarf Gladiolus. It is actually a smaller growing variety than the more popular varieties. They won’t reach the dizzying heights of modern-day florists’ species, usually hovering around 0.5 m and below.

Miniature Gladiolus

Also, they are known as Queen Wilhelmina gladiolus. They are excellent as cut flowers, but also to attract bees and beneficial insects into the garden. Miniature Gladiolus is very easy to grow in the garden and is hardy in well-drained soils.

Dwarf Gladiolus

The flowers are less formal than the larger Gladiolus grandiflorus hybrids and fit well in a cottage garden.

Gladiolus Nanus

Gladiolus is a genus of perennial flowering plants from the Iridaceae (Iris) family. The genus occurs in tropical Africa, South Africa, the Mediterranean, and Asia.

Pink Miniature Gladiolus Flowers

There are more than 260 species[1] of Miniature Gladiolus that you can find. Gladioli are garden plants with long, pointed leaves that give rise to large panicles of flowers in summer. They are perfect for growing in a sunny perennial bed and make excellent cut flowers.

Queen Wilhelmina Gladiolus

Miniature Gladiolus produces fantastic two-tone/bi-color spikes of pink flowers with a hint of white on its throat.

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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, January 02). Miniature Gladiolus. Bio Explorer. "Miniature Gladiolus" Bio Explorer, 02 January 2025, "Miniature Gladiolus" Bio Explorer, January 02 2025.
Key References
  • [1]“Gladiolus – The Plant List”. Accessed December 01, 2021. Link.


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