Plantae | Ranunculales | Ranunculaceae | Delphinium | Delphinium bicolor |
- Plant Type: Perennial herb.
- Common Names: Flathead Larkspur, Little Larkspur, Low Larkspur, Montane Larkspur.
- Color: Deep Blue, Purple-Blue.
- Flower Dimensions: The sepals are 0.79 in length. The spur is 0.39-0.79 inches.
- Flowering Seasons/Months: Late spring or early summer (May to July).
- Desert with Little Larkspur: Great Basin.
Suggested Reading: Explore top 25 bicolor flowers

Little Larkspur Flower Characteristics

Delphinium bicolor is a perennial plant of the buttercup (Ranunculaceae) family. The stems of the Little Larkspur have a height of 4-24 inches.
- The stems of the Delphiniumum bicolor are solitary and green. They are reddish in the base.
- Little Larkspur plants have only a few leaves. They are primarily basal. They are petiolate. The leaf blade is round.
- The flowers of the Little Larkspur are in spikes of loose clusters. They are made of up to 15 blossoms.
- Flowers of Little Larkspur have deep blue lower petals and light blue (with markings) upper petals.

Little Larkspur Facts

- Little Larkspur[1] is highly poisonous to cattle and bison. The Goisiute considered the plant[2] poisonous. According to a study[3], larkspur poisoning in cattle is a serious problem.
- Delphinium bicolor and Delphinium glareosum are closely related. However, D. bicolor differs because of the wider-lobed cauline leaves, petal clefts that are shallower, and narrower fruits.
- The Little Larkspur plants can absorb toxic substances[4], like herbicides, pesticides, and pollutants.
- The word Delphinium is from the Greek word “Delphos” which means dolphin. This description refers to the bud’s shape.
- The plant is called Larkspur because the flowers have a distinctive spur at the back.

Suggested Reading: Flower Varieties | July Birth Flowers
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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 02). Little Larkspur. Bio Explorer. "Little Larkspur" Bio Explorer, 02 February 2025, "Little Larkspur" Bio Explorer, February 02 2025.