The Lady’s Slipper (Cypripedium species) is a perennial wildflower of the Orchidaceae (orchid) family indigenous to North America.
Presently, 52 species[1] are recognized in the Cypripedium genus. Lady’s Slippers are available in three different color arrangements: yellow, pink and white, and the rare plain white.
The plant has two green leaves that start from the center of the plant and a single flower stem that protrudes from the center.
The Lady’s Slipper is also known as moccasin flower, queen’s Lady’s slipper, and showy Lady’s slipper.
The plant has an opposite leaf arrangement and typically grows to about 2 feet tall. The flowering period of Lady’s Slippers is in the spring, from April through June.
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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 02). Lady’s Slipper. Bio Explorer. "Lady’s Slipper" Bio Explorer, 02 February 2025, "Lady’s Slipper" Bio Explorer, February 02 2025.