Plantae | Liliales | Melanthiaceae | Paris | Paris japonica |
- Plant Type: Perennial, deciduous.
- Common Names: Kinugasaso, a Japanese canopy plant.
- Color: White
- Flower Dimensions: 0.98 inches to 1.38 inches.
- Flowering Season: Late Spring/Early Summer (May-August).
- Places in Japan with Kinugasasou: Woodlands of Northern Japan.
Paris japonica is a slow-growing perennial plant native to Japan with a height of 6-12 inches.
- Japanese Canopy plants have white and showy flowers in a pedicelWhat is pedicel?The stalk of an indidivual flower in an inflorescence or the stalk of a grass spikelet.. The flowers are star-shaped with 10 tepals.
- The arrangement of the leaves is a pseudowhorl that forms an umbrella-like canopy over the Japanese emperors in Ancient times.
- Paris japonica thrives well in well-drained woodland or soil rich in humus. This species can be grown as ornamental.
Interesting Facts of Japanese Canopy Plant
- The Japanese name of the plant, Kinigasa-sou, means silk umbrella weed[1]. The common name of the species describes the arrangement of its leaves. The leaves resemble the umbrella-like ceremonial canopies[2] of the Japanese Emperors during ancient times.
- Researchers[3] stated that Paris japonica holds the largest recorded genome and is also at high risk of extinction. Scientists stated that the larger the genome, the more at risk of extinction.
- Paris japonica[4] has 149 billion Nucleotides. It is 50 times the size of the human genome. Moreover, the scientists discovered[5] that the marbled lungfish is often larger than the previous record-holder.
- According to scientists[6], plants with a large genome grow more slowly than other plants because the replication time of the genome is longer. Also, they have difficulty tolerating pollution and extreme climatic conditions.
- The genome of P. japonica was discovered by the scientists at Kew Jodrell Laboratory. According to the scientists, the genome of the P. japonica, when stretched, is taller than the Big Ben.
Suggested Reading: Other Types of Flowers
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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 03). Japanese Canopy. Bio Explorer. "Japanese Canopy" Bio Explorer, 03 February 2025, "Japanese Canopy" Bio Explorer, February 03 2025.