Jack-in-the-Pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum) is a charming wildflower native to mid-western and eastern North America but easily grown in shady gardens elsewhere.
It derives its common name from its strange flower: a pocket-shaped pulpit (“spathe“) with a protruding hood that surrounds a central finger-shaped spadix (“jack“). Jack-in-the-Pulpit is also known as Indian turnip or bog onion.
It is a perennial plant from the arum family, and there are 170 to 200 species[1] in the Arisaema genus. This plant grows 1-3 feet tall and has 1-2 large, shiny leaves, each divided into 3 leaflets.
Its large, striped, and hooded flower blooms in spring on a separate stem level with the leaves. The flower comes in purple, greenish –white, and green shades. Its bloom forms a club-shaped cluster of scarlet or red berries in autumn.