Fountain Grass

Like many herbs, Fountain Grass (Pennisetum setaceum) looks spectacular when lit by the setting or rising sun.

Fountain Grass Flowers

Fountain Grass is a delicate perennial native to the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Africa. As currently expected, Pennisetum is a genus of 80-140 species[1].

Pink Fountain Grass Flowers

However, fountain grass also sends out beautiful, fluffy bloom plumes in late summer. The red, pink, or white plumes (depending on the variety) continue into autumn and give the plantings a casual and relaxed look.

Pink Fountain Grass

It’s a bushy, fast-growing grass that produces narrow, linear, arching green leaves up to 3 feet in height and flower spikes that rise up to 4 feet above the foliage in late summer.

Pennisetum Setaceum

Suggested Reading: Other Flowering Plants

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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 03). Fountain Grass. Bio Explorer. "Fountain Grass" Bio Explorer, 03 February 2025, "Fountain Grass" Bio Explorer, February 03 2025.
Key References
  • [1]“Ornamental Grasses and Grass-like Plants | Home & Garden Information Center”. Accessed November 09, 2021. Link.


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