Erodium cicutarium, commonly known as filaree, pinweed, common stork’s-bill, redstem stork’s bill, or redstem filaree, is an annual herb – or biennial in warm climates.
Filaree is a member of the Geraniaceae family. The genus Erodium includes around 60 species[1] native to Australia, North Africa, and the Middle East.
It’s a sticky and hairy annual flowering plant. The stems have bright pink flowers that often have dark spots on the underside. The blooms are arranged in a loose raceme and have 5 styles and 10 filaments, 5 of which are fertile.
The leaves are pinnate with hairy stems. The long, cranesbill-shaped pod opens into a spiral when ripe, sending the seeds (with long tails called ridges) into the air.
Suggested Reading: Different Types of Flowers Images
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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 03). Filaree. Bio Explorer. "Filaree" Bio Explorer, 03 February 2025, "Filaree" Bio Explorer, February 03 2025.