Plantae | Ericales | Polemoniaceae | Phlox | Phlox drummondii |
- Plant Type: Erect annual, herbaceous.
- Common Names: Drummond’s Phlox, Annual Phlox, Texas Pride, Texas Belle.
- Colors: White, cream, pink lilacs, red, Rose, purple, almost black.
- Flower Dimensions: 1 inch in diameter.
- Flowering Season: Spring and summer.
Phlox drummondii is a showy annual flowering plant under Ericales. The Drummond’s Phlox can grow to 6-12 inches.
- The Phlox drummondii plant is much-branched. The stem holds the tight clusters of flowers at its end.
- The leaves of Drummond’s Phlox are soft, hairy, and sticky. They are simple, entire, and opposite/subopposite.
- The flowers of Drummond’s Phlox are trumpet-shaped and are in terminal clusters. The color ranges from white, pink, red, peach, or lavender.
- The flowers of Drummond’s Phlox are fragrant. They are five-lobed.
- Phlox drummondii can thrive in full sun or part shade. However, this species prefers sandy and fertile soil.
Where can Drummond's Phlox be mostly spotted?
South America
Interesting Facts about Drummond’s Phlox
- The ‘Drummonds Phlox[1] is considered one of Texas’ most beautiful wildflowers. In addition, it has been valued as an “exotic” cultivated garden flower in Europe for nearly 150 years.
- The genus name is “Phlox“[2] which means “flame“. The species name of this plant is taken from the name of Thomas Drummond, a naturalist born in Scotland who sent seeds from Texas to England in 1835.
- The pure-white flowered variety of P. drummondii[3] produced Colchitetraploids. As a result, the flowers produced were bigger, and the ornamental value of the species was increased because the longevity was increased by 5 days in colchiploids.
- Flowers of P. drummondii showed phytochemical, antioxidant, and antimicrobial activities. In addition, research[4] showed the efficacy of P. drummondii against tested bacteria and fungi.
- P. drummondii[5] can accumulate and absorb copper in the roots and prevent the translocation of the copper to other photosynthetic tissue. This enables the plant to tolerate copper toxicity.
Suggested Reading: Flowering Plants
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APA7MLA8Chicago (2024, December 21). Drummond’s Phlox. Bio Explorer. "Drummond’s Phlox" Bio Explorer, 21 December 2024, "Drummond’s Phlox" Bio Explorer, December 21 2024.