Dittany of Crete has long been a relatively unknown herbaceous plant. But ever since Joanne K. Rowling’s Harry Potter Magical Apprentice mentioned Dittany as a magical herb, the medicinal herb and spice have been in the public spotlight.
The Dittany of Crete (Origanum dictamnus) is also known as Dittany, wintersweet, hop marjoram, Crete Dittany, Eronda, Diktamo, and Dictamnus creticus. The plant belongs to the mint family. The plant is closely related to the genus Origanum. This genus consists of over 40 species[1], including marjoram and oregano.
Dittany of Crete is a creeping perennial that measures between (10 and 16 inches) 25 and 40 cm in height. The scent is spicy, slightly peppery, and balsamic. The leaves are round, like young foliage, reddish then greenish-blue, shiny silvery.
However, the leaves appear to be dusted with a thin layer of ice. In fact, there are fine, dense, and felted hairs on the surface of the leaves. Dittany of Crete produces purple to pink flowers during the flowering period.