- Plant Type: Perennial shrub.
- Common Names: Desert Snowberry, Fragrant Snowberry, Long-Flower Snowberry.
- Color: Red, pink
- Flower Dimensions: 0.6 inches in length.
- Flowering Seasons/Months: Spring and summer.
- Desert with Desert Snowberry: Chihuahuan.

Desert Snowberry Flower Characteristics

Symphoricarpus longiflora is an erect shrub of the Dipsacales family. It is often found in dry habitats.
- The branches of the Desert Snowberry are lined with tiny spines. The bark of the Desert Snowberry is reddish.
- The leaves of the Symphoricarpos longiflora are thick and fuzzy. They are lance-shaped with rounded tips. The leaves of the Desert Snowberry are not more than 0.8 inches in length.
- The flowers of the Desert Snowberry are fragrant and tubular. These flowers appear singly or in pairs along the leaf axils. Their inflorescence is a raceme. Each flower is made up of 5 pointed lobes.
- Both the flowers and the berries of the Desert Snowberry are attractive.

Desert Snowberry Facts
- Symphoricarpos longiflora[1] is the only species of the Caprifoliaceae family represented at the Arches National Park.
- The genus name “Symchoricarpos“has a Greek origin, “symphorein” and “karpos. ” This means “borne together” and “fruit” respectively. This refers to the berries of the plant, which are closely clustered.
- The species name of the Desert Snowberry is “longiflorus, ” which means “long flower. “.
- The Symphoricarpos plants[2] are chiefly grown for their attractive white or pinky-white fruits rather than the flowers.
- The Paiute used the Desert Snowberry plant to treat stomach pains and indigestion.[3].

Suggested Reading: List of Flower Names
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BioExplorer.net. (2025, February 03). Desert Snowberry. Bio Explorer. https://www.bioexplorer.net/plants/flowers/desert-snowberry/.
BioExplorer.net. "Desert Snowberry" Bio Explorer, 03 February 2025, https://www.bioexplorer.net/plants/flowers/desert-snowberry/.
BioExplorer.net. "Desert Snowberry" Bio Explorer, February 03 2025. https://www.bioexplorer.net/plants/flowers/desert-snowberry/.