Common Peony

Kingdom Order Family Genus Species
Plantae Saxifragales Paeoniaceae Paeonia Paeonia officinalis
  • Plant Type: Perennial herb.
  • Common Names: Common Peony, Garden Peony.
  • Colors: Deep pink, crimson red.
  • Flower Dimensions: 4-5 inches in diameter.
  • Flowering Season: Late spring.

Common Peony

Paeonia officinalis is a perennial herb native to the mountainous regions of Southern Europe. The Common Peony plants belong to the order Saxifragales and the family Paeoniaceae.

Common Peony

  • Common Peonies can grow to a height of 24-28 inches in height and width.
  • The compound leaves of the Paeonia officinalis are divided into 9 leaflets. The leaves of the Common Peonies are alternate. That is, there is one leaf per node along the stem.
  • The flowers of the P. officinalis are radially symmetrical. Therefore, the sepals and the petals of the Common peonies are not fused.
  • The flowers of the Common Peonies are bowl-shaped. The colors of the flowers are deep-pink or deep red. The Common Peony flowers are showy and fragrant.
  • The common peony flowers have dry fruit. The fruit splits open when ripe.
Where can Common Peony be mostly spotted?
Flower WatchingEurope

Interesting Facts about Common Peony

Garden Peony

  • The genus Paeonia comes from the Greek name Paeon. Paeon is a god’s physician and known discoverer of the medicinal properties of the plants that belong to this genus. The specific name officinalis[1] means “sold in shops“. This refers to the plants that have supposed properties for medicine.
  • For over 2000 years, the roots of the Paeonia officinalis[2] have been used medicinally to treat epilepsy and to promote menstruation.
  • The scientists[3] isolate strong antioxidants from the roots and leaves of P. officinalis. Researchers stated that P. officinalis manifests promising phytochemicals worthy of exploring further for its antidiabetic and antioxidant properties.
  • The peonies[4] are commonly given on special occasions because the peony flower signifies love, honor, happiness, wealth, romance, and beauty. The deep red Peony can be a gift to a spouse or a crush because it symbolizes love and passion.
  • Scientists[5] discovered that the aqueous extract of P. officinalis showed antihepatotoxic potential. The researchers further stated that the extract is safe. In addition, the groups of rats treated with the extract revealed regeneration of the livers during histopathology.

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APA7MLA8Chicago (2024, December 21). Common Peony. Bio Explorer. "Common Peony" Bio Explorer, 21 December 2024, "Common Peony" Bio Explorer, December 21 2024.
Key References
  • [1]“Paeonia officinalis – Plant Finder”. Accessed April 17, 2023. Link.
  • [2]“Medicinal uses and phytoconstituents of Paeonia officinalis”. Accessed April 17, 2023. Link.
  • [3]“Antioxidants | Free Full-Text | Isolation of Strong Antioxidants from Paeonia Officinalis Roots and Leaves and Evaluation of Their Bioactivities”. Accessed April 17, 2023. Link.
  • [4]“The Meaning of Peony Flower Colors”. Accessed April 17, 2023. Link.
  • [5]“Preliminary phytochemical, acute oral toxicity and antihepatotoxic study of roots of Paeonia officinalis Linn. – ScienceDirect”. Accessed April 17, 2023. Link.


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