Chives Flower

Chives are a small perennial plant from the Amaryllidaceae family and are related to the onion. Chives are cultivated as ornamental plants because of their attractive flowers and as a herb because of their flavorful leaves.

Purple Chives Flower

The genus Allium has over 300 species[1]. Many sources show that chives come from the Mediterranean or the Alps. However, numerous botanical studies suggest that Siberia is the original homeland. Today, chives are found in countries with temperate climates.

Bee On Chives Flower

Chives are drought-tolerant perennials that grow to be around 10 to 12 inches in height. They grow in clusters from underground onions and produce hollow and round leaves much thinner than onions.

Chives Flower Plants

In midsummer, they tend to produce pink and round flowers that are like clover. The leaves usually emerge from the white onion and are gray to greenish in color. Chives typically form red to purple (rarely white) flowers grouped together in a bud shape.

Chives Flowers

Suggested Reading: Explore 8 classifications of flowers.

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APA7MLA8Chicago (2024, December 21). Chives. Bio Explorer. "Chives" Bio Explorer, 21 December 2024, "Chives" Bio Explorer, December 21 2024.
Key References
  • [1]“Chives |Herb Gardening | U of I Extension”. Accessed October 28, 2021. Link.


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