Plantae | Saxifragales | Paeoniaceae | Paeonia | Paeonia lactiflora |
- Plant Type: Perennial herb.
- Common Names: Chinese Peony, Chinese Herbaceous Peony, Common Garden Peony.
- Color: White, pink, crimson.
- Flower Dimensions: 3-6 inches in diameter.
- Flowering Season: Late spring.
Paeonia lactiflora is a flowering plant that can grow 20-28 inches tall. The Chinese Peony is a perennial herb of the family Paeoniaceae.
- The leaves of the Chinese Peonies are attractive, glossy, and elliptical. They are green and turn orange during fall.
- The Chinese Peony flowers are large, showy, fragrant, and round. The flowers are cup or bowl-shaped. The petals are white, pink, or crimson.
- The flowers of the Chinese Peony are solitary and have 7-20 petals per ray.
- The fruit of the Chinese Peony is a follicle that splits during maturity.
- All parts of the plant, when eaten, can cause stomach discomfort. In addition, Chinese Peony is toxic to dogs, cats, and horses.
Where can Chinese Peony be mostly spotted?
Interesting Facts about Chinese Peony:
- The Chinese Peony[1] is considered a women’s herb and is mostly used as a tonic by Chinese women. In Chinese herbal medicine, P. lactiflora[2] treats hormonal conditions in men and women. The Chinese Peony is also used to treat PCOS, premenstrual syndrome, cramps, and epilepsy.
- Paeonia lactiflora is called “Bai Shao Yao” and has many medicinal uses. In addition, research[3] showed that the Chinese Peony is an effective anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory.
- The Chinese name of the Paeonia lactiflora is “sho yu” meaning “most beautiful“. The roots of the P. lactiflora[4] are a vital Chinese medicine, Shaoyao. For more than 1000 years, Shaoyao has been used to treat diseases.
- Peony is named after Paeon, the Greek god of medicine and healing. It was said that he cured Pluto and other injured Greek gods during the Trojan War.
- A study[5] showed that Paeonia lactiflora root extract and paeoniflorin have the potential for skin-depigmenting. Therefore, the root extracts of P. lactiflora with paeoniflorin are promising in cosmetic or dermatological applications.
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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, January 02). Chinese Peony. Bio Explorer. "Chinese Peony" Bio Explorer, 02 January 2025, "Chinese Peony" Bio Explorer, January 02 2025.