Plantae | Caryophyllales | Polygonaceae | Rumex | Rumex hymenosepalus |
- Plant Type: Perennial herb.
- Common names: Canaigre Dock, Canaigre, Ganagra, Wild Rhubarb, Arizona Dock, Tanner’s Dock, Canyon Rockweed.
- Color: Small greenish flowers that change to red at maturity.
- Flower Dimensions: About half an inch long.
- Flowering Seasons/ Months: Spring (May to July).
- Deserts with Canaigre Dock: North American Deserts.

Canaigre Dock Flower Characteristics
Rumex hymenosepalus is a perennial flowering plant belonging to the order Caryophyllales.
- The stems of the Canaigre Dock are usually erect and branched above the middle. It measures 25-90 cm in length. The stems are reddish.
- Canaigre Dock plants have leaves that are elliptic, thick, and whitish or silvery-white. They are membranous, obovate-lanceolate. Their margins are entire. The leaves measure 5-30 by 1-12 cm.
- The inflorescence of the Canaigre Dock is made up of elongated clusters of many small flowers in a reddish pink. The flowers have 0 petals and 6 petaloid or sepaloid sepals.
- The Canaigre Dock plants are hermaphroditesWhat is hermaphrodites?Having both male and female reproductive organs. and are wind-pollinated.

Canaigre Dock Facts

- The roots of the Canaigre Dock plants are used topically for their astringency[1] capacity. It is also applied to lessen skin irritation and redness caused by burns, rashes, and scrapes.
- The genus name “Rumex ” means docks and sorrel plants. The species name “hymenosepalus[2] “ means membranous sepals.
- The dried roots of the Rumex hymenosepalus contain 35-60 percent tannin[3]. The cultivated roots have less tannin than the wild roots.
- Scientists were able to synthesize silver nanoparticles using the extract of Rumex hymenosepalus. The research conducted[4] showed these showed inhibitory effects over broad-spectrum microbicidal agents.
- The anti-tumor compounds, leucodelphinidin and leucopelargonidin have been reported isolated from the Rumex hymenosepalus[5] . .

Suggested Reading: Types of Flowers and Their Names
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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 03). Canaigre Dock. Bio Explorer. "Canaigre Dock" Bio Explorer, 03 February 2025, "Canaigre Dock" Bio Explorer, February 03 2025.